
Chapter 2: Peace Spirit Tea Party

Three days later, I was in my room, on my bed.

I'd woken up from a nightmare. A dream so horrifying, I was trembling.

Nelia had turned into a vengeance-seeking demon and captured me. She hung me upside down. "Let's use Komari's body as tea leaves for our party," she'd said, the absolute maniac, and trapped me inside a tea bag. Then she threw me into boiling water, infusing the tea with my flavor, before casting me aside like I was nothing. Yet once she had finished her cup, she stated, "How scrumptious. Let us make another serving," and tossed me in again, then…

"Good morning, Lady Komari."


I fell off the bed.

Thankfully, it was my maid who'd greeted me, not the girl who'd used me as tea.

"Please don't scare me like that, Vill…"

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"Yeah. But it was just a dream. And now I'll have a good one. Good night."

"Come here, then. I will sing you a lullaby."


Vill beckoned me under the blanket, and I slid next to her.

Yeah. Let's just sleep until noon. I get the weird feeling that summer vacation ended yesterday, but I'll just treat the rest of my life like it's break… Uh, wait a second. I feel like there's something wrong here…

"What are you doing in here?!"

I pushed Vill away and immediately jumped off my bed.

Compared with this, that nightmare was a hundred times better. Maybe it was for the best that I'd woken up. Who knew what she could've done if I hadn't…? Couldn't let my guard down in front of this sicko maid for a second.

"Get out of my bed! Now!"

"Sure. Let's get out and go to work."


Ah, it's hopeless.

Now I really wanted to stay under the covers. Just thinking about work was depressing. The fun times were over. Well, these past three days hadn't exactly been fun, though. Those were seventy-two hours of constant stomachaches.

I'd succeeded in staying cooped up inside without issue since coming back from the tea party, but I couldn't relax. Instead, I'd been worrying the whole time, wondering when the assassins might come for me. Couldn't even take a single nap in those few days from all the stress.

"I've gotta apologize to Nelia…"

In hindsight, that wasn't the right way to treat someone who'd invited me over for tea.

Besides, despite her almost killing me, I couldn't bring myself to hate her. She just felt very earnest. Though I wished her efforts were directed toward a better outlet.

"We can do that the next time we meet. Let's focus on work for now."

"I don't wanna work! I'm sure it's just war with the Chimpanzee again anyway!"

"Want to go back to sleep, then? Here's your body pillow."

"You are not my pillow! And why were you in my bed to begin with?! Don't you sleep in your own house?!"



"I don't have one."

"Where do you live, then?!"

"Here." She pointed at the floor.

…Huh? What's she saying?

"You're kidding."

"I am not. My things are right there in the closet. Want to take a look at my clothes?"

Okay, Komari. Calm down.

It's true that Vill follows me around like a shark sucker during all my waking hours, be it a weekday, weekend, or holiday. We always have breakfast, lunch, and dinner together, and she bathes after me all the time. But she has to go home after I fall asleep, right? Then she comes here for work just before I wake up, right? We don't live together without me knowing, no way. What kinda horror movie is that?

"If you won't go back to sleep, then let's get to work. You have a meeting with Lady Karla Amatsu today."

"Hold on, Vill. I want to talk about your private life for a second."

"I am very glad to see you showing interest in my personal life, but we don't have the time. We've already made Lady Karla Amatsu wait for three hours. She might snap and kill you if we don't go quick."

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

"Do not fret. I handed her your latest novel to pass the time."


Wipe that smirk off your face! That's no achievement to be proud of!

I wailed as I took off my pajamas and put on my military uniform. I had noticed recently that the maid wouldn't interfere with my changing if I got dressed at the speed of light. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and went to the restroom. Then Vill handed me a loaf of bread, and I held it in my mouth as I left the room at full tilt.

"There we go, Lady Komari! You're so responsible now!"

"We're three hours late, so I don't think so! Gosh, what kind of insensitive prick makes a person they're just meeting wait so long?! And she's reading my book right now! AGH!!"

"Is it so bad that she's reading your writing?"

"It's embarrassing! And, like…there's some problematic content in there this time around."

"Because it's a serial murder mystery?"

"Not that… The title's Twilight Triangle. Make a guess from that."

"I can't. You mean they play the triangle? The story is about music?"

Okay. I guess Vill's entirely ignorant about love. She's purer than I expected. In any case, I had to get there fast. I needed to apologize and snatch back my novel. I couldn't let her read through to the end. If Karla Amatsu was the serious type, she might react by saying, "Ugh, you wrote this? Gross."

"Hey, Vill…what's Karla Amatsu like?!"

"She loves killing."

I made a U-turn. But the maid grabbed me tight from behind at an amazing speed.

"LET ME GO! Why is everyone I meet a murderer?! Don't you think the characters should be more balanced?! I would NEVER write a novel like this!"

"Don't worry. I hear she's a very earnest killer."

"That's even worse!!"

"Although she's a commander, no one's ever seen her fight with enemy soldiers. She stays at the camp the whole time and gives out instructions from there."

"Wait, isn't that just like me?"

"She's similar, though it seems she won the National Murder Championship when she was little."

"Okay, back to bed."

"The Amatsu lineage is outstanding, as well. I hear she's a rich girl—her family owns a giant conglomerate. She has prowess, social status, and authority. A monster. She could kill anyone, physically or socially, with the snap of a finger."

"No way! I'm going home!"

"That would only increase your chances of getting done in."

"Ugh…" I groaned from deep within the trenches of despair.

Oh well. It was my job. How could I face my subordinates if I disregarded my responsibilities? I would be faced with death instead. They would kill me, and that would hurt a lot.

"Vill, don't say anything weird this time, okay?"

"Understood, I will only say nonweird things."


I couldn't trust her. But oh well.

I had to hurry and meet Karla Amatsu. Though, how I wished I could delay that forever.


I wanna change jobs, Thio thought.

It had been three months since she had joined Six Nations News. She had already lost track of how many times she'd thought I wanna quit already, but now she was serious. No one had told her this job would put her life at risk.

"Heh-heh-heh… I can smell it. The scoop of the century!"

There is no such smell, Thio thought.

The impish duo from the Mulnite branch of Six Nations News—the Sapphire Melka and the cat-eared girl Thio—were hiding in a bush in the garden of the Mulnite Imperial Palace. They had been holding their breath for about five hours already. "We will wait for our prey to come, scoop in hand!" Melka had said, but honestly, Thio wasn't interested in the slightest. She just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Ms. Melka…let's give up alreadyyy. Mr. Scoop took the day off because of a bellyache."

"Look! That's the head of the Second Unit, Helldeus Heaven! Let's interview him."

"Wait, Ms. Melka! Please!"

Thio grabbed her in a frenzy, holding her hips.

"Let go! Our prey is getting away!"

"They'll get mad at us if you just talk to him! They'll throw us out of the palace and execute us!"

"Hmm… That is a possibility."

Melka nodded and hid back behind the bush. Thio was losing her mind.

Outsiders couldn't enter the Mulnite Imperial Palace without permission. Though it was surrounded by a magical barrier to keep people out, there were many ways you could slip through. Such as using teleportation magic, which the terrorists from before had done, or the insane method of becoming an inanimate object while crossing through, since the barrier only kept out living creatures.

Melka and Thio had used a mix of both this time around. They'd gotten the assistance of a vampire from Six Nations News. They killed the poor girl despite her wails and smuggled her lifeless body inside. After a while, she was revived by the Dark Core and built a portal on the grounds, from which Melka and Thio entered. An absolute crime, for sure. The vampire girl had gone home in tears.

I gotta quit. It could be me next, Thio thought.

"By the way, Thio, is the camera working well?"

"Huh? Yes, it's fine."

Thio tinkered with the device hanging from her neck. "Learn some other skill beside sniffing! I know, you'll be our photographer! Here comes Thio, the greatest war photojournalist of all!" Melka had said. Unhinged. Thio held out the camera to her.

"Look, here's a photo of a butterfly."

"Butterflies don't put food on the plate!"

Melka hit her. Absolutely outrageous. She hadn't been thinking of food when she took that picture.

"Listen. You need to photograph scoops! If you don't get a picture of Karla Amatsu, I will rub your ears and tail for a whole week!"

"Amatsu…? Amatsu…"

"Karla! You forgot about it? We know for sure, according to our Heavenly Paradise branch, that one of the Five Imperial Sabers, Karla Amatsu, left for the Mulnite Empire. They're about to cut the greatest secret agreement of the century! It would be unacceptable as a journalist, nay, as a human being to let this chance go!"

Right, she said that before, Thio thought.

"Oh, about that…"

Thio projected the pictures she'd taken in the air. Photography turned out to be more fun than expected, so she had gotten quite a few shots. There was one of the minister of justice and the minister of education smooching in the shadows, one of Commander Flö-something having her skirt lifted by the wind, and of another named Del-so-and-so without their mask. None of them were worth keeping, so she deleted them.

This is the one, she thought as she showed it to Melka.

"Is this her?"

"Huh?" Melka's eyes became tiny dots.

The photo showed a girl who looked like a Peace Spirit.

"She entered that building like three hours ago…"

"You doofus! Say so sooner! Good job!"

This time, Melka slapped Thio on the head. Why am I getting hit while being praised? I'm definitely quitting.

"You can see one of the palace's pillars in the background. Now we have proof that Karla Amatsu visited Mulnite! As for her objective…"

Then they saw a girl running across the hallways, a small vampire clad in a red military uniform. Even Thio recognized her. The murderous commander who was all the rage lately. Terakomari Gandesblood. Must be good getting paid to just do as you please, Thio thought. Melka smirked.

"I see, so Terakomari Gandesblood is involved, as I suspected. This vampire sure knows how to keep us entertained! Let's go, Thio! Time to take the sneakiest photos to shock the whole world!"

"Secret photography is a crime, though…"

There was no time to think deeply about the implications of her actions, however.

Melka grabbed her by the arm and moved from bush to bush toward the building where they would meet.

I wanna go to the restroom…, Thio thought.


I had never met a person like Karla Amatsu.

The black-haired girl sat on a luxury sofa in the Bloody Spew Hall of the Mulnite Imperial Palace. She wore a frilly kimono typical of the Heavenly Paradise. Her face as she silently read my manuscript was worthy of preserving in a painting. Her cold eyes left an unfriendly impression, but… Wait, Komari. Stop observing her. Say sorry.

Then I noticed: In front of her, their back to me, was a blond who I recognized.

"Your Highness…? What are you doing in here?"

"Ohhh! You're finally here, Komari. We got so tired of waiting that we were just talking about sneaking into your bed together."

It was the Empress of the Mulnite Empire, Lady Karen. Though outwardly she looked the part of a head of state, on the inside, she was even weirder than my sicko maid and the Seventh Unit put together. This lady should not be approached without caution.

She came toward me without an ounce of restraint and started fondling my hands.

"Oh, is that a little tan I see? Hope you had fun at the beach."

"I didn't, really. Everyone else had a blast, though. Now let go of me."

"But I heard you had a great time, too."

"I am an intellectual, calm and collected at any moment. Never would I make a racket at the beach."

"I see. Okay. But I should let you know I asked Villhaze to take pictures."

The Empress showed me some photos. There I was, running around with my inner tube in hand and a huge smile on my face. Another one showed me splashing water at Sakuna, also with a huge smile on my face. Then there was one where I was holding Sakuna tight, grinning. And another where I was doing a peace sign while grinning broadly.

"...…Ha-ha-ha. These are fake."

"Then I can show them to everyone, right?"


I jumped to grab the photos, but she immediately squeezed me and held me in place. I knew then that I had fallen into a trap.

"You missed me so much that you wanted a hug? How cute!"

"No! Let—me—goooo!"


I pushed her as hard as I could to set myself free. The perverted Empress grinned as she waved the pictures above my head… Damn it, why does she have so many?!

"Vill, when did you take them? Have you heard of privacy laws?"

"I am sorry, but it is your fault for being so absorbed in the fun that you didn't notice. Just look at the one I took where you're even posing with a peace sign. I yelled Say cheese! then, remember?"

"How could I be so stupid?!"

Silly dumb Komari. How could I even call myself a scholarly intellectual?

I had to get those pictures back at any cost. But then…

"Ms. Gandesblood sure is an amusing girl."

Her voice was clear like a wind chime, but her tone was also obviously sarcastic.

I turned on reflex. There she was: Karla Amatsu, looking at me with a serious expression. She was shooting daggers at me, but that was little wonder. I had made her wait for three hours, and now I was throwing a fit without even saying hello. She was rightfully fuming.

The Peace Spirit girl looked at my embarrassing pictures on the table and smiled.

"My, how adorable. Were you on vacation?"

"Something like that. We went to a beach in the Dark Core Zone."

"Oh. You don't have to feel embarrassed about this; look at how cute you are. No need to make a scene because of it and delay our meeting further, either."

"…R-right. I'm sorry."

"Hee-hee. You truly are amusing."

"I know, right? Lady Komari is so cute and funny."

That was sarcasm, you nutty maid. The kimono girl showed a strained smile.

"Excuse me, I was just surprised to see Ms. Gandesblood wasn't as I expected."

"I—I see. So I'm even more imposing than you imagined, huh?"

"Yes, that's right," Karla said monotonously, then stood up.

I heard a pleasant chime. She had a tiny bell tied to her wristband. I suppose it was fashionable in her country.

"Excuse me for not introducing myself first. I am Karla Amatsu, one of the Five Imperial Sabers of the Heavenly Paradise. Fifteen years old. I've come here to discuss the Gerra-Aruka Republic's recent actions. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Gandesblood."

She bowed gracefully.

The Five Imperial Sabers. So a mass murderer, then.

As you might've guessed, the official names for commanders differed by country. There were the Eight Illustrious Generals, the Seven Crimson Lords, the Six Arctic Masters, the Five Imperial Sabers, the Four Holy Beasts, and the Three Draconic Meteors. The numbers indicated the number of top commanders in each country, obviously, and reflected their military might. Nations with seven or eight generals were tremendously violence-oriented. Though, I just read about this stuff from a book.

In any case, I couldn't stand there forever. I sat down.

Karla in front of me, Her Majesty by my side, and Vill behind me. I put on my commander face and cleared my throat.

"Now, then. Excuse me for making you wait. I had some things to take care of."

"Yes, I understand sleep is very important. However, I wish you could be just a tad more considerate of someone waiting to meet you."


I couldn't look her in the face. She was scary in a different way from Nelia. Karla frowned and said:

"It's all in the past now, though, and it'd be better not to dwell on it. Since I've already spent three hours here, I'll cut right to the chase. I'm here to form an alliance."

"An alliance…?"

"Yes, I would like the Mulnite Empire to join hands with the Heavenly Paradise. Remember what happened during the Crimson Match the other day? Near the end, you infiltrated Gerra-Aruka and turned part of their country into a


"No, that was a meteorite."

"It most certainly was not. Everyone in all the nations knows; it was in the papers. Your Majesty, it was Ms. Gandesblood who did that, correct?"


Wrong! Why does everyone trust Six Nations News?!

But, well, I suppose I'm better off if they spread rumors about me being the strongest of the vampires…or is it?

"Which should mean that relations between the Mulnite Empire and the Gerra-Aruka Republic are currently in a terrible state. We could tell there were tensions between you two before, but now that Ms. Gandesblood has pulled the trigger, things couldn't be worse. We expect a conflict might break out soon, and it won't be the entertaining kind."

"You're right. The Mulnite Empire doesn't get along with them at all. Ever since the Aruka Kingdom became the Gerra-Aruka Republic, or since Madhart took over as president, that is, we've been fighting over territory inconspicuously. They sure are a cunning bunch," Her Majesty said.

Huh? Gerra-Aruka was a kingdom? Vill seemed to notice my confusion, so she whispered an explanation into my ear:

"They became a republic five years ago. The current president, Madhart, spearheaded the revolution. He used to be a general for the Aruka Kingdom and led his troops to capture the royal family and other nobles, then held an election and won. He's been doing as he pleases with the country since. Also, the 'Gerra' in Gerra-Aruka comes from his first name."

Wow. The more you know. Crazy how he named his country after himself, too. Imagine if I became Empress and called it the Komari Empire. I would puke.

"Anyhow, you can't avoid conflict. I'm sure President Madhart will soon try something against you. If you don't take any precautions, many of your people might die. So…" Her bell echoed. Karla put her right hand on her chest and said, "How about you form an alliance with the Heavenly Paradise? I won't say we're incredibly powerful, but I think we could be of help, if only a little."

"Interesting… What are you really thinking, though? What's in it for you if we band together?"

"As you might know, Your Majesty, the Heavenly Paradise's relations with the Gerra-Aruka Republic are also in a bad spot. They keep troops in the Dark Core Zone, waiting for the chance to attack us. We must do something."

"I see. So you want us to join hands in the face of a common enemy."

"Precisely… Well, to tell you the truth, I would rather not face them. Our country prefers avoiding needless war."

Wait. Did I hear that right?

Karla continued, "And indeed, all war is unnecessary. People hurting one another like that is barbaric, vulgar, boorish, and futile. Why do we have the ability to communicate? To boast of our military might? To vilify and revile others? No—language is for understanding one another."

No way. Is she really…?

"So we won't launch the first attack. We want to join hands with the Mulnite Empire as deterrence to hopefully prevent Gerra-Aruka from attacking. The purpose of our alliance will not be to destroy our enemy, but to avoid war altogether. There is nothing more pointless in this world than killing."

"You have an interesting philosophy… Though, I have a question. If you hate conflict so much, then why do you hold the title of commander?" the Empress asked.

"That's… Well, there are some unavoidable circumstances. I don't think everyone has the job they have because they want to."

"RIGHT?!" I screamed.

"Wha—?" Karla blinked in surprise.

Crap. She can't know that I don't want to be commander. But…but man, maybe, just maybe, she might be the one person in this world who could understand me. I must observe her closely to confirm. Obseeeeerve.

"I-in any case, the Heavenly Paradise wishes to form an alliance with the Mulnite Empire. Our strategy will be to deter our opponent, the Gerra-Aruka Republic, from attacking and to help each other out in case trouble arises. If they try to unlawfully engage with us, we will cooperate to destroy them."

"But only until they make the next move, huh?"

"We would be in the wrong if we attack them outside war for entertainment."

"I see, I understand. Well, you heard her, Komari. What do you think?"

"Bwuh?" I didn't know what to say. "Wh-why ask me? Shouldn't it be you making that decision?"

"Yes, normally, but I think I can leave this matter in your hands. You should start getting used to the fate of our nation depending on your choices."

"I don't want that responsibility!"

"Live and learn, Komari. So that's how it is, Karla Amatsu. She'll be taking care of the negotiations."

"Understood." Karla stared at me. "Ms. Gandesblood, I wanted to meet you because I need your power. I don't know much about your character or predilections yet, but I know you have impressive might, strength that nears my level."

"You're that strong, Karla?"


There was long pause… Why?

"…So we're on a first-name basis already?"

"A-ah, sorry."

"It's fine. And yes, I am. I don't say this to brag or exaggerate. From an objective standpoint, according to general consensus, I am the strongest in the world. Yet you, too, are strong. Your Core Implosion is powerful enough to merit joining hands with you. You would make a great ally."

"Y-yeah. I am the strongest, of course."

"No, that's me. Anyway, I entreat you, won't you help me in bringing peace to the world?"

She held out her right hand to me, and the bell chimed again.

I wasn't sure. How could I be after hearing the fate of our nation hinged on my choice? Karla had a serious look on her face. Her sense of justice was strong. Though her aura was cold, I could tell she was burning with passion for world peace on the inside.

"You…really think the world would be better without war?"

"Of course. I know it's not something many people understand, though."

"I get it."

I grabbed her hand. I was a peace-and-justice-loving vampire, after all. Of course I would agree with someone saying they hated war. Even if there was a bigger conspiracy manipulating Karla from behind, I decided to believe in her.

"I find your ideals magnificent. Let's do this."

"Huh…? O-oh yes. Thank you."

Her bell rang twice.

So the alliance was formed. Just thinking about the gravity of my choice made my stomach hurt. But I didn't regret it. I was convinced it was the right thing to do.

"N-now, then! How about we go eat to celebrate our new friendship? I know a good omelet-rice place. It's my treat, as an apology for making you wait."

"Thank you very much, but we should draft our plans first." Karla took out an album-like book wrapped in cloth. "We have classified information related to the Gerra-Aruka Republic in here. I'd would like to share it with you now that we're allies…but please keep it confidential."


"There are eight generals in Gerra-Aruka. And this is the one we must be most wary of."

Karla took out a photo of a girl. Her peach-colored hair was tied up in pigtails. The Moonpeach Princess. She was standing before a fountain, making two peace signs and beaming. I wondered in what situation the picture was taken. She looked cute, but so unlike her.

"Nelia Cunningham, the strongest Warblade in the Republic."

"She's that powerful?"

"I've never fought her directly, but I hear she's unbeatable in sports-war."

"J-just like me!"

"And me. Regardless, we must be wary of the Moonpeach Princess's actions. They say she's Madhart's loyal subject. There is no doubt that she would be the first to move if they plotted something. You can trust this intel; we got it from our ninjas."

"I see. But what kinda move do you think she'd make?"

"I don't believe she would begin by immediately starting a war. Take a look at this."

Karla placed another photo on the table. I recognized this, too. It was a big, black tower under a clear, blue sky… Hmm. That's the hotel Mellaconcey blew up, isn't it?

"This is the Daydream Paradise, a resort managed by the Gerra-Aruka Republic in the Flararal region of the Dark Core Zone. The hotel includes a casino and a hot springs. It's opening this winter."

Wow, so we got invited before it even opened to the public? How fancy. And what bad luck.

"Gerra-Aruka's ministry of tourism advertises it as a dreamlike paradise where all six races can come together in peace, but do not be fooled. That nation of barbaric warmongers could never mean that seriously. Building a tourist attraction in the Dark Core Zone is illegal in the first place."

"Breaking the law's not good, no. They should've asked for permission."

"Indeed, building the Daydream Palace was a problem in and of itself, but that's not the biggest issue. What's alarming is that there's a Gerra-Aruka military base near it."

Karla then produced another photo. The building certainly looked like a military facility. Probably the place the Seventh Unit had attacked. I still couldn't understand how that happened.

"We don't know who controls this base, but Commander Nelia Cunningham's troops have been sighted there recently. Either way, they

shouldn't need a garrison to manage a hotel. They must be plotting something. And indeed, we found that something. Our ninjas spotted a group of Warblades transporting an immense load of weapons into the Daydream Paradise."


"Most likely Divine Instruments." Karla said ominously. "As you might know, these instruments have the power to overcome the Dark Core's effects and permanently kill people. The fact they merely possess these atrocious, inhumane weapons is enough for us to tell that they're preparing for real war."

"…Are we sure they are Divine Instruments?"

"We can always trust our ninjas. Gerra-Aruka must be using the resort to cover up something else; it's most definitely something harmful to us, whatever it is. I suspect they are using the Daydream Paradise as their base of operations for taking over the Dark Core Zone."

We were invited to that awfully ominous place?

That's the topmost secret of all secrets! And what a dark secret it is.

"We must prioritize investigating the Daydream Paradise. The Heavenly Paradise and Mulnite will send a joint team of scouts and bring to light the murderous weapons they hide there. Once everyone knows what they were hiding, Madhart will be publicly criticized and forced to retreat."

"So we don't destroy it?"

"Our strategy is to hold our defenses, not go on the offensive, remember? It would all be over if we provoked them and gave them a legitimate pretense to launch a counterattack."

"Ha…ha-ha-ha! Of course! What kind of idiot strikes first?! Our objective is world peace, after all!"

"Exactly. I'm glad you understand, Ms. Gandesblood."

I broke out into a cold sweat. Did…we mess it all up royally?

What now? If I feign ignorance, I'll get put on blast later. Maybe I could pretend it was a typhoon that destroyed the hotel?

Karla took a sip of tea, then looked intently at me.

"To be honest, the papers made you out to be a murderous barbarian. But meeting you in person now, I don't get that impression. You look like you love peace even more than I do."

I looked around. There wasn't a peeping subordinate in sight.

"Th-that's right, actually. I love peace. Everyone treats me like I'm a bloodthirsty war lover, but that's just lies. I would rather war not exist to begin with."

"I've always thought you can't judge a person's character until you directly speak to them. Yes, I think our relationship will be a good one."

"Yep! Looking forward to working with yo—"


The door slammed open. The mood in the room instantly changed.

It was the Seventh Unit's "strategist" (according to himself), Caostel. The guy who'd almost gotten me killed many times in the past. He was holding a letter in his right hand.

"We got a message from Gerra-Aruka for the Seventh Unit. Please take a look."

"H-hold on. I'm having a meeting with a foreign VIP. I'll check it out later."

"But it's from Nelia Cunningham. She's asking for a revenge match."


Karla lifted her eyebrows. I tried glossing over it in a panic.

"A-actually, I know Nelia. We played cards the other day, and she was so frustrated she lost. She's a sore loser, y'know?"

"It sure looks like it. Our Seventh Unit basically annihilated Nelia Cunningham's troops, so it's only natural she would want payback. But fear not, Commander! We'll blow her army to bits just like last time, and then she'll accept the might of the Mulnite Empire's Seventh Unit!"

My smile froze, as did Karla's.

"…Ms. Gandesblood? Care to explain?"

"I-it's just the normal kind of war. I fought Nelia the other day."

"There's no public record of it, though? And didn't you say you played cards?"

"Ha-ha-ha! Oh, it's just the circumstances are so complicated, it's hard to put into words. But don't worry. My maid, Vill, is a genius and will clearly summarize what happened. Please, Vill, explain. Carefully. With caution."

"Just the other day, Lady Komari launched a surprise attack on Nelia Cunningham's troops and obliterated them."


Why are you so straightforward?! I mean, you're not lying, but you're just making me sound like a berserker! My fear had become reality. I could see the veins on Karla's forehead popping. It was over.

"…Ms. Gandesblood. You were lying to me?"

"I didn't lie! Vill, please explain, thoroughly this time!"

"Understood." Vill bowed elegantly. "The other day, Lady Komari and the Seventh Unit were invited by Nelia Cunningham to the resort in the Flararal region of the Dark Core Zone. The latter's objective was to ask Lady Komari to

join her plan of world conquest; the shameless rogues are plotting to plunge the world into chaos and conquer all six nations. Of course, we didn't accept such a maleficent request. Lady Komari, in righteous indignation, mobilized her troops against their military base."

"You mobilized your troops?!" Karla opened her eyes wide and stood up.

I was feeling like a scarecrow in a crop field. Powerless.

"Yes, and then she slaughtered the entire enemy army."

"She massacred them?!"

"She also blew up the Daydream Paradise hotel."

"B-blew up…"

"We then gracefully escaped from Nelia Cunningham's furious counterattack and returned to the Mulnite Empire. The end."


Karla's jaw was on the floor. Meanwhile, the Empress was sipping her tea as if nothing had happened, and Caostel was puffing up his chest in pride. I got up to go to the restroom, but the sicko maid grabbed me tightly by the shoulders and forced me back to my seat. "Calm down," she whispered as she rubbed my shoulders.

Karla sat down again, too, but then trembled for a couple seconds before rising to her feet once more.

"Wh-what were you thinking?! Why did you attack first?! Was all that about you being a pacifist a lie?!"

"It's not a lie, I just…!"

Hold on. Caostel's watching. I can't tell the truth, or I'll risk mutiny. But no, wait. If I try to lie and say I love war, then that would ruin Karla's trust in me. Calm down, Terakomari. Yes, I simply have to state I'm a pacifist and, later on, tell Caostel that it was all to deceive the enemy. Heh. Perfect. I'm a genius.

"Calm down, Karla. I am a pacifi—"

"Excuse us, Commander!" "Is it true Aruka declared war on us?!" "Let us sortie right away!" "Hell yeah, time for some action!" "I'm so pumped I can't stop dancing!" "Agh! My left hand is twitching!"


I took a deep breath and looked Karla straight in the eye.

"I am a pacifist hater! There is nothing in the world I love more than slaughter!"

"I knew it!"

"No! Wait! I mean, yes! But no!"

"It said so on Six Nations News. You said you would drown the whole world in tomato juice!"

"I talked about omelet rice, but I don't remember that! It's all lies!"

"It's all false, Commander?"

"Of course not! I will obviously cover the entire planet in tomato juice!"

"You're not making any sense!"

"I know! Right, you haven't read Nelia's letter, have you?! Maybe she's actually saying she forgives us! Give it to me!"

I snatched the letter from Caostel's hand. Vill gave me a pair of scissors, and I carefully cut it open. I opened it on the table so everyone could see.

I will never forget this humiliation.

"I was a fool for hoping otherwise!"

"See?! You provoked Nelia Cunningham to engage in all-out war with Gerra-Aruka! Why else would you have received this letter overflowing with hatred?! You want the war!"

"Karla, please, there's a reason for this. Let's talk about it later in private, okay?"

"I-in private?" Karla was shocked to hear that. "What are you scheming? First, you launch a surprise attack on Nelia Cunningham, and now…"

"You want her assassinated?"

"Caostel, shut your damn mouth! No, you don't get it."

"No, I don't," Karla said coldly. "You are not the pacifist I thought you were. And setting aside what you might feel deep in your heart, there's no denying that you attract conflict."

"Oof…" I couldn't say anything to that. Although in my defense, I wasn't the trigger this time around.

Karla suddenly placed a hand over her ear. She must've gotten a call.

"I just received a report saying the Daydream Paradise hotel was destroyed. Now it's confirmed. I am sorry, but the alliance is off."

"Wh-why…? Weren't we going to aim for world peace together?!"

"You already botched our strategy. They'll have tightened the security around the Daydream Palace, too, so we won't even be able to investigate properly. You could drag the Heavenly Paradise into this mess if we join hands. And above all else…I can't work with a vampire who's incapable of thinking things through before acting. At least now I know the Mulnite Empire is a nation of barbarians."

Misery and despair. Why must I endure such terrible misunderstandings?

It was obvious I hated war. Karla probably felt the same as I did. Yet we couldn't be frank with each other because of everyone around us. How could life be so unfair?

"I can't let that one slide."

Karla shivered. Shocked, I turned to my side.

The busty blond was smiling fearlessly as always, but there was an intimidating air about her, strong like thunder, as she stared at Karla. She was clearly incensed.

"You come here to propose an alliance, only to immediately call it off and tell us we're barbarians? How awfully self-serving of you, envoy of the Heavenly Paradise."

"I—I didn't mean to…"

"Don't be scared… Though, let's be clear: Calling off our alliance means that you are now our enemy, doesn't it?"

"Um, I—It doesn't mean we're enemies, just that we won't join hands with you."

"I see. Sure enough, there's no way we would ally with someone who insults us so. Now then…you may be an ignorant, insolent child, but treating a foreign envoy roughly would be foolish—barbaric, even. But, oh, according to you, Ms. Karla Amatsu, the Mulnite Empire is a nation of barbarians, isn't it? Then we shall live up to your expectations."

I could feel the waves of anger radiating from the Empress, but I couldn't quite parse what her roundabout statement meant. Karla, however, paled in the face at once.

"I—I see. Do not worry, though; I've been treated very well already. I will take my leave."

"Oh, you're going already? Komari…"

"Bweh? What's up?"

"Take her out."

Hmm? What now? You want me to show her outside?

Then Karla stood up with tremendous speed.

"W-w-w-wait! We can't start a fight in here; it would be an international issue. And we're outside the area of effect of the Heavenly Paradise's Dark Core. I would actually die for real."

"You're the strongest, aren't you? You don't have anything to worry about."

"I'm not worried, but I just don't want to cause a scene here…"

"This is an order, Komari. Kill this fool for insulting Mulnite."

"Huh? WHAAAT?!"

Kill? KILL HER?! What are you saying, you manic Empress?!

Now that would be barbaric! And I don't have the power to kill her in the first place!

"Let's go, Lady Komari! Murder her!"

"What are you saying?! I can't do that!"

"Go, Commander! Slaughter her!"

"All right, then, your time has come, Karla!"

I stepped forward as my subordinates wished for.

Crap. Holy shit. That's an Imperial Saber, guys. One of the strongest in all six nations. I'm a fraud! I can't defeat her! How did things end up like this?! Why do you want me to kill her out of nowhere, Empress?! We just had a slight difference in opinion!

"A-are you serious, Ms. Gandesblood?"

Karla glared at me, jaw clenched. Her knees seemed weak, but I wouldn't be fooled. It was probably a traditional fight stance of the Heavenly Paradise. The "tiger stance" or whatever.

Damn it. I just wanna run away now. But all my men are clamoring, "Komarin! Komarin!" Fleeing now would mean mutiny, so I would die instead. I'm cornered.

I guess the only thing to do is act strong and hope she gets scared!

"You know, Karla, I can kill five hundred people in five seconds."

"S-so what? I can kill five thousand people in five seconds."

What do I do, Vill? It's like it's a contest now, and I know I can't win.

"Allow me to correct myself! On top of killing five hundred in five seconds, I can activate an added effect that instantly annihilates another fifty thousand!"

"An added effect?! Such a spell doesn't… No, actually, I can use my ultimate Effulgent Magic to kill five thousand in five seconds, then an extra fifty thousand, and, on top of all that, burn the entire Mulnite Empire to ashes and kill fifty million of its inhabitants! So how many did I kill in total?!"

"I'm not doing the math! Besides, activating Effulgent Magic takes time. But with just a single touch of my fingers, I can instantly transform my enemy into tartar sauce to pour on my fried shrimp! How's that?! Scared now?! Try touching my hands!"

"I'm not scared! I won the National Murder Championship in the past, I'll have you know! Not only can I get rid of your incomprehensible spells in an instant, but I can also strike back and blow you up into tiny pieces, then mix those with wheat flour and make noodles out of you! I'll slurp you right up!"

"Are you hearing what's coming out of your mouth?! Go ahead and try it, then! Do it!"

"Ha! Right back at you! You can't kill me with just your fingers! How about you try touching me?!" Karla shouted.

"No, you touch me first!"

"No, you first!"

"No, you! …Ah." Someone pushed me from behind. Who else but the sicko maid?

I lost my balance and pitched forward. Right before my eyes was Karla's red face filled with anger.


The crash was so strong, I heard a boom. By the time I realized it, I was on top of her. I could feel and hear her breathing on my face.

My brain froze for an instant as I looked at her confused expression, but then it immediately rebooted.

Shit, I'm going to get turned into noodles! I tried peeling myself off her to avoid that fate, when…



…Karla suddenly pushed me away. I fell on my butt, but nothing hurt. My body wasn't flour. I glanced back at her to figure out what happened and saw her dive onto the sofa and cover herself with cushions. She was trembling. What?

"G-get away from me! I don't want to be fried shrimp!"

"What are you talking about?"

You're no shellfish. Even if I fried you, you wouldn't be fried shrimp.

The Empress sighed.

"Calm down. You're a Heavenly Paradise envoy entrusted with the fate of your nation, aren't you?"

"How can I calm down?! You're all gonna kill me! You violent—"

"Listen, Karla Amatsu. Form an alliance with the Mulnite Empire if you want to live."


Karla stayed quiet, face buried in the sofa.

Ten seconds later, she slowly got up. That was how long it took her to calm down. The graceful expression from when I'd first met her had returned to her face. Still, there was fear in her eyes—she avoided looking at me. As if I was some kind of demon. Why?

"Ahem." Karla cleared her throat. "Very well. War is abhorrent but sometimes, it cannot be avoided. And I just remembered: Even if we went to war against the entire Gerra-Aruka Republic, those Warblades are no match for the great Karla Amatsu. After all, I am the strongest in the world."

"So what's your answer?"

"I accept. The Heavenly Paradise will aid the Mulnite Empire in battle."

Thus the alliance was formed.

I didn't understand how it had come to this, but oh well, I supposed I should be glad we were one step closer to world peace…hopefully.


"GWAAAAAAAH! Why did this happen?!" Karla shrieked. She screamed out her soul in bed.

Foreign VIPs normally stayed the night at the Mulnite Imperial Palace, as it was the safest place for those away from the blessings of their Dark Core. To be honest, she'd wanted to teleport out of there immediately, but the frightening Empress had threateningly suggested she rest before leaving.

So the first thing Karla did when she was shown to her luxurious room was jump into bed and cry her eyes out. She wouldn't be able to take it otherwise.

"Now the Heavenly Paradise has been dragged into war, I'll die! And I won't even have to wait to fall in battle, since I will most likely get executed for not fulfilling my orders…"

The orders the Goddess of the Heavenly Paradise had given her were simple:

"Form an alliance with the Mulnite Empire so we can encircle Gerra-Aruka. But make sure Mulnite follows our strategy, else it will all be for naught."

She had failed. She should have gone home the second she heard they had attacked Gerra-Aruka already. Yet in the end, she couldn't stand up to the vampires' threats and had signed the agreement. Stamped it with the second-grade Imperial Seal. There was no turning back. There was no hope.

Karla buried her face in the pillow and wept.

Why me? I had clear plans of opening a sweets shop in the capital after graduating. I was going to develop a reputation as the greatest pâtissier in the entire Heavenly Paradise. But now my life is ruined.

"Why am I an envoy?! Why am I even a commander?!"

"Because House Amatsu is a lineage of warriors."

Someone was standing beside her bed. It was a girl clad in black: Koharu, the leader of Karla's ninja squad, Kidoshu.

"Koharu! Your poor master almost died out there! Where were you?!"

"At the Imperial Capital. These blood buns are very tasty."

"Stop eating that stuff! I will make you all the sweet buns you'd like!"

Karla snatched the bun out of Koharu's hand. The small ninja wasn't happy about it, but neither was she. Koharu never ate the desserts Karla baked, yet she was more than happy to eat the food of those beasts. She just didn't have any taste buds.

"…Lady Karla, did you form the alliance?"

"Yes, I did, in the worst way possible!" Karla ranted, making the bell on her wrist chime. "It was terrible. It was just like I feared… Terakomari Gandesblood truly is the murderous demon they make her out to be! She really wants to cover the whole world in tomato juice!"

"I like tomato juice."

"She doesn't mean literally. Terakomari wants to turn the world into a sea of blood. I couldn't stop shaking! You should've seen those red eyes, brimming with lust for massacre! She pinned me down on the floor, and I was sure I was going to meet my end. Fortunately, I got out of there alive, but at what cost?"

Karla sighed. She had hoped Terakomari would be her one ally. Though she lacked concrete evidence, there was something about Komari's way of speaking that reminded Karla of herself. As if she was doing her hardest to bluff. But the eyes Komari had shown when she pinned her down were those of a killer. It was clear to Karla that their connection only extended to their mutual love of peace.

"Haaah…and I thought she'd be like me."

"A pacifist?"

"Yes. You should've read that manuscript."

That manuscript the blue-haired maid had given her came to mind. She had finished reading it while waiting—the novel that Terakomari had written.

"There's no way a murderer could write such sweet, gentle, and emotional prose. It shook me to my core. The main girl's love triangle was outstanding…"

"Words can be deceiving."

"Indeed. But still, I thought there was something similar between us. Terakomari is but a doll in sports-war. Not only does she not fight, but she also doesn't even give proper orders to her subordinates. I really thought she disliked unnecessary conflict."

"But she has an amazing Core Implosion power."

"Agh, I—I know! I saw that during the Crimson Match."

"She's not a useless chump like you are."

"I know! Stop saying that!"

Karla Amatsu was the daughter of one of the greatest families in the Heavenly Paradise.

She had been specially educated since childhood with the expectation that she would become the next head of the family and always got outstanding grades in every field…officially. Oh, it was true, for 90 percent of it, but that remaining 10 percent was not. She had no talent for combat. She was weak. A puny failure of a commander. Yet her parents had used their connections to get her the title of Imperial Blade, forcing her to work a job she wanted nothing to do with because "the Amatsus are a family of warriors."

By the by, that thing about her winning the "National Murder Championship" was a lie. No such championship existed.

Screw the power of authority, Karla thought.

"Damn it all. Now I know why my brother left."

"Uncle Kakumei?"

"Don't call him that!"

Karla's brother (her cousin, in reality) had also become a commander against his will. Unlike her, he actually had the power worthy of a warrior, but trying to keep up with a job he hated wore him out mentally, so one day, he just vanished. Karla's first love had ended tragically. Or rather, it didn't end—even now, she had feelings for him swirling around inside her. But now was not the time for


"…Whatever. It's no issue if Mulnite and Gerra-Aruka go to war. I have this." She poked her own head as she spoke.

Koharu then poked it, too.

"So echoey. Such emptiness."

"Emptiness can be considered a form. From my mind spring endless schemes… Gerra-Aruka will probably aim for the Mulnite Empire first. We'll have to fight alongside them as allies, but there is no rule that says we have to

fight alongside them."


"See, if Mulnite asks for reinforcements, we can just say, 'Oh, we're busy right now,' and ignore them."

"…Your head truly is empty, Lady Karla."

"Heh. A true pacifist never stops looking for ways to avoid conflict, no matter the situation. To survive in this crazy world, you need smarts and the will to never give in."

"But we have to defeat Gerra-Aruka."

Koharu's tone was serious. Karla didn't know how to respond.

She was right—Gerra-Aruka was nothing but trouble for the Heavenly Paradise. In recent years, Peace Spirits had been mysteriously disappearing near the border between the two countries. Though, there was nothing mysterious about it in reality: It was a plot by the Iron Nation. The Goddess had prophesized that Gerra-Aruka was committing injustices, so there was no doubt they were

behind the disappearances. They had to be.

"I know that, Koharu. We will rescue our people."

"The Daydream Paradise is suspicious."

"That it is."

Karla felt chills. She hadn't brought up in her meeting with the Empress, but there was one more suspicious rumor regarding the resort. According to her ninja, they could hear voices coming from underground at night. They must have been from the missing Peace Spirits, but was the Gerra-Aruka Republic truly doing something so inhumane?

Karla patted Koharu's head to distract herself from the anxiety.

"Don't worry, Koharu. I may be the weakest, but I'm no dolt. Fighting is not the only way to resist. I will do things my way."

"Don't. The Goddess will get mad."

"Then let's get her mad. But first, some sightseeing before going home. I want to check out what kind of desserts they have here in Mulnite."

The bell chimed as she cheerfully smiled. Karla believed her ability to change gears and look on the bright side, no matter how bad the situation, was one of her virtues. This trait had allowed her to manage being a commander,

after all. Koharu thought she was simply dumb, but whatever. Karla knew she was thinking hard about how to achieve world peace.

However, the situation was already beyond her worst nightmare. Those rowdy vampires weren't the only problem in the Mulnite Imperial Palace.

On the other side of the window, two girls were fleeing from the palace garden. A pure-white-haired girl and a cat-eared girl—journalists for Six Nations News. Their tenacious efforts had finally borne fruit. They had a scoop that would turn the world upside down.

Next chapter