
The Home Of Alter

The smal round device that had been input by Himmy lit up, and he had to pull it out before the doors would slide open. Not every member of Alter got one of these devices; it was practically a key to the base of the Alter group. However, members were able to enter along with their squad leader or if it was known beforehand. There were also several cameras that were hidden on the giant mushroom-looking building, allowing them to see what was outside.

Both of them stepped into the metal rectangular room that was in front of them. Himmy's heavy footsteps echoed slightly as they headed on inside. Then the door closed as soon as the two entered.

What the two of them were currently in was an elevator, and it even had buttons of the many floors on the side. In total, there were eight floors that went up, and there were eight floors that went down below the current floor they were on, which counted as 0.

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