
Crazy Contract and Jealousy

'Those two are sure getting along well' Nawin looks at his two sisters walking in front of him chatting happily with each other. He suddenly yawns catching Lucy attention "Onii-san you didn't get a good sleep last night?" she ask seeing her brother tired state "No I couldn't really slept last night… allot on my mind"

When the three Makasha's reach the school "Asia can you tell the teacher that I'm not feeling well, I am going to go take a nap at the Occult club" Nawin said making Lucy look at her brother unamused "Onii-san why are you always lazy" "I'm only lazy at things I don't care about and school is one of them" He reply then heads to the club.

'Ahh this sure feel nice' the black haired thought, lying down in one of the comfy couches in the living room of the Occult building. Nawin slowly close his eyes and drift to sleep.

Time Skip

Play: Shiki "Rouge" Soundtrack: Track 2 - Pendulum

Nawin suddenly starts shaking in his sleep as sweat covers his body, his breathing start getting faster and heavier. A pair of red slit eye stare at his form it's sharp fangs grin sinisterly 'Sairex you sense that?' Tairex ask his brother who nods 'We need to wake Nawin-kun up now'.

The room starts darkening as a shadowy figure starts forming next to the sleeping Makasha 'Damn it wake up kid!' Tairex yell but it did nothing.

The shadow figure stare at the black haired with its blood red slit eyes then it move to Nawin's neck and opens it mouth showing 2 sharp fangs 'KID WAKE THE FUCK UP NOW!'

Nawin opens his eye and jumps out of the coach, summons ten shadow swords around him "Huh huh W-what was that!" Nawin thought shaken, he looks around the room but couldn't find anyone. He place his hand on his chest trying to calm his breathing.

'Kid you alright?' Tairex ask worriedly 'Y-yeah j-just a bit shaken up' Nawin reply dispelling the swords, he start scanning the whole room again but couldn't see anyone 'Tairex what was that?' he ask.

'I don't know kid but whoever it is, he or she was powerful, the energy even though I only sense it for a few second is sinister… whoever it was they dangerous… very dangerous' Tairex warn making the black haired nod.

End Theme Song

Finally calm down Nawin use some of his power, his eye turn red and he begin scanning the room, he spots claw marks at the window making him walk to it to examine it closer, 'Hmm Tairex any idea what this could be' Nawin looks at the five claw marks 'It looks like a human hand, with a very sharp claws' he reply looking at the claw mark from the mindscape 'Yeah it's sharp enough to cut human flesh easily'.

'I didn't see what it looks like because your eye was close, I only sense it's energy' Tairex said making the Makasha nods, Nawin looks outside the window 'I can't see any foot print or anything' he looks at the ground 'So it mean the person could either came in flying or teleport' Tairex says.

'There seems to be nothing else… just the claw marks, not even footstep it's almost like the person wasn't even here' Nawin thought releasing his power making his eyes turn back to normal 'We can't really do much right now Nawin-kun but I suggest you be careful we don't know when this person will come again' Sairex said making the black haired nod.

Nawin looks at the clock to see the school is almost over 'Huh might as well sit down and wait till the others arrive'

Time Skip

Rias and Akeno enters club and both are surprise to see Nawin sitting on the coach reading a book, "Nawin-kun have you been here all day" Rias ask the black haired "Yeah I decided to skip school today and came to the club to get some sleep" he reply decided not to tell them about what happened earlier.

Akeno walk behind the Makasha and wrap her arms around his neck, bringing her head down on his shoulder "Why are you reading about mythical creature Nawin-kun" Akeno ask looking at the page containing information about werewolf's "It's the only book that is interesting in the shelf that Rias have" he reply.

"Why does my Otouto always have to be rude to his Ane" Rias whine taking a seat in her desk and pouts. "I'm not your Otouto Rias and you're not my Ane" Nawin reply making Rias pouts even more while Akeno giggle.

"Anyway Rias do you know what we're doing today" Nawin ask closing the book and place it at the table "And Akeno let go of my neck" Akeno hold him closer making the Makasha feel her big breast behind him 'She is so stubborn sometimes' he sigh.

"Well Nawin-kun today will be your first day doing contract with Issei-kun and Asia-chan" Rias reply "Are you sure Asia is ready for this?" Nawin ask a little worry for his little sister "Don't worry Nawin-kun, Asia will be fine she will not be getting a dangerous contract like me or Akeno" Rias reassure the black haired.

The club door opens showing Issei and the rest walking in, When Issei spot Akeno hugging his arch enemy from behind, he start to cry 'Damn it why must the teme get all the ladies' The brown haired thought, the others looks at the depress pervert and sweat drop.

"Enough crying pervert and take a seat like ordinary person" Nawin said, Asia walks to the brown head and pets his head trying to cheer him up. Issei looks at Asia smiling then he hugs her "Oh Asia-chan you're the only one who understands me" Issei said, Rias looks at the scene with slight jealous while Nawin looks like he was about to kill the pervert.

"Issei if you don't let go of my sister in 5 second I will take the one thing that makes you a man" Nawin threaten making Issei pale and release the blushing Asia immediately. "Enough… now then everyone take a seat" Rias order, Koneko takes a seat next to Nawin making him smile slightly petting the cute white haired making her lean in his touch, Akeno release the black haired and take a seat beside him, Asia takes a seat on the other side with Issei while Yuuto leans against the wall.

"First Nawin-kun I think it's time that you tell us about your sacred gear" Rias said turning to the black haired with a serious expression. Nawin looks at the red head and sighs knowing she will not take any more excuses.

"Fine fine I guess it's time for you guys to know" Everyone starts listening closely "My Sacred gear is one of the Longinus I'm sure you guys would have guessed it by now… It's called Demonic Shadow, as the name sounds it allows me to control shadows use it as weapon" Nawin explain but it didn't satisfy Rias "What about that Black Flash you use against Tsubasa?" she ask.

"That move is known as the Death Steps… It's a technique allows me to teleport to any location in a matter of seconds" Nawin exclaim shocking Rias and the others "W-wait your saying that you can just teleport anyway" "Yes" Nawin whisper appearing behind Rias shocking the others at his speed 'I didn't even see him move' Yuuto thought looking at the couches were the black haired used to seat.

'T-that is definitely one of the scariest technique I ever seen… If he have that kind of power in him, It means when he was fighting with Sona and her peerage, he was just toying with them… he could have ended it in a matter of second if he wanted to… just how powerful are you Nawin-kun' Rias thought looking at the black haired who walks back to the couch.

"Of course all of the things I just told you are nowhere near the full power of my sacred gear since I just recently start training with it" Nawin says sitting back down on the couch. "Then those shadow weapons such as the sword you use against Saji, are there any special ability in them?" Rias ask "Those are known as Weapons of Darkness it allows me to summons any type of weapons such as Sword, Gun, Axe, and many more, what special about them is that they can go match the match against a powerful holy sword such as Excalibur" Nawin said shocking the others again "Is that all?" Rias ask.

"No even though as powerful as the Demonic Shadow is, it has one weakness…. I can't use its full power in the sunlight, My power will be cut to almost half if not more in the sunlight" Nawin said making the other looks at him worry "So your saying you're vulnerable in the daylight Nawin-kun?" Akeno ask looking at the black haired.

Nawin sighs and nods "Yes in sunlight my power will gradually weaken… you should all know by now that all my battle has been in the night so it means I can use my scared gear to its full power…" "Is that everything Nawin-kun" Nawin thinks, debating if he should tell them about Sairex but went against it 'Now is not the time'

"Yes that's all" Rias sigh and nod "Okay now then with that being done I-" Rias is cut off when Nawin right hand start glowing red showing the Gremory symbol "I'm guessing one of the human is trying to summon me?" Rias nods "Yes seems like this will be your first contract Nawin-kun good luck and behave"

Nawin stands and walks to the middle of the room, the Gremory symbol appear beneath him "Huh don't talk to me like I'm a child Rias" after saying that he disappears.

Akeno turns to her best friend and see her frustrate look "Is something wrong Buchou" "Yeah I feel like Nawin-kun hasn't told us everything… It seems like he doesn't trust us yet" Rias sigh rubbing her temple.

"Why would Onii-chan don't trust you Buchou I mean he knows you longer than me and he trust me already" Asia ask, Rias smile at how innocent the blond could be 'I think that why Nawin-kun is so protective of her, I don't think anyone could find themselves to hate such an innocent girl like Asia'.

"Well Asia-chan to Nawin-kun your special and someone he holds dear… but for us I don't really know and it's frustrate me… why he is still so hostile with us" Rias said biting her nails.

"Buchou you probably thinking about this too much… Give Nawin-kun sometime then he will tell us all… I know he definitely trust us since you and everyone did help him rescue Asia-chan and you use one of your piece to bring her back to life… Nawin-kun is just a kind of person who dosen't really know how to show emotion that much since he always been emotionless before he move here" Akeno said making Rias sigh and nod "Yeah you're probably right Akeno" "I'm sure with our help he will opens up more but it will take time" Akeno reassure making Rias smile.

"Damn that Teme even when he's not here he still get the attention from the ladies" Issei mutters as a cloud of depression form around his head "Because Nawin-sempai is more interesting than you pervert" Koneko reply eating one of the sweat bread that her sempai brought her. Hearing Koneko respond made the pervert sulk in the corner while muttering some nonsense.

"Issei, Asia since you two are not being summoned yet, you two should put some more of the contract flyers around the city so more people can summons you two" Rias said making the two nods.

With Nawin

When the teleportation stops, Nawin opens is eyes to find himself in someone house "Ah it works finally!" A child voice yell making the black haired turned behind him to see a girl with black long hair and blue eyes looking at him with excitement.

"Well I am quite surprise a little girl is able to summon me" Nawin said, "Huh it was easy so now you will grant me a wish right since I summon you" The little ask which Nawin nods making her grin excitedly.

"Yes name the wish and I will do my best to grant it" "okay my wish is… to lose my virginity!" The girl yells. There was a complete silent for about a minute as Nawin play the words the girl just said in his mind like a broken recorder. "Well will you help me" The girl said impatiently snapping Nawin out of his thought "I'm sorry but that isn't happening you're too young" "Ahh that's what everyone tell me I remember the blonde guy came here and said that the next person to come from the portal will help me" The girl said making Nawin eyebrow twitch 'Yuuto Kiba I swear when I see you the next time I will kill you'

In the Occult Club

Yuuto is currently sharpening one of his swords then suddenly he freeze as chills went down his spine making Rias, Akeno, and Koneko looks at him "Is something wrong Yuuto?" Rias ask looking at her knight.

"I sense a dark force is coming" Yuuto mutters making the girls look at him weirdly.

Back to Nawin

"Well it's not happening" Nawin said making the girl glare at him "But I summoned you, you have to grant my wish" "True but there is some wishes that I will not do and this is one of them" he reply to the stubborn girl.

The girl start to cry making the black haired sighs rubbing him temple to ease the headache 'I need a ice chocolate after this' the black haired sigh 'Why don't you just leave the girl… this is so boring' Tairex complains.

'For once I will agree with you Tairex but I'm not going to leave when the little girl is crying' Nawin thought then kneel down to the little girl and place his hand on her head making her look up "Look you need someone you love to do that and I am definitely not that person and right now you're too young for such things, you will understand more when you grow up" Nawin said softly making the girl nod "How about this, close your eyes until I tell you to open them" The girl nods and close her eye.

Nawin disappears in black flash and appear again holding a big fluffy teddy bear "Open up now" The girl opens her eyes and gasp seeing the biggest teddy she ever laid eyes on, Nawin gives the bear to the girl who accepts it happily "Thank you Mr Devil" Nawin smiles and pets the girl head "Good now I have to go, take care of yourself" after that the black haired disappears.

Time Skip

After stopping by star bucks, Nawin appears in the Occult building and immediately punch Yuuto in the stomach sending him crashing into the wall, the other look at Nawin in surprise while Yuuto groan in pain lying on the ground.

"That's for promising a 14 year old girl that I'm going to take her virginity goldilocks" Nawin said then takes a seat next to Koneko. "Oh her sorry I thought she would never summon us again Nawin-kun" Yuuto apologize standing up wobbly.

"Temee you didn't actually do it did you?" Issei ask making the other looks at the black haired, Nawin smile at Issei as a Hindu mask appear behind him, it's red eyes glares at Issei making the brown haired pale "Do I look like that kind of person to do such things Issei" Nawin said in a deathly voice sending shivers down everyone spine except for Akeno who looks at the black haired with lust.

"N-no you seem like a very nice person Teme" Issei reply quickly, the Hindu disappears making him sighs in relief, "Okay enough of that… That all for today everyone you can all go home now" Rias said.

Yuuto, Koneko, and Issei left while Nawin stay behind seeing his king troubled face "Rias is something wrong?" He ask walking toward her desk. Rias snap out of her thought and looks at the Makasha who look at her with bored expression but she can see concern in his eyes "… No is nothing Nawin-kun… you can go now it looks like you need some rest" Rias comment seeing black rings under his eyes. Nawin nod and left with Asia.

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