

Getting money like curls so Doom can spare a greenback for this mad world
. World became flesh like comic to rap, rap fiend Viktor Vaughn from Victor Von Doom
. Word lost but that's a small price to pay for flesh, for ha
. Ha! Flashy transition it was not but the word did become flesh before it went off script. The word became flesh but did not dwell among us
. Ass, Sleipnir is not, call him slipper. Agent activated, the mountain has the answer so off Vaughn goes to Mount Sinai

Seen A.I and it was actually impressive. Absolute Individual's back is god-tier so Viktor asked to see what's beyond like Moses
. "More seas than stars is your desire from being fulfilled but since you seen A.I, Absolute Individual can truly flesh you out."

And A.I did. And Viktor Vaughn, well, he tore his hair then went downstairs, forehead to groin, no groan, no mouth to make sound, just a steel mask masking all emotion, motion and it steps out the torn skin, transfiguration into cold metal, death on a mount with a green cloak, tick, tock…

Part II

Amen to the "Mt. Sinai" arc, beginning of the Mona Lisa one. End, long story short, Villain met Mad fine dining on genius
, shared a meal and by its epilogue, Madvillain's formation was a wrap
. Unwrapped a masterpiece and left Villain to rap it into a magnum opus
. Unfinished Mona Lisa leaked into cyberspace, space bar the distance between Mad and Villain for a double. 
Leaker ate it then its twin, call the meal a .22
. Read the Catch then went back to court Mona Lisa again. Magnum opus not enough so villain went mag'n'um opus, call it voice alteration. Went Overdrive with it, Madvillain finishing up the masterpiece like its the Sprawl

Mona Lisa complete, call it Madvillainy, an experience like the mag in mag'n'um opus. A listen's like loading a mag, putting the loaded under your joe and pulling. Blows your mind (like Ashita no Joe), that's guaranteed!!. Released it and watched it blow the underground space high. The End. Thats all like ALL CAPS
. Captains of the Force on Madvillain's tail for their villainous deeds
, villain out, let Mad tell this dastardly tale

Nah; Madlib so himself he blew up half his name for Operation Lifesaver. Success, escape  with the Mint Test, answer a cold cop corpse
. Contra with the demilitarized saunter, Bergman's Persona Through a Glass Darkly's the time took to crash into the money store. Glass shatters, pandemonium utters a shrill, Mad's vibe screams "chill". Churnel house, chipper Mad exchange the corpse for cryptocurrency with Mr West
. Villain suggested it, says he fucks with the teddy bear mask. Masquerade as an ice cream duo for a cool, nondescript escape with the white van while the city sleeps.

Slip like Freudian and the bellybutton cops caught him like accordion
, all according to Mad's not-plan, Madvillainy off to Lob's Pound
. Conspiracy lore say Mad jailed in lib with no beats and Villain starved off Food Villain for their villainous deeds. Well, lore is law so Madvillain was put behind bars despite all their incredible bars . Lob's Pound, it's a meat grinder so intense got even Uncle Meat sleeping in a jar to escape the grind. Mint and chicks for breakfast then Madvillain off to dig some hula rock till nine. Ten—"Our Bizarre Relationship is—


"Do not Fire!"


As unluck would have it, the villain survived
, escaped and went underground. Only his anagram is known, whispered in starving awe by full-of justice-villains
. Mm..Food. Then it starved too, no feature on Food Villain got him eating himself on Lunch Break. Now he full of himself, fool and self in the valley of death, no shadow and that's no shade to fool


Persona and Through a Glass Darkly are my favourite Bergman movies!

CloudBamboocreators' thoughts