
A Monday to remember

It's my favorite aroma. I can hear the sizzling bacon, the kneading of dough, scent of Samosa wafting in the kitchen air, the tantalizing satisfaction I get from sniffling grinding coffee beans. The kitchen oozes of spicy redolence and they soon fill up my senses as I inhale softly. Once its time to eat, the kitchen chaos becomes a perfect harmony. Oh I love having breakfast with my family every Monday morning. Every Monday morning.

- - - -

Wotcha. It's 7 : 30 AM and breakfast is served.

Breakfast is - - -

'Cereal? Jesus, papa. Are we going broke?' Johnny scoffed at his plate.

'Of course not.' Dad nibbles a toast bread in his mouth as mum knots his tie.

'Mama, are we going broke? because I don't see the need for this destitute breakfast. Both my feelings and stomach are upset.' Johnny begins to gulp the cereal. What a hypocrite. He can sell me out for a pack of gum. So loyal.

'Your father is not broke so I suggest you eat whatever I serve you, young man' Mum smoothens her husband's shirt and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.

'See ya later, chaps.' Dad walks out the door.

'I'll sell your car one day, old man.' Johnny called.

'Johnny !' Mum gasped with her hand to her chest. Classic shock posture.

'What? Its not like Father's getting any younger or anything. I'm the oldest son. I've got rights.' Johnny heads upstairs.

"Come down, young man. You're going to school.' Mum called.

She turned to me. Her sweet daughter.

'Aren't you gonna eat?' she asked.

'Whatever was the aroma for? I was already eating in my sleep.' I frowned. if she's not cooking for us, who is it for then?

'The Willoughby's. They haven't anything to eat. As a member of the church, Tis my duty to help them' Mum pulled up a chair next to me.

'You're still spending money on people who don't show gratitude for your kindness? Great.' I pushed back my seat and bolted upstairs.

As soon as I got to my room, I cursed. 'Shit. I forgot my glass of milk.'

Rushing downstairs to the kitchen, I don't find mum.

'Its on the fridge.' I hear mum say.

Shit. I tried sneaking in but she caught me. Great. I walked briskly to the fridge and stood on my tiptoes to get it. This sure was my first embarrassing moment today.

- - - - -

The drive to school was my second embarrassment. Our car broke down.

'Oh bloody hell.' Mum hit the steering.

"Our car has never done this before. Mom ! 'Johnny panicked from the back seat.

'It's fine. I'll walk.' I unbuckled my seat belt and bounded out of the car with my bag swung on my back.

Johnny called after me. 'Walk? Charlotte, you're gonna walk in the cold? This is London. You'll freeze to death'

'The cold never bothered me anyway.' I replied. Dumb dumb probably won't realize it's from FROZEN till I flag a cab.

'Here, take this for you and your sister. Consider it my apology for breakfast.' Mum squeezed money into Johnny's hands. The worst decision she's ever made.

'Thanks, mum.' Johnny bolted out of the car.

Johnny walks behind me. 'Charlotte, mum gave me money.'

I knew the money was for both of us but this Judas wouldn't share. We got to school then I realized Johnny's trying to take something from my blazer pocket.

'What the hell?.' I hissed at him

'This is why you don't have a boyfriend.' He walked past me.

With a scoff, I retort. 'Oh yeah? I have a boyfriend!'

Shit! That was loud. I hate Johnny. In that single moment, I feel eyes on me. Everyone looked at me as though I've grown an extra head. God must have really remembered me today because Principal Cheese heard me. I still wondered what her parents took the day they named her because who in their right mind name their kid 'cheese'

'In my office, Miss Melbourne.' her stern tone said.

I'm sitting in Cheese's office for the first time since my first year of secondary school. Oh yes. I'm a very good student.

'I never expected to hear such words from you, Charlotte Melbourne.' Cheese began.

Uh-oh, she used my full name.

'It came out wrong. I apologize, mam.' I said humbly enough for her to believe me.

With a sigh and lazy wave of her hand, she dismissed me.

The second I walked out of her office, a pair of arms locked with mine.

'Queen Charlotte' It was Sophia, my best friend.

'Hello, Sophia the first.' I smile.

Sophia is the girl in school that tries so hard to look like Jung Kook of BTS. Yep, and I'm talking about the piercings and tattoos. Our school is christian so you can't bring anything 'unholy' in. Sophia hides the tattoo underneath a white long sleeved shirt and thank God for our blazer. Her parents aren't bothered about it. If it were mine, I'd be living in the convent by now.

'Got anything to eat?' I asked her.

'Let's see.' she fished her pocket and revealed a large chocolate bar. Apart from her intelligence, I'm glad I made friends with Sophia. Her mum works as the manager of a chocolate factory.

Sophia, here, is the awesome version of myself. Students who stare at us call us before and after. Me being the before and Sophia, the after. I still wonder why people say that. We've got the same ivory skin. I guess its because Sophia was more popular in school. From her raven hair till her hazel eyes to her glossy lips, anyone with glasses can tell that she's got good looks to die for. Sometimes, I'm so jealous I wish I could steal her smile. Her tall curvy figure is hidden in our 'pilgrim' uniform. As for me, I'm a washboard within and without.

'Thanks.' I took a quick bite.

'So I heard you've got yourself a boyfriend.' Sophia winked at me.

'That was a mistake. My dumb brother annoyed me into saying that.' I went on.

'But everyone around school keeps saying it.' Sophia unlinks our arms.

I was devastated. No. God, please. Let it not be what I'm thinking.

'Dude, relax. It's not like you're popular.' Sophia smiles.

The reality of those words slapped me hard on my cheek.

'However, you still have your boyfriend.' Sophia laughed. Oh no. She's about to start.

'Don't start, Sophie! Please !' I literally pleaded with her on this one.

'I'm sorry. I won't say it.' Sophia nods.

The moment I turn to my locker, she blurts out.

'Dear King George, how are thou today? I sat with you in lunch today. You didn't respond to any of my questions. I worry this will go on and we will be apart.' Sophia bursts into laughter in her conclusion.

'Jesus, did you read my diary?' I punched the combination to my locker and yanked it open.

'Of course.' Sophia replied nonchalantly. 'I read all of your diaries and all I can say is "sorrows, sorrows, prayers".'

I slammed my locker shut. 'That's not funny.'

'You should just ask him out instead of fantasizing about him in a book. Girl, you've used up 4 diaries for this bloke. Aren't you tired of wasting paper?' Sophia shook her head in dismay. She's disappointed.

I sighed. A deep heavy and sad sigh. 'What would you have me do?'

Sophia smiled. 'I'm glad you asked.'

She pinched my shoulders and turn me to a different direction. Holy cow! It's George. He's coming my way.

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