
Raiden's Choice

Members of the Justice League convened at their space base to discuss numerous global issues and devise solutions. After a brief deliberation, Superman expressed his perspective regarding the situation with the Kid.

"Now, regarding our current situation with the Kid, I believe he has been transparent and truthful with us. He is, after all, just a ten-year-old at heart. Having spent five years in a coma and enduring experimentation can be deeply traumatizing for anyone. We can't keep interrogating him and treating him as a criminal," Superman emphasized.

In support of Superman's viewpoint, Diana, also known as Wonder Woman, added, "I agree. Although I'm frustrated that my lasso didn't work on him, the fact remains that he possesses the power to summon beings like myself. The defective Heracles we encountered was just a glimpse. If he manages to summon the real Heracles, he will be on par with Superman in terms of raw strength. Having an ally like him, raised and trained here, could greatly benefit the league."

Offering her perspective, Black Canary chimed in, "While I agree with not interrogating him further, I disagree with Diana. He is just a child. Training him and exploiting his powers is not the right approach. He hasn't experienced the real world in the last five years, and turning him into a soldier is not the Justice League's mission."

Aquaman interjected, "You say that, but don't we already have a team of children under Batman's supervision? They are all approximately the same age. Furthermore, we can't ignore the potential of his power. As Princess Diana mentioned, one of his heroes could reach Superman's power level. The world has seen many historical heroes with extraordinary powers and perspectives. What if he were to lose control again?"

Superman interjected once more, "Once again, I think you're forgetting that he is a ten-year-old in the body of a fifteen-year-old. I've had my powers since birth, and controlling them as a child was challenging. I endured many hardships because of that. Forcing him into training and then into battle is barbaric. It's not what the league stands for!"

Diana looked at Superman and added, "Clark, you saw him back there. He is not an ordinary ten-year-old or an ordinary fifteen-year-old. He wasn't immature. He knows his place in the world, and so should we. We can't lose him to the other side."

Green Arrow weighed in, "What makes you think he isn't already on the other side? While I hate to admit it, it's been less than a year since my prodigy unwillingly betrayed the League. What makes the Kid different? He could be programmed the same way Roy was, or worse, he could be a villain in disguise."

Martian Manhunter then spoke up, "I'm not entirely sure if he's a villain or not, but I can assure you that programming him the same way is impossible. His mind is much more complicated, making it nearly impossible to control him in any way, shape, or form."

Green Lantern added, "His parents were killed by a thief, and since then, he has been in a coma, followed by torture at the hands of Professor Ivo. I don't believe for a moment that he could be a villain. This kid has been through a lot. I must remind you all that Star Labs is under our supervision, and we failed him, allowing his kidnapping by the villains."

After thoughtful silence during most of the conversation, Batman stated, "I do not trust the Kid yet, but I also acknowledge the impossibility of him being a villain. Regarding taking advantage of his power, I don't believe we have the right to decide. As mentioned by Diana, he is very mature for his age. We will present all the possibilities to him and let him choose."

With the League collectively agreeing that Raiden is not a villain, they resolved to allow him to choose his own fate.


*Knock, knock, knock.*

Hearing the door knock, Raiden got up from his bed and said, "Come in."

Entering the room was an attractive young woman with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slender yet toned build—Black Canary.

"Hello, Raiden. My name is Dinah Lance, but I'm also known as Black Canary, a member of the Justice League. I'm here to talk to you and get to know you, if that's okay with you?" she greeted.

Smiling, Raiden said, "Yeah, why not? I'm bored out of my mind, so a little conversation would do me some good."

"Good. I wanted to get to know you a bit, Raiden. So, what can you tell me about yourself?" Dinah inquired.

Smiling again, Raiden said, "What is there to tell? I'm Raiden Kagawa. Recently, I learned that I'm an orphan now, so that's that. I have this new power. It's not exactly a blessing, considering it put me in a five-year coma, but I can't exactly complain. It's quite a power, eh?"

Asking seriously, Dinah said, "You seem oddly uncaring about the fact that you're an orphan. Were you not close to your family? This isn't exactly the reaction someone would have when they wake up from a coma to find themselves an orphan."

Nodding his head, Raiden said honestly, "I agree. In fact, I really wish I could cry and mourn. It hurts, you know? I've lost everyone in my life. But once again... one of the perks of this power is mental. It strengthens my mentality quite a bit, so I can handle the summoning. To be more precise, it's not like I don't feel bad about being an orphan. It's just that I can handle it better than most."

Feeling a bit sad for Raiden, Dinah asked, "Do you hate your powers for that?"

"No, I don't. While it has lots of negatives, with this power, I can help people. I couldn't do anything about the people that Ivo killed, but now I can," Raiden confidently stated.

"Tell me about that, Raiden, about what happened with Ivo," asked Dinah.

"Well, it wasn't pleasant. At first, it was constant abuse of me personally, taking my blood, plasma, and many other bodily fluids. Then skin, muscle tissue, and eventually bones. My body always regenerated with time, so it hurt. That wasn't the worst of it. It was when he... kidnapped random people and used some messed-up potions and medicine on them, using me. He didn't care. There were children, elderly, women, men; he experimented on them all. 47 people. I remember all their faces. Four survived and were crippled—probably dead now. As for the other 43, they died right in front of me, looking at me," said Raiden with sadness in his eyes.

Placing her hand on Raiden's shoulder, Dinah said, "It isn't your fault. You are not responsible for what that lunatic has done."

"I know, I really do. But I can't help but feel guilty. If I was strong enough to awaken this power early, I could have saved them. Hell, even after I awakened this power, I let him escape... I'm not exactly someone who will be held by guilt, but unless I get him, I won't rest easy."

Seeing the state Raiden was in, Dinah concluded, "(As much as I hate to admit it, we have to train him. If we were to place him in a safe house somewhere, he would eventually escape looking for Ivo.)"

"Raiden, the Justice League had a meeting. We were about to decide your fate, but we ultimately decided to let you choose. We can't exactly let you go free since the Light knows about you and your powers and will come after you. But we can easily place you in a safe place, with a new identity and life. You can start over-"

"No, I want the other option," interjected Raiden.

"I had expected this outcome. Then you can join us. To be more precise, you can join the team. The team consists of teenagers like yourself. The goal of the team is to do undercover missions, as well as training for you. I will personally be there for you, Raiden. Do not hesitate to come to me. I always have time. But promise me something."

Tilting his head, Raiden said, "What?"

"Do not be consumed by revenge. You are too young to lose your life over revenge. You have a life ahead of you. Live it to the fullest, get to know people, make friends, get yourself a lover, be happy, enjoy food, play games. Don't let revenge consume you. Don't let your guilt win," Dinah advised.

Raiden looked down, then smiled and said, "I'll try, Miss Dinah. I'll try."


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