
A Whimsical Day

Alice, Snow White, Suimin, and I sat in a diner, having breakfast and chatting with each other. They were telling me about the memories they had together while being in this world together. I listened to them and enjoyed their memories.

"Oh yeah, I remember that! Alice had got stuck in a trap and I had to save her. She was dangling upside down yelling out for help! It was the funniest thing!" Snow White laughed.

Alice blushed and leaned over the table, covering Snow White's mouth then scowled. "Th-That's literally not true! I didn't get stuck dangling upside down!"

I chuckled softly and looked at Alice. "For such a defensive reaction, it would seem that Snow White is telling the truth. Besides I don't find it farfetched that you were hanging upside down, that's what happens when you fall head first down a rabbit hole."

"Don't agree with her!" Alice whined and blushed more.

Suimin giggled softly and held Briar in her arms. "It sounds like an Alice thing to do. I also found her upside down when we first met, but she was being dangled by Briar here when she was just a wild Automaton."

"Oh? Your armor wasn't with you when you first came here?" I asked.

Suimin shook her head. "No...Briar wasn't even named Briar. That's my actual name. Briar Rose as you know...but I was killed in a game and reborn. To hide my identity I took on a different appearance and name, but my title remained the same. Because of that people suspected me of being the Joker of Hearts."

"What about Kaguya? Where is she?" I asked.

"She only appears during the Full Blue Moon that happens here in Wonderland. The Full Blue Moon only happens once every 100 Years. She's by far the oldest out of all of us, yet her eternal youth is what keeps her so beautiful." Alice explained and sat down in her seat.

"If she's one of the Aces...doesn't that mean she's in Wonderland?" I asked.

"No because the only time she appears is on the Full Blue Moon. I've seen her though and she agreed to help protect the Heart Region as an Ace. That was 100 years ago." Alice explained.

"But you're not 100?" I asked.

"I don't age. None of us age. You're sent here at a certain age and once you're here in Wonderland, you don't ever age but you're not immortal. You see the Goddess of Wonderland adores eternal youth...taken she used to be an Old Witch...she was envious of our beauty and when she took control of Wonderland, she made Eternal Youth a Divine Law." Alice explained.

"When is the next Full Blue Moon?" I asked.

"In four days. There's a trick we can use called Future Jumping to skip to that specific day, but the amount of Life Force used will be doubled. Since the Full Blue Moon is in four days it will cost 800 Life Force to skip. Are you willing to spend that much?" Alice asked.

"What else do I have to lose? I mean I have enough Life Force to spare 800 for." I said.

"You really want to take this risk?" Snow White asked in awe.

"Why not? I'm all about risk taking. You don't become a successful business man like me without taking a few risks." I said.

"This guy is a menace..." Suimin said.

Alice stared at me and sighed softly then smiled. "Alright. Allow me to explain how this works. All four of us need to be asleep in a location called the Clocktopia. Wonderland is full of Clocktopia locations, there's one in Whimsical City nearby. All we do is set the clock to four days in the future and sleep. Each day costs 100 as normal, but to jump to the future, it costs 100 per day jumped."

"Alright." I nodded.

"And he still wants to go through with it?! Man this guy's hardcore isn't he?" Snow White asked and smiled.

"I am. Risks is what makes me who I am. Nothing excited me more than making bold moves, but I'm not that dumb to make dumb bold moves. I see this risk as an absolute win because not only are we acquiring the fourth Ace of Hearts, but we will have a full team." I said.

"I can see the vision he's looking at..." Suimin said and nodded.

"Me too." Alice said in agreement. "Alright that settles it, let's head to Clocktopia."


"Beneficial or Reckless..."

"Only true masterminds...will take a risk like this..."

The four of us got up and I paid for the breakfast in which the four were thankful for. Alice began to lead us out of the diner and toward Clocktopia. As we traversed there, we talked a bit more... Something about being with these women put a smile on my face.

We made it to Clocktopia and Alice led us into a room. She spent 400 Life Force to pay for a room with four beds. She led us toward the room and we walked inside.

I looked around and crossed my arms. "No windows...just a blank room with four clocks."

"It's so we won't be distracted. With nothing to distract us, jumping to the future is easy." Alice explained.

I nodded and walked toward a clock and set the clock four days to the future and grunted as 400 Life Force was taken from my body. After setting the time, I walked toward a bed and laid down.

The others laid down as well after setting their clocks. We all closed our sleep and a mist began to spray from the ceiling, causing us to fall asleep.




[Life Force -400]

[Life Force: 11,100]

I woke up and sat up then looked around. I checked my phone and noticed we were four days in the future. It worked...This world was really wondrous...strange even.

Alice and Snow White woke up as well and got out of bed. Suimin was still asleep.

"Briar." Alice said.

No response.

Snow White looked at me then looked at Suimin.

"Not happening." I said and walked off then Alice grabbed my arm. I sighed in annoyance. "I'm not a Prince Charming, nor can I give her this True Love's Kiss. I don't believe in that bullshit."

"It's not Lust. She just needs to wake up. If she sleeps for too long, she never wakes up and a man needs to kiss her for her to wake up. That's her curse." Alice explained.

I looked at Alice then swallowed my Indomitable Pride once again then walked toward Suimin. I looked at her and leaned down. I gently kissed her lips then pulled away.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it..~" Suimin giggled softly and opened her eyes.

"You...you tricked me..!" I barked and blushed.

"I was just seeing if you'd be man enough to actually go through with such a bullshit story like that..~ You pass and your manhood is saved..." Suimin said and got out of bed.

I grumbled and walked off. "Let's just go before the rest of you get any slick ideas."

Snow White giggled softly and followed me. "Don't be so salty, Leo! It was just a test!"

Suimin hurried behind and smiled. "Yeah..! I can wake myself up! I don't need a prince..!"

Alice watched them and placed her hand where her heart lied. She couldn't deny the feeling of jealousy when I kissed Suimin. She suppressed her jealousy and followed us with a smile.


We walked outside and I looked at the sky. "Dammit it's only the afternoon. This city has nothing to do other than Whimsical and Playful shit."

"C'mon you'd rather be in life endangering situations all the time?" Snow White asked and looked at me.

"Yes. At least when I'm in danger, I'm getting Life Force which allows me to keep living and something to do. Fuck it, I'm going back to the bar." I said and started to walk off.

"Nuh uh! You're coming with us Prince!" Snow White said and grabbed my arm.

"I'd rather not hang around Princesses all day frolicking around the plaza." I said and looked at Snow White.

"I'm not even a Princess." Alice laughed. "I'm a Ruler."

"Ex-Ruler." I said.

"I'm still a Ruler!" Alice said and stomped her foot down in protest to my statement.

"C'mon, what do you have to lose just hanging out with us?" Snow White asked, still holding my arm.

"My Life Force." I said.

"But drinking your life away isn't losing it?" Snow White asked and rose an eyebrow, sounding critical.

"Hey, a rich man like me who barely has life inside and out does nothing but smoke and drink his life away without concern. The only thing keeping me alive are these stupid challenges. Besides why do you care so much?" I asked.

"We're a team now! We've gotten this far together already, why stop now?" Snow White said and smiled at me, pulling me with her. "Come on! Let's go to the Amusement Park! We're gonna make you have fun!"

"You don't need them..."

Alice and Suimin followed us and smiled.

"Strength in numbers mean nothing.."

"There's one ride I love called Speed Dusters and it goes really fast! I hope your stomach can handle rush speeds outside of battle!" Alice giggled.

"It's always lonely at the top..."

"You should also try the food there...~ I love eating the food and sleeping at the rest area afterwards..~" Suimin said and smiled.

"This time you're not sleeping or eating until after you get on at least three rides with us!" Snow White said and giggled.

"One asset is all you need..."

The voices whispered these words in my head, yet the entire time I've been here...I've been doing the opposite of what the voices tell me. I truly do need Alice and the others. I can't escape on my own, I can't survive on my own...in this world I can't really live on my own.

As the four of us made it to the Amusement Park, I could feel some joy reawaken within me. A form of happiness that I had locked away because of my past life. I allowed them to drag me around the Amusement Park and got on various rides with them.

"To stay sane..."

"To stay full of life..."

"Bring back and regulate your suppressed emotions..."

I could feel my spirit within rumbling. I was...having actual fun. I felt happiness that I suppressed long ago. A feeling of joy that I never thought I could experience again and because of that...

"That was fun!~" Snow White giggled and stretched.

"It was...it feels so nice to finally just relax and have fun after the constant torture we endure every day. That's why I love Whimsical City...~" Alice said and smiled as she looked around.

"I only wanted the food..." Suimin said as she ate her funnel cake.

Snow White looked at me and walked backwards. "Our world may be mad, but we're all a little mad in our own ways. We're all out of place, but to survive in this world is to embrace your uniqueness..~ Be yourself and don't hide it!"

I looked at Snow White and smiled then chuckled softly. I laughed a bit and shook my head. Alice, Snow White, and Suimin looked at me a bit surprised. For the first time in forever, I genuinely laughed and smiled.

"You're right...I should just embrace that for now this is my life. This is a mad world, a world that is beyond strange, beyond explanation...however, I don't think of you all of mad. Just unique.." I said and placed my hands in my pockets.

"I feel like this is a covered up insult." Suimin said.

"It's not, I promise...I am just, I guess a bit glad that you all forced me against my will to come here and just relax and have fun. It's been so long since I ever experienced actual joy...actual happiness." I said and stopped walking.

The other three stopped walking as well and looked at me.

"Ever since my coming up...I have suppressed all forms of happiness and joy because of my position. I didn't know how to have fun anymore for some time now. Now I know what fun, joy, and happiness are again. I know my Youth again.." I said and looked at the three.

Alice smiled at me and held her hands together. "I'm glad we could help you release your suppressed emotions again... honestly it was getting sad to know you couldn't smile, but now look at you...smiling!~"

"Well isn't that fancy...You have a new trickster with you.." A voice said then Alice noticed all the people in the Amusement Park disappeared.

Alice immediately recognized the voice and her eyes widened. She looked up and noticed a large purple cat with a creepy grin looking at us.

"Where are you going to go..?"

"No running..."

"It's pointless to run..."

"You have no destination.."

[Alice's Sanity Decrease by 19%]

"Alice!" Snow White called out.

Alice had broke out of her trance and noticed the people were still around. She was sweating slightly.

I looked at Alice concerned. "Alice, are you okay?"

[Alice's Sanity returned to normal.]

'Cheshur...He's nearby...The Goddess is planning to attack us..?' Alice thought to herself.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine...I just had a slight heat flash.." Alice said.

"It is pretty hot out here and those rides are tiring and makes our adrenaline burst through the ceiling. Let's go sit down for a bit." I said.

"We are all...a little mad in this world..."
