
Charlotte's new neighbours

Theme song : Our song by Anne Marie ft Niall Holan

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'Mother, I'm fine.' I protest on our way to the hospital.

'No. You're not fine. Your brother found you slumped by the alley. It's your heart again, isn't it?' Mum had a worried look in her eyes.

I heaved a sigh and let her take my hand. Mummy's little girl.

She notice the black facemask and ask. I knew she would be tempted to. I hardly wear anything black.

'Is that yours?' The question finally came.

Then my mind flashed back to shoplifter's kiss and I blush.

Mum takes the mask off and cup my cheeks with both her hands. "Oh you're burning up. Quick. To the doctor's." she quickened her pace and I'm almost running with her.

'Woman ! I'm not sick. I got kissed by a man.' I wanted to scream at her but you know how people love to stare. I'd look like a fool. A big one.

We got to the doctor's office and there's this clean shaved, ash-blonde haired man with eyes covered in glasses. What's with hot men in this city? Hmm, I came to the right place if you ask me. This city is right for me.

The tests were done and it was time for us - me to leave. Mum was still chatting away with the doctor. I wait for her in the lobby till she came out. Finally, she's being released from adult discussion jail. Why do adults talk a lot?

The drive home was not quiet. Mum made me talk.

'So you got the jacket you've always wanted?' she asked.

'Yeah.' I said quietly.

There was a thrill in her voice and I'm not sure why. 'Can you believe you got accepted into Alan Institute?'

'School is just another name for prison with 8 hours jail time.' I announce unpleasantly.

Mum laughs. 'I know school isn't fun but you can make the most of it. Making friends come first and through them, you'll experience the fun side of school.'

'I hope you're right.' I say looking out the window.

'I'm always right.' she replies with a chuckle.

We arrived home and I got the shock of my life. My brother hugged me.

'Jesus, easy there.' I pats his hair. He's still cute.

'I missed ya there, sis. I thought you were gone.' he pulls away.

'I'm still here and I'm not going away.' I smile at him. Suddenly, he reverts to his original self. 'By the way, I saw an awesome jacket in one of your bags. It looked good on me when I put it on so I claimed it.'

'You what?' My left eye began to twitch.

Johnny rushed upstairs and I rushed upstairs with him.

'Queen, don't run too much.' Dad called behind me.

(Author's POV)

John turns to his wife. "What did the doctor say?"

'She's healthy. There are no casualties.' Mum replied.

John exhaled a sigh of relief. 'Thank God. For a second there, I was scared.'

'She's going to be fine.' Mum pulls him into her embrace.

[Back to Charlotte's POV]

'Skip the niceties and just give me the tea already.' Sophia was becoming impatient.

'I'm the one telling the story. Be still.' I say to her.

'Pretty please with cherry on top?' Sophia's pleading voice got to a high pitch this time. Was she trying to scream in my ears?

I began my narration. 'I met him at the retail store earlier today and he was shoplifting.'

'Bad boy. Me likey.' Sophia interposed with a chuckled.

I went on. 'I called the coppers on him and when they searched him, they found nothing.'

'That's creepy. So the things he took just vanished?' Sophia marveled like I did. Who wouldn't?

The story telling carried on. 'I left the store embarrassed after I was told to apologize to him.'

Sophia fumed. 'Apologize to a thief? That's so unfair. I bet that sneaky cop didn't search him well.'

'My thought exactly but who cares.' I give a careless shrug and lie on my bed with my iPad in hand.

'Then what?' Sophia probed.

I exhaled sharply. This was it. The moment of truth. 'I went outside the mall with my things to look for him but I couldn't find him. So I decided to head home when suddenly someone grabs me...

'And that person is him?' Sophia raised an eye brow. You can see the mischief in her eyes through the screen.

I nod shyly.

'Damn.' Sophia begins to dance on her bed.

'It's not something to get excited about.' I shushed her.

Sophia shook her head. 'It most definently is. How did he look? Black get up?'

'Yeah.' I replied.

'Oh this is one of my mafia novels coming to life. But with you as the female lead and me as supporting character.' Sophia pouts and sits on her pink bed.

I laugh. 'Silly.'

'Go on.' Sophia run her hand through her hair.

'Well...' I settle the iPad on my headboard. 'He made me promise not to tell on him.'

'And?' Sophia moved closer to the camera and I'm nearly startled.

'Soph, don't come too close.' I tell her.

'I'm sorry. Is this bothering you? My ears are listening so spill.' she raised her eyebrows at me. 'And how did you guys make the promise?'

I put on shoplifter's facemask.

'You both exchanged masks? That's it?' Sophia said out of disgust.

'He kissed me with the mask on. That's the pinky promise !' I can't believe I yelled.

Sophia began to rant. 'Colour me shocked. This is good for gossip. That's a step forward. Even though it sounds weird. Charlotte Melbourne has finally been kissed. Wait, it doesn't count as kissing. Both your lips didn't touch. Dang it. Shoplifter played you. Dirty mafia.'

I take off the face mask. 'I'm glad it's all over and I pray I won't see him again.'

'New York is a big city. You won't.'' Sophia stands up to get something from her drawer. Walking back to her bed, she reveals a black nail polish. 'Want to paint?'

'Nah. The smell is harsh.' I say.

'So? Knock out the window or something.' she replied nonchalantly. 'If you can't handle the smell, let me know, okay? You're all I've got.'

'I love you.' I took my kit from it's secret spot. Yeah, I found one in this room.

'I love you more.' Sophia began painting her fingers first.

'How do I start? I haven't done it before.' I admit. I'm that average. I still wonder how Sophia hung out with me in school.

'Get the weasel to help.' she said. The weasel being Johnny.

A few minutes later, Johnny is playing nice. He even offered me a glass of juice. Something fishy is going on here. Like Chris Brown said "It's freaky Friday" Stop making music references, Charlotte.

'I'm done.' Johnny gently put my left hand down. 'If you need anything, I'm one call away.'

I watch him leave. This is so weird.

'It's driving me nuts. How did that devil get so nice over noon?' Sophia laughs.

With my hands to my nose, I reply. 'No clue. Maybe, Father compensated him for not stealing my jacket.'

'No way.' Sophia laughs.

'We'll figure it out later.' I smile.

'Georgie asked for your number.' Sophia quirks an eyebrow.

'My number?' I'm unsure of what I heard.

'Of course. In the text, he said and I quote "Hey, P. You're close with Charlotte, right? I heard she's in America now and I didn't get to say good bye. You mind giving me her number?" That's it.' Sophia put down her other phone. Was that a new one?

I blew a raspberry. 'That Charlotte could be anybody.'

'Dude. You're the only Charlotte in our class.' Sophia went on full class prefect mode.

I sigh. 'You've got me.'

'So? Should I give it to him?' Sophia asked.

'Sure.' I palmed my face and Sophia laughs.

'My shy little baby.' she laughs as she types away on her other phone. 'Sent. Expect a call or text or whatever from him soon. How does time work there?'

'Its 5 hours difference and it's nearly evening here.' I reply.

Sophia was quiet for a while before she finally broke the silence. 'I miss you, man.'

'I miss you too.' I'm about to cry and she's about to cry.

'Send me a pic of your new uniform on Monday. Look pretty. I hear NYC girls spend their a lot of money on their face.' Sophia laughs at the last part.

I join her. 'I'll try not to look like Shrek.'

With a smile, she gave herself a hug. I did the same too.

'Bye, Alice.' Sophia wipes her eye with a kerchief. I knew she cried. I did.

'I'm not Alice.' I roll my eyes.

'I know. But you're new in NYC - the wonderland.' she winked.

'Oh.' I get it now.

'See ya.' she disconnects the call.

The window let in a strange air and I skipped to the windows. And there they were. Opposite out building. Neighbors moving in.

'Hey, neighbors.' I wanted to yell but that'll be silly.

I believe mom's gonna make cake for them.

I watch the neighbors. They're a family of 5 - the parents, 3 kids - 1 little girl and 2 tall teenage boys. The parents help the kids move in. They all laugh together as they put their stuff inside and I couldn't help but admire them. Was our family ever like this? Sincerely happy?

The ivory skinned girl turns to my window and catch me staring. I plan to look away but she pointed at me and said something.

'You have pretty hair.' I hear the little girl yell.

I smiled at her and waved. 'Thanks. You look pretty too.'

The little girl tugs at the sleeve of the taller brother and he turns to me.

'Jesus Christ.' I hid behind the curtain away. How was Sophia wrong? Shoplifter is my neighbor? Where's my bible?

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