
Chapter 29: A Heart Full of Little Ren's Intentions

Ming Zhu arrived at the ox cart and naturally refused to ride by herself while making Old Granny Zhang walk to the market. What kind of person would that make her?

She simply insisted that she was young and urged Old Granny Zhang to take the ride while she would walk.

Old Granny Zhang, reluctant to accept, began to politely refuse.

No matter what Old Granny Zhang said, Ming Zhu was adamant: either neither of them would ride, or Old Granny Zhang would take the cart.

If Old Granny Zhang didn't ride, neither would she. Even if it meant crawling, she would crawl to town on her own.

Old Granny Zhang was both touched and reluctant and couldn't help but crack a smile. Her daughter must be concerned for her; why else would she insist on her joining her in the cart?

This was her daughter's way of showing filial piety. Old Granny Zhang didn't want to disappoint her precious daughter. What were two large coins anyway? At most, they could sell an egg and do with a bit less salt.

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