


After talking with Kitanna, Nix left the kitchen to take a look at the murder weapon before it would be discarded. His shoes made sharp noise as he walked to the place where Lady Aggie was being wrapped. Some maids were called to wrap her up and clean the blood before she would be buried. They turned to bow when they noticed the presence of the guard.

"Leave; I'll take it up from here," Nix said, his eyes not leaving the body.

The servants bowed at the instruction and exited the place. Nix checked for the cheese knife, and he found it already wrapped with a white cloth. He picked it up and checked for the inscription Kitanna spoke about.

It was boldly but freshly written on the knife handle, 'he who wills to join can only leave by death.' Nix narrowed his eyes; he wrapped the knife and placed it in his pocket before stepping out of the room.

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