
Da Xian Special Chapter 8: Little Tiger and the Fierce-fanged boar

Little Ping Hu followed the mother snow wolf and her children until they stopped. Ping Hu directed qi to his eyes, so he was able to see clearer and farther. In front of them was an eight-legged deer with basic qi. The mother snow wolf turned to look at Ping Hu before sending qi to tell him to remember this hunting style, and he would be able to see how to kill this deer beast. Little Ping Hu stared at the mother snow wolf.

The mother snow wolf did what Ping Hu had never seen before. She concealed herself and her qi could not be detected. No murderous will was released from her. Then, Ping Hu saw the mother snow wolf slowly move closer to the eight legs deer which it did not realize that she would go from behind. When it was about ten meters away, she released ice to hold the eight-legged deer's legs to the ground immediately. Then, she jumped to bite its neck and she twisted it so her prey died eventually. All of this happened in less than one minute after the attack started.

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