
You Never Go Back


By the time work was done I was exhausted but that did not mean I could go straight home then call it a day. Belli and I had to be at the park back home for our daily afternoon jog plus of course her play date with her baby best friends. 

Whilst I was at the office I changed into a black tracksuit, wore my cap and black sneakers then changed her into the same outfit with a baby cap on. I took a picture of us together, already twinning and sent it to Pa who reacted immediately with so many heart emojis it almost filled the screen. He had recently been obsessed with them and now they made up a whole conversation. 

We packed up then headed to the car and once we were back in, Belli's nursery rhymes started playing and she attempted to sing along even though she could barely keep up with the tempo. 

When we got to the park, I took out a tanned leather stroller and placed her in it then grabbed her baby bag. 

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