
City Lights

Author's Note: Every single chapter title alludes to a movie or a television series that I have watched and enjoyed immensely, and would whole-heartedly recommend to you all.

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I cast a quick look at the rustic Grandfather Clock, before seating myself at the coffee table. It was Sunday morning and neither me nor my father were in any rush today.

"Morning kiddo." Dad seemed to be overtly cheerful today.

"Good morning, and please, please, don't call me that." I put some emphasis on the second 'please' making sure he knew I wasn't exactly thrilled at being called kiddo.

He glanced at me, and scoffed, "No chance there."

"What will it take for you to stop? Come on, don't be shy, name your price." I leaned into the table, steeling my gaze as I prepared for the negotiation of a lifetime.

He propped his chin with his hand and started stroking it earnestly, pretending to think deeply, "You want me to stop calling you a 'kiddo'? Well, I suppose… I'll do it when you stop being one." He concluded with a grin.

'Sigh, I'm getting too old for this shit.'

Just as I'm about to take a sip from my cappuccino, he tosses me a newspaper across the table.

I picked up the paper and surveyed it, before casting a questioning glance at him.

He smirked triumphantly, "Check out page no. 6."

By that point in time, my increased intellect and wisdom had allowed me to come up with abundant possible scenarios which could unfold as I proceed to open the publication. My thinking came to a halt as I took in a small photo of me on stage, garbed in a blue poncho.

The title being…

'Youngest Valedictorian in the history of Berkeley Hall High School'


"Yep." My father smirked as he took in my reaction, "Finally had something to brag about to Neil and the others."

"Neil? You mean the one from Riviera country club?" I enquired.

He snapped his fingers and did a finger gun salute, "The very same, that son of a b… son of a gun talked my ear off last Saturday about how his son, bless his soul, was promoted to Jr. Partner at his law firm." He proceeded to scoff derisively. "Big fu- fudging achievement when Neil's brother in law is a name partner himself."

"You know you don't have to… censor yourself around me. I've been exposed to far worse already." I deadpanned.

He hummed evasively, petulantly not acknowledging my words.

I continued, "Neil's son, that's Holter right? He any good at what he does?"

"Neil claims he's the best of the best. I ain't taking his words at face value, but the way he talks, I don't think it's all bells and whistles. The firm is one of the top ones in LA, after all."

"Hmm, good for him I guess."

"I suppose." He acquiesced. "Don't think I didn't notice the deflection."

I sighed, "You caught that huh?" Damn, I was really slipping. About time I learn the subtle art of manipulation, I guess.

"Listen kiddo -" I scowled, but he continued nevertheless, "You turned 13 few months ago. You graduated high school with a shit ton of credits. I'm getting calls from all over the place. I had UCLA yesterday on the line, they were talking about a full scholarship. I dodged a 2nd call from Cal Tech regarding your status. You gotta make up your mind son. And soon." He finished with a sip from his mug.

"It's not that easy dad." I place my mug on the table, "I have zero interest in the hard sciences. So, you can tell Cal Tech to piss off. Otherwise, I have no idea what to specialize in."

"You know sometimes I forget, what with the way you talk and all, but you just entered your teenage years." He stared at me deeply for a few seconds, before picking up his mug and finishing his coffee.

"2 o'clock today, I want you down in the cinema." He spoke with a tone of finality, "There are some things I need to talk to you about, and I've… put it off for too long already. It's high time I show you a couple of things."

'Now what the hell does he wanna share with me?' I ponder as I view his silhouette getting farther and farther, before he disappears into a hallway.

Cause, it could be anything really. For all I know he could share a story from his past, or reveal some confidential information that he didn't trust me with me before? Maybe, some motivational tidbit to help me decide my career path?

Or now that I've turned 13, he's finally going to, gods forbid, give me the talk on birds and bees?

I guess my doubts will only be truly resolved after a hearty luncheon.

Ambrose Stirling (POV)

I stayed seated on the recliner eagerly waiting for Ricky. He won't be long now, it's 5 minutes to 2 already. Then again, he isn't exactly a paramount of punctuality. I still remember teachers complaining about his tendency to not respect the various authority figures in his life.

Kids his age, bend over backwards provided their teacher told them to. Ricky on the other hand. He treats not only them, but nearly every adult he meets, with a slightly flippant and aloof demeanour. At least that's how he comes across to people.

Me on the other hand, I only solved the little mystery a few years ago. As it turns out, it's not that he treats people disrespectfully, but, that he treats them like an equal. The same way an adult treats another fellow adult.

Now this may just be a sign of his impressive maturity, or you know, he may just doesn't feel any respect for his tutors. I mean, it could be either. I've never really bothered to ask him.

Why would I? When it hasn't caused any problems, other grating the nerves of his teachers every now and then? His grades have been beyond impressive and the sheer number of books I've ordered for the little tyke have left my jaw hanging on more than one occasions.

That's when the door opens with a slight jarring sound, and in walks my little genius, his face shockingly blank. You know sometimes it unnerves me. How nearly every single action he undertakes no matter how inconsequential, it might be running down the stairs, or putting on his shoes, he does it with utmost precision. Unnervingly so.

Humans are imperfect beings by design, our actions are meant to be asymmetrical in all walks of life. Not my son.

I once observed his cardio routine from the balcony. He was running laps around the garden. At first it was fascinating, how he could maintain the same pace throughout with not a single misstep, his hands swinging in a synchronized fashion. There was something hypnotic about it.

I only realized what it was about 5 mins in. He never slowed down, his arms never wavered even slightly, his mouth never opened, he didn't huff and puff like anyone else would. He just kept on going. At the same goddamn pace.

Oh, dear god, I wondered just how many marathon runners would KILL, to get that kind of ability to set the same pace throughout, with nary an interruption. At first, it was downright scary. But then, I thought a little more and realized, that it might just be due to his scary intellect. His monstrous brain ensuring his actions be executed with the same draconian precision and consistency throughout.

The counsellors did warn me about it. How his understanding of the world will undoubtedly progress at a much faster rate than anyone else, and how his mindset will grow rapidly, leaving his budding body behind in the dust.


It seems they were wrong I suppose. About his body not developing at the same pace.

"Pa? You okay there?" He asked, a touch of concern noticeable in his voice.

The warn feeling in my chest grew. "Ah, never been better, my boy." I replied, an easy smile gracing my face. "Alright, now that you're here, let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

"Yeah-yeah, but what're we watching?" He seemed to be in a hurry.

"Hmm, what will we be watching indeed?" I grinned as I took a deep breath, "Ricky, have you ever watched, a silent film before?"

"N-no, I don't think so? Not that I really know what a silent film is?" He spoke, his voice full of genuine doubt, and if I sensed right, a touch of frustration at not knowing something.

HA! I knew it. All it took to get under his skin, was making sure I knew something he didn't. Honestly, should've figured it out way earlier. Can't believe it took me this long to learn to press his little buttons.

"Hmm, I see. Well, you know, before the 1920s, when sound had first been incorporated into films, it was the era of silent films. Movies, with no dialogues, only background scores and screens showing written texts at strategic intervals, for the benefit of the audience. Anyways, you'll gain a deeper understanding after seeing this." I finished, raising my hand and signalling the start of the movie.

"City Lights?"

"Yep, that's the name. You know it's about time I introduce you to one of the greatest comedic actors of all time, arguable the greatest." I say with a flourish, "I give you, Charlie Chaplin!"


"…Charlie Chaplin!" He finished, smiling like a lunatic, a rare sense of childishness rearing its ugly head in his behaviour as he rubbed his palms in anticipation.

Thank god he was so engrossed in the movie. Otherwise there was no chance he would've missed the look of reluctant recognition on my face.


You know Charlie Chaplin's fame is legendary. Not cause his performance is acclaimed, which I'm sure it is, but that's not the main reason. It's cause through his works, he has somehow made his name synonymous with the comedy genre.

In my past life, which I now distinctly remember btw, due to all the INT I gained, I had never seen a single movie of Charlie Chaplin. Yet, for some reason, the prestige associated to his name surpassed that of his modern contemporary, the great Rowan Atkinson himself.

To ensure future generations remember him with such esteem, despite having rarely seen his filmography, speaks volumes to how notorious he must have been during his prime.

But that wasn't the real shock factor. I'll tell you what was. I've spent 13 years in this world, having spent the better part of it consuming knowledge like a madman, especially of the rich history perusing this alternate timeline, or parallel earth, or whatever the hell this was.

And after researching like my life depended on it, cause it kinda did, I compiled my findings and managed to ascertain a conclusion. I had raised an essential question years ago, and that was, if whether I had been unceremoniously reincarnated into the past, or perhaps some kind of alternate earth, where there might be others with powers such as the ones I possess.

Well, as the great literary Oscar Wilde put it, 'The truth is rarely pure and never simple'.

Because, after comparing the history and current affairs of my two worlds, I could see several similarities, and yet a frankly, alarming number of discrepancies, in all walks of life, whether it be political, financial, or geographical.

Now do forgive me, but in my quest to find answers, I had disregarded popular culture to increase my focus on the larger sectors. Which essentially means that barring the tens of movies and tv serials I had watched in this life; I was woefully uneducated regarding Tinseltown as a whole. So, to hear of Charlie Chaplin here, well, it was like a balm to my soul. I was fitting in the jigsaw puzzle, one piece at a time, and Charlie Chaplin existing here, well it's a fucking wake up call is what it is.

I should probably start looking into Sports, Hollywood, Music, Art, etc, just in case it turns out to be helpful. But it's time to halt this particular train of thought.

I suppose for the next 2 hours or so, I should just enjoy this movie, finally see what the hype around Charlie is.

Ambrose Stirling (POV)

I let out a slight sniffle, as the credits roll. I bring my kerchief to my cheek, wiping away the residue of my heavy emotions, as my eyes gradually become clear. They had been blurry for the past few minutes. The cinema was so full of dust. I wasn't crying.

Shut up.

Then I turned to my right, expecting a stature full of poise and composure. And for the first time in years, I found a child. A child fascinated by what he had witnessed, a child, whose body was still slightly fidgety, no doubt due to the seamless transition of the movie from a divine comedy, to a tear-jerking masterpiece, truly the pioneer of the rom-com genre.

I could feel his embarrassment, his cheeks flushed red, as he had been seen in a vulnerable state by me, so I turned forward, partly to spare him, partly to preserve the atmosphere, ensuring I don't break it with a wildly inappropriate comment.

"You know, I gave you the barebones of how I moved here and kick-started my life, but I never really focused on the why's and how's before." I sighed, "Well, now is as good a time as any."

I looked towards my side, ensuring I had his attention before continuing, "Stirling. The surname. It's Scottish you know? Originates from Stirlingshire, a county in Scotland. I'm sure you're well versed with the basic concepts of British monarchy. Anyways, what you may not know, is that along with the monarchy, United Kingdom also has it's form of nobility. Or as they call it, peerage. You know, the full bells and whistles. They've got dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons."

"Th-they are all really pretentious, a-grade assholes, to say the least." I chuckled lightly, "Anyways, so uh, I don't really know how to ease you into this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it. My father is the Earl of Stirlingshire."

There was a pin drop silence, and Ricky, bless his heart, was taking in the news far better than I had expected him to. I mean his eye were nearly bulging out of their sockets, but hey, silver linings.

"Wh-what t-the… I-I'm sorry, WHAT THE FUCK?" He very calmly, bellowed out.

At least he stayed in his seat. I raise my hand, "Listen, I-I know this is gonna hard, but please, just listen to my story. Please don't interrupt again, no matter how justified said interruption will be. Ju-just please." I implored.

He narrowed his eyes at me, like I was gonna drop another truth bomb on him. Which I was, but he didn't know that now, did he?

"Okay, now that I have your undivided attention-" He scoffed derisively, causing me to raise my voice by a decibel or two, "…Your undivided attention, I'll continue."

I took a deep breath, knowing I'll need it and started, "I was his firstborn. Heir to his seat in Stirlingshire, shackled by the confines of mindless politicking and a life doomed with a loveless marriage. It-it wasn't pretty. I was living every day of my life mechanically, unable to pursue my interests, and after a few attempts which resulted in severe consequences, unwilling to. Naturally I followed into expectations, accepting the burden my father dropped on my shoulders, and tried to be best at it. My etiquette was flawless, and I was well-versed in social interactions. I had several peers my age, nobles, the lot of them. We talked all proper all the time, putting on a façade of being gentlemen, at least I was."

"Until, 1950, I think. I had a free evening and me and my friends, we decided to go to the theatres. We chanced upon a screening of City Lights. It had been re-released you see, due to its popularity and rich legacy. Anyways, me and the boys, we went in hoping to get a few cheap laughs. We got several laughs Ricky, but none of them felt cheap to me. My friends, they went home after a drink at the local pub and me, I went back home, and truly pondered on my life."

"I cried that day Richmond… I bawled my eyes out locked in my room, as I contemplated that final scene. It wasn't the scene that really changed things for me you see. It didn't correlate with my life in any way. But it did something far… far greater. It incited emotions in me, so raw, so pure, emotions that I had never felt in my life before, ever."

I wiped a passing tear from my chin, as I reminisce. "It took me days Ricky, days to come to terms with the fact, that I had felt more at home with a feature film, then I had ever felt at my real home. The falseness of it all, the pretense, it had gone on long enough I decided. It took me a few more months to make preparations, and secretly get my affairs in order, but I finally did it."

I turned to Ricky, taking in his disbelief at what I revealed, "The crazy bastard that I was, I fled to America, causing a minor scandal back home, but content in the fact, that I did it… I fucking did it." I grinned.

I placed my palm gently on his shoulder as I continued, "I followed my dreams Ricky. I didn't do it cause I could, I did it cause I wanted to. That's all I've got for you right now kiddo."

"I'm sorry what?"

"I'm talking about your choice. What you wanna do going forward. You are an extremely privileged kid Ricky, you've opportunities not many do in this word. And the ability to back any crazy ambitions you may have. I mean, just look at you boy! Barely 13, and you've got a high school diploma! You're a goddam genius damn it! You get what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, I-I think I do." He replied, averting his eyes as he slipped into deep thoughts. Hopefully for the better.

"Just sleep on it. I'm not asking you to hurry kiddo, but for god's sake… be more decisive, will you?" And with that parting shot, I got up and left the hall, leaving my boy to his thoughts.

Sup people, sorry for the delay. It's just, I needed some time to write this exposition heavy chapter in a way, which didn't bore you socks off.

Anyways now that you're here, do add this book to your collections for regualr updates, and leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed it till now.

Also, throw in a couple of stones, will you? It'll motivate me greatly.

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