
Him and I


"I didn't know we were doing this so I didn't plan anything," Dad cried before he pressed a kiss to Pa's lips who was smiling so hard I was sure his cheeks hurt. 

"You can just say I love you, it will be good enough," Pa laughed. 

Dad rolled his eyes and kissed both of Pa's cheeks, "Promise you won't laugh at me."

"I could never," Pa giggled as hearts formed in his eyes as he held Dad's hands again.

"Vasili," Dad smiled, "You found me in a time of my life where I felt so lost. I would look in the mirror and barely recognise myself until I met you. I would stare into your eyes and forget what it felt like to hurt, I forgot what it was like to feel pain and instead of all those feelings all I felt was a deep ache in my heart. 

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