
Chapter 172: The Power's Origin


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-


Chapter 172: The Power's Origin


"Yes, this is the Cloak of Invisibility. It has been passed down through my family for many generations," Harry explained.


"The Potters had it…of course, I should have known. The Potters and the Peverells were very close in the past," Xeno said.


"Yes, I heard that too…" Harry nodded.


"Incredible…this is a real Hallow. But…" Xeno ran his fingers through the fabric and noticed the obvious issue.


"It stopped working a year ago," Harry confirmed his suspicions.


"This can't be possible!" Xeno picked up the cloak and examined it further.


"Are you sure it's not a fake one?" Luna asked. Her face was uncharacteristically serious.


"Even a high-quality Invisibility Cloak doesn't last more than a few years. This one has been in my family for several centuries and was working perfectly until last year when it suddenly lost all its power and became a normal cloak. This is a real Hallow, one of the three…I would bet my life on that claim," Harry answered.


"I do not doubt your word, Mister Potter. But you said this cloak lost its power…that is just not possible," Xeno told him.


"Well, that's what happened," Harry said.


"You are aware of the source of this power, yes?"


He nodded. "Of course. I know what the tale said. These three artifacts were crafted by Death himself."


"Is more than just a tale… I have spent a very long time researching them… trying to find them. And I have learned much about them and where they came from. Their power originates from Death, yes…and thus can never be exhausted or disappear for as long as Death exists."


"Why did it stop working then? Do you have any theories?" asked Harry.


"If its power didn't vanish, that must mean it went somewhere else," Xeno said.


"It went somewhere else…" Harry muttered.


"If you could find the other two, perhaps we could learn more," Xeno suggested.


Harry thought about it. "I may be able to get my hands on the wand."


"You know where the Wand of Power is?!" Xeno didn't expect him already to know where the second artifact was located.


"I do but… I have good reason to believe it had also lost its power. I'll try to get it," Harry told him. 'I could pay a visit to Riddle Manor at some point to see if the Stone is still there, but that is very unlikely.'


"Would you mind leaving the cloak with me? I would love to study it further," Xeno requested.


"If that helps, I don't mind. But take good care of it. Even without its power, it is still a family relic," Harry said.


"Of course, Mister Potter," Xeno appeared to be very excited at the prospect of studying one of the legendary Hallows.


"Just call me Harry, no need for Mister."


"Oh, in that case, you must also address me by name. Mister Lovegood is just too long and formal. you may call me Xenophilius Lewis Gruffyd…the third."


Harry raised an eyebrow. "Can I just call you Xeno?"


He shrugged. "If you prefer it. Once you marry my daughter you can call me Father."


"What?..." He thought they were done with that.


"I'm getting married to Harry?" This was new for Luna.


"No, hold on…"


"Oh no… Ginny and Lyra are going to be very disappointed…" Luna said with a sad tone.


"Wait, what?!" Harry shouted.




On the next day, Ginny and Luna came to the Potter Manor for another defense practice session with Harry.


"So… is it not true?" Lyra leaned closer as she asked him for the third time.


"How many times do I have to tell you? No one is getting married," Harry was beginning to lose his patience.


Ginny glanced at Luna. "What did your father say?"


"Oh, he offered my hand to him, but Harry said he had to think about it," Luna explained.


"I did not…" Harry noticed the tiny smile on Luna's face and realized she was messing with Lyra and Ginny. 'This must be her version of a prank, I guess…'


"Forget about that, you have better things to occupy your minds on," Harry told them.


"Eh? But…" Lyra muttered.


"Today I'm going to teach you the Stunning Charm," Harry aimed his wand at one of the training dummies. "Stupefy!"


A wisp of red light impacted the chest of the dummy, creating a lot of sparks.


"Isn't that a bit boring?" Lyra complained.


"Boring?" Harry questioned her.


"Yes, I mean, yesterday… Ginny's brother taught us this Bat-Bogey Hex," Lyra waved her wand at the dummy and was surprised when nothing happened.


"The Bat-Bogey Hex won't work on a wooden dummy. It has no bogeys…" Harry informed her.


"Oh… that makes sense," said Ginny.


"What were you thinking? It's so obvious," Luna taunted her.


"Ah… ahmm...shut up!" Lyra became embarrassed.


"Harry, did you know my brother's jinx?" Ginny asked. This was supposed to be something her brother had created, so how could Harry know about it?


"No… by the way she formed her magic, the wand movements, and the name, I was able to figure out what the jinx is supposed to do," he just said the first thing that came to his mind.


"Amazing!" Ginny looked at him. Her amber eyes were filled with admiration.


'Stop it… you are making me feel guilty,' Harry thought.


"In any case!" Lyra spoke again. "Can you teach us something like that?"


"You want to learn something flashy and eye-catching?" Harry asked.


"Yes!" Lyra shouted with excitement.


Ginny did not say anything but was also looking with a lot of interest.


"Okay, pay attention… I will only show it to you once."


Lyra got closer and opened her eyes wide open.


"Lumos Solem!"


"Ahh! My eyes!" Lyra shouted.

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