
The broken woman and the bad man

Music recommendation : louder than bombs by BTS.

[Author's POV]

Margo put the phone to her ears. 'Hey, you were right. The bitch is sick.'

Lin chuckled on the end of the other line. 'My intuition is always right.'

'So what do you wanna do now?' Margo asked, looking around.

Lin chuckled again. 'We wait. All good things come to those who wait.'

'You've always been right Lin. Why did I ever doubt you?' Margo raked her hand through her hair, paddling to the classroom.

On her way, she bumped into Grace and her phone fell.

'Jeez, are you blind?' She hissed and bent over to pick up the phone.

Grace scoffer. 'Why don't you walk where you're going, heifer?'

'Heifer? Don't screw with me. You obviously walked into me. Are you fucking blind?' Margo crossed her arm over her chest. Her brows were frowned and her lips were set and stern.

'I can't have this conversation with you.' Grace walker past her only to have her arm yanked in a tight grip.

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