

Shisui took a long time to come back to his senses, after Sato exposed the Uchiha situation he was pretty shook.

They were almost at Ichiraku by the time he somewhat collected himself back up.

But he still wasn't at a 100%, so Sato decided to treat him to ramen first.

"Two miso ramen."

Sato raised his hand and ordered for himself as well as the walking dead beside him, who was named Shisui.

"Two miso ramen? Coming right up."

Teuchi, the ramen shop's owner gave Sato a polite smile and started cooking.

Sato noticed that the man was working alone, his daughter, Ayame wasn't there with him right now.

Shrugging carelessly, he looked around in search for any other know faces.

'Nobody I know, no Naruto either, bummer.'

Sato lazily wondered how to find more known faces, none were around right now so he decided to just sit back and relax.

The ramen here was smelling great, it was almost mouth watering.

In fact it was so good, that Sato smelled something other than good food from here.

He was smelling-

'A business opportunity.'

"Uncle, your shop looks great."

Sato exclaimed with a small smile, which made Teuchi look up from his work.

He stared at the young Sato and laughed with a smile of his own.

"Hahaha! Thank you lad, I try to keep everything working."

"For a good lad like you, I'll cook up the best ramen you have ever had!"

Teuchi said with a good natured laugh, his caring attitude was almost overflowing for everyone to see.

Sato looked at everything and thoughtfully tapped the stall table.

'No wonder he is the only one who had the guts to help Naruto, even when everyone else cursed the boy.'

'In attitude alone this man is on the level of Sakumo Hatake, if he was a samurai he would have went far.'

'Teuchi might not be an Otsutsuki, but he is man of character and honour.'

Sato recognised the larger than life attitude of this man, this was a man who didn't fear following his ideals.

This understanding of Teuchi's character reassured Sato about his new business idea.

"Mister, do you want to expand outside land of fire?"

"Although I haven't tasted your ramen yet, I have a good feeling about this shop."

Sato causally asked Teuchi, who blinked twice and looked at Sato a bit more closely.

A four year old child was asking him if he wanted to expand his business outside.

If anyone other than Teuchi was asked this question by Sato, they would probably take it as a joke.

But Teuchi had a natural ability to read the mood, he could tell Sato was seriously asking him about this.

"I never thought about expanding my business overseas, I make ramen for fun my lad."

"If I open a shop somewhere else, I won't be able to cook in both shops at once."

Teuchi told Sato his idea, this was one of the main reasons he was never able to open shops anywhere else.

But for the modern Sato this was not a problem without a solution.

"Don't worry about that, there are tons of ways the taste can be maintained throughout different stores."

"It might not be as good as your personal made ramen, but I can guarantee it'll be around 80 percent close."

"I can set you up in the land of lightning, if you are interested."

Teuchi smiled, by now he had made two bowls of ramen and kept them before Sato and Shisui.

"Is that so?"

"Then I can give it a try."

Sato gave the ramen maker a thumbs up, put a bunch of ramen in his mouth and started eating.

His eyes shone with happiness after experiencing the taste.

"You have a deal Mr, this stuff is worth investing in."

"You can come and meet me at the hotel behind Uchiha station, we'll discuss the details there."

"Now if you would excuse me, I have to talk to my friend here."

Sato excused himself, Teuchi just laughed and politely left the area they were sitting in.

Many ninja's visited his shop, he knew how to avoid hearing things he shouldn't.

Still, Sato remained silent and kept eating until Teuchi fully left the area.

He then gently patted Shisui on the leg.

"Eat up buddy."

Shisui opened his mouth and let out a sigh, then turned towards the bowl of ramen with sad eyes.

But he didn't reject Sato and started to dig in.



After eating almost half the bowl, Shisui stopped, he took a deep breath and turned towards Sato.

"What do you want me do?"

Sato's eyes spun towards Shisui but he didn't speak, he remained silent and let Shisui go on.

Shisui got the clue and started to talk.

"Sato kun, no, Sato San, you told me about the Uchiha's situation for a reason."

"Just like talking to you is my personal idea, telling me about the Uchiha is your personal idea isn't it?"

"This has nothing to do with the hidden cloud right?"

Sato slowly smiled at Shisui, the man was catching on to his scheme wasn't he.

But Sato still didn't speak, he let Shisui complete his thoughts.

"You must have a way to save the Uchiha."

"Sato san, please help us, I ask you not as a member of Konoha, but as Uchiha Shisui."

"In return, I can do anything for you."

Shisui bowed to Sato, he thought about this a lot before making his decision.

Sato wasn't a simple child, his mind was so sharp only someone like Itachi was comparable to him.

At least Shisui had never seen anyone else reach such a terrifying level at such a young age.

"Work for me."

Sato said this one line before looking straight at Shisui.

"Work for me, not for the hidden leaf, not for the hidden cloud, but me."

"Do that, and I will solve your problem."

Sato smirked and gave Shisui a choice.

A choice which Shisui had little problem deciding on.

"I agree, just.."

"Give me little time.."

"Before I decide for certain, I want to check one last time, if Konoha has truly given up on us."

Shisui said after a little bit of thinking.

When Sato showed him a different perspective on the Uchiha situation, he had already broken free from his past vision, but there was still a little hope.

He wanted to see for himself if Konoha had truly decided to eliminate all Uchiha.

"Go, search what you want, just don't be seen by anyone."

Sato waved his hand, Shisui bowed, drank all his ramen in one gulp and got up to leave.

But before he could flicker away, Sato stopped him once.

"By the way, do you know Konoha's plan, the plan about Hyuga Hiashi's body?"

Shisui looked at Sato with a twitch of his lips, he was speechless.

This was a tricky question, telling Sato the answer would be betraying the village and becoming Sato's partner.

After he does this, he will always be betrayer of Konoha and Sato's accomplice.

But Sato waved his hand once more.

"Just tell me, you already knew the risk when you came with me."

"If I helps, I can promise you one thing."

"No matter the result, cloud won't fight the leaf again."

Shisui shook his head with a wry smile.

He was at least happy that he was not going to start another war.

As for the Hyuga losing a Byakugan because of him leaking the news?

It was a much better result than the entire Uchiha getting massacred, as far as Shisui was concerned.

"They are giving you the corpse of Hyuga Hizashi."

"A branch Hyuga member."

With that said, Shisui flickered away, which made Sato smile widely.

There, he now had a source for his information, he can finally focus on other things.

Things like that blonde haired boy walking down the road.

'Would you look at that, Naruto showed up here after all.'

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon

