
The House of Tarth

Tarth, called the Sapphire Isle, is an island in the narrow sea off the eastern coast of Westeros. It is separated from the continent by the Straits of Tarth and is situated northeast of Shipbreaker Bay. Tarth is considered a part of the Stormlands and is ruled from Evenfall Hall by House Tarth. It is sworn to Storm's End.

The island is said to be beautiful, having lakes, waterfalls, soaring mountains, high meadows, and shadowed vales. Tarth is called the Sapphire Isle for the striking blue seas in which it sits. A spine of mountains with hidden valleys runs down the center of Tarth.

Maesters believe that the great island kingdom of Tarth joined the realm of the Storm Kings when King Durran the Fair married the daughter of the island's king, Edwyn Evenstar. The island rebelled three times during the reign of the Storm King Durwald the Fat, however.

Tarth was the first region of House Durrandon's Kingdom of the Storm to be conquered during the Andal invasion. The Durrandon Storm Kings and their First Men bannermen eventually intermarried with the Andals, however. House Tarth, who rule the island from Evenfall Hall and were once kings, have Andal ancestry.

Now in ruins, Morne on the eastern coast of Tarth was once the seat of petty kings who were conquered by Storm Kings. Maester Hubert believes the site was of Andal origin, not First Men. Nobles and smallfolk alike from Tarth claim descent from Ser Galladon of Morne.

Marble from Tarth was used during the construction of the Eyrie in the Vale of Arryn.

Some monarchs kept fleets along the western coast of Tarth, as its mountains shield against storms and make the Straits of Tarth more pacific than the narrow sea or Shipbreaker Bay.

During the reign of King Aenys I Targaryen, his daughter, Princess Rhaena, flew on Dreamfyre as far as Gulltown, Harrenhal, Runestone, and Tarth.

In the aftermath of the Myrish Bloodbath of 91–92 AC, pirates from Myr took over the eastern coast of Tarth. Lord Corlys Velaryon joined his fleets with the soldiers of Lord Boremund Baratheon to retake the island. Prince Aemon Targaryen flew on Caraxes to the hidden mountain camp of Lord Cameron Tarth. A Myrish scout killed the prince with his crossbow, however. Prince Baelon Targaryen retaliated by burning the Myrish ships with Vhagar, while Cameron and Boremund slaughtered the thousands of Myrmen on land.

In 133 AC during the Daughters' War, Ser Gedmund Peake's fleet stopped at Tarth while sailing for the Stepstones. Lord Alyn Velaryon led the Velaryon contingent south and defeated Braavosi ships in a sudden attack. Lord Unwin Peake was displeased, however, as Gedmund's soldiers were left behind at Tarth and Alyn was unable to capture Bloodstone.

Victor's goal on the island of Tarth is to start a trade relationship with House Tarth and build up a supply base on the island of Tarth.

House Tarth of Evenfall Hall is a noble house from Evenfall Hall in the Stormlands. The family rules Tarth, they are one of the main houses sworn to House Baratheon of Storm's End.

Their blazon is quartered with yellow suns on rose and white crescent moons on azure. Their words are not known. The Lords of Tarth call themselves the Evenstar.

The current Lord of Tarth, Selwayn Tarth, didn't know that his life would soon turn for the worse. His wife would die soon after giving birth to Brienne of Tarth, in 280 AC, and his only son would drown around four to five years later. His only real heir left would be Brienne.

Victor doesn't want to establish any manufacturing industry on Tarth. He would not be able to efficiently control a very old and established noble house to this extent. He will start with the transportation industry. Building large warehouses at the port of Evenfall and using the great location as a business place. From Tarth he could transport his goods to Storm's End and King's Landing by ship. He could use a few troubled nobles in those two places as distributors for the luxury goods of Lys. A share agreement would not only make it easier for the influence of House Di Natale to spread but at the same time bind the nobles to Victor's interest group.

Land transportation seems a lot more inefficient than transporting by ship, but Victor never forgot that he once offended Lady Olenna of the Reach. Using ship transport through the Harbor, belonging to House Redwyne, could end very bad quick. And Victor wouldn't want to fight with one of the biggest fleets in Westeros if there was a better way for him. And even if he could make a deal with the nobles of the Reach, in which he would lose more interest than the way he has chosen, than he would still need to send his extremely expensive goods along the west coast of Westeros. By doing that he would cross straight into the sea directly influenced by the Iron Islands and their fleet full of robbers. On top of that there was no supply base on the whole way. 

A few years ago, he didn't start his business in Slavers Bay because of the long logistic line. This time the distance would be even longer and way more dangerous. Victor would be an idiot if he chose this option.

But before getting into contact with House Tarth he would first need to start his conquest on the Stepstones and deal with the aftermath.

The very next day he gathered his grandfather, father, and the guardians of House Di Natale to inform them of his plans and gather the strength of the family.

The next major military operation of House Di Natale would start in one week. Victor and Amando were responsible for the military actions and Emilio would coordinate logistics and supplies with the heads of the other noble families of Lys that partnered with House Di Natale and shared the benefits of the Stepstones.
