
Chapter 12 ☽ Thundering blood

Keifer POV

The metal of the phone feels foreign in my hand, and I pause before lifting it to my face, my jaw clenching while I chew on the inside of my cheek in thought. It's call day. The infamous day that no one looks forward to.

I clear my throat, typing in the phone number that I know by heart for my monthly call. I never know what's in store when I call home, but I have a vague idea. I picture the phone ringing on the Alpha's tidy desk.

It doesn't ring long, Dad answers swiftly, he always does when he knows that I'm calling.

"Keifer." His deep voice says. His tone is more gruff and disapproving.

Usually, despite his rough exterior, he sounds happy to talk to me. I know they miss me, because he typically lets it show through his voice. But today is different.
