

Sitting in the dim spare room of our new house, I sat in a wooden chair with a book in hand while I waited for Emmett to finally wake from his 'changing.'

We had been taking watches in turns for the past two days.

Turning a page in my book, I heard the gentle rustle of fabric from the bed in front of me.

Looking up from my book, I saw that Emmett was awake and now staring at me.

"Well-Well-Well. Look who finally decided to wake up." I said, dropping the book to my lap as I gave him a smile.

Emmett looked at me bewildered for a moment, before he finally decided to speak.

"Where am I?" he asked.

I let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry to tell you this…but…you died and are now in hell." I said in the saddest tone I could muster. "At least now I'm not stuck here in this room all by myself for the rest of eternity." I said in a happy tone, snapping my book shut while sitting forward in my chair as Emmett looked around the small room confused.

"Wha~?" Emmett said, sitting up in his new bed, looking down at himself then back at me.

But before I could keep the ruse going, the door to the room opened and Carlisle's head appeared.

"Adam…that isn't even close to funny." Carlisle said, stepping into the room.

I chuckled. "It is too."

Emmett looked back and forth between me and Carlisle.

Turning towards Emmett, Carlisle smiled at him in an attempt to reassure him.

"You're not in hell. He's just trying to play a cruel joke on you." Carlisle said, taking a seat at the end of the bed while taking on a serious look, "But he's also not lying about something else he said."

Emmett raised a brow.

"What did he say?" Emmett asked, the cogs of his brain clearly spinning.

"That you died." He said, looking Emmett in the eyes with sadness.

Emmett raised a brow.

"But I'm clearly alive." Emmett said with a small laugh.

Carlisle smiled slightly. "When you first woke up, What happened?" Carlisle asked, "Could you hear the forest outside? The beating of his heart?" Carlisle asked, painting to the far wall them me. "And the lack of your own heart?"

Emmetts brows knitted together as he looked at the far wall, me, then his own chest.

Placing a hand over his heart, Emmett quickly looked up at Carlisle with a worried expression, "I can't feel anything."

Both Carlisle and I nodded our heads, "That's because it no longer beats." Carlisle said with a small smile.

As I nodded, I saw Emmetts eyes snap onto me as he swallowed the venom starting to fill his mouth.

Thankfully Carlisle pulled Emmetts attention away from me to quickly explain to Emmett, "Your throat feels itchy, right?" he asked, "when you hear his heart beating. The blood coursing through his veins."

'What the hell are you trying to do, Carlisle? Get me in a fight with Emmett on his first day as a Vampire?' I wondered as I watched Emmetts attention move back to me.

"Why?" Emmett asked simply, a worried look appearing on his face.

"Because you are now a vampire." Carlisle said, waiting for Emmett to react.

Emmetts head snapped to Carlisle, a bewildered look on his face. "I'm sorry?" Emmett asked, confused.

And that's when I decided to hop into the conversation.

"Ever heard of dracula? You know…red cape, castles, sleeping in coffins, Renfield?" I said.

Emmett looked at me then Carlisle.

"A…vampire…?" he asked.

I nodded my head, "Yup. Except the whole sleeping in coffins is a pretty big misconception, They actually don't sleep at all. And they aren't affected by garlic or crosses." I said with a chuckle.

"Or sunlight." Carlisle added.

I snapped my finger, "Or sunlight."

"Okay wait." Emmett said, removing the blanket from his lower half and moving his legs over the side of the bed.

"So what you're saying is I'm a vampire and everything I know about vampires is wrong." Emmett asked, looking at the both of us in astonishment.

"Pretty much." I said with a smile, before remembering the most important part. "You also don't need to drink human blood. You can survive mostly fine on animal blood."

"Mostly?" Emmett asked.

"Animal blood doesn't fully satisfy the thirst you are feeling right now like human blood would." I said. "But what it does do is allow you to still live a somewhat normal life with humans. It allows you to fight the urge to drink every human you see."

Emmett let out a long sigh.

But before he could speak there was a knock on the door, it was Esme.

"I have some clothes for him." Esme said, opening the door.

Emmett looked at her for a moment with slightly wide eyes.

"How many of you are there?" he asked.

"Vampires. 4. Well five now including you and not counting me." I said as Esme handed me the bundle of folded clothes as she gave Emmett a small smile.

"And what about you? Are you their Renfield?" He asked.

Me,Carlisle and Esme all laughed, causing Emmett to look at all of us.

"No…I'm not their Renfield." I said with a chuckle, leaning forward in my chair again with my hand outstretched for a hand shake, "Im Adam. first man, nice to meet you." I said as we shook hands.

He stared at me as we shook hands, his eyes growing wide.

"First…Man?" He asked.

Esme placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You can't just drop something like that on him." She admonished me lightly with a small smile.

I shrugged. "Better to rip off the bandaid now when he's still taking everything in than when he's processed and accepted everything."

Carlisle nodded his head, "He's right my love."

"The first man!" Emmett asked again, seeming more focused on that over the fact that he was now a vampire.

I nodded my head.

"Yup. Adam and Eve…the apple from the forbidden tree. All that mumbo jumbo."

Emmetts head looked like it was about to explode.

"I think we should wait before we go any further down that road." Carlisle said, "First we should take him on a hunt."

I nodded my head, handing Emmett the clothes Esme had handed me, "Good idea. I'm gonna go talk to Rosalie. She seemed pretty upset about something."

Leaving the room I found Rosalie on the back porch of the house, a car manual in her hand.

"Studying to become a mechanic?" I asked, jokingly.

"Would that be a bad thing?" She asked sharply, looking up from the manual.

"Not at all." I said, taking a seat in the chair next to her. "I Know absolutely nothing about cars. It would be good to have our own little grease monkey to fix our cars." I said, causing her to smile.

Leaning back in the wooden chair, I looked at Rosalie with raised brows.

"You okay? You seem like somethings been bothering you." I asked. "Was it something to do with our new member?" I asked, wanting to get to the bottom of this as it was a moment I feared greatly.

Rosalie dropped the manual to her lap, letting out a sigh before looking up at me.

"Yes...It does have to do with him." she said, her eyes distant.

'Shit!' I thought, readying myself for the conversation to come.


If you are interested, I now have 8 advanced chapters on my patron. I plan on having ten advanced chapters soon.


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