
Well I Wasn't


Once dinner had been served and desserts, people mingled more as a live band formed. Multiple couples took to the dance floor as they danced together which meant Dad and Pa were no exception. I had no idea how they did it. 

How they managed to stay so deeply in love whilst letting life pass by. Of course they fought, no parents went on without fighting and trust me they were messy. Pa once took a cricket bat to one of Dad's Lamborghinis once and Dad had most definitely stormed out on multiple occasions yet their fights never lasted more than a few hours before they would be back to giggling and expressing their love for one another. 

When I thought about it more, Malia and I had never really fought. We had our small disagreements but it never went further and they were all resolved pretty quickly. With Ethan however someone always said too much or did too much that we could go on for weeks without talking. 

It made me chuckle thinking about it, it was quite exhausting. I guessed it was nice to finally be in a relationship where no tantrums were thrown or someone storming out. For once I was calm and it made me happy. 

I looked at the watch on my wrist and let out an exhausted sigh. Dad had asked me to stay for at least an hour, I had stayed for three. I was sure that would make him happy. It was not like my siblings or cousins were much fun since they were goofing off and most were with their partners. 

Vasilisa, despite throwing a complete tantrum, was walking in the sunshine today since Christina had literally popped up hours before we had to leave for the party. They were glued to each other and even if I wanted to hang out with them, Christina would literally rip my head off.

That was how I sat by the table alone, randomly popping small macaroons in my mouth until I felt like I physically could not anymore. I was sure if I excused myself from Pa and Dad they would let me go. Plus I had promised Malia I would call her before she went to sleep which gave me two hours. 

"Planning on leaving?" a voice startled me as I jolted in my seat to find Ethan standing a few inches from me. 

His height forced me to crane my head back so I could meet his eyes, "Yes. I have commitments."

He nodded, "Well before you go would you like to dance with me?"

I stood up as I let out an exhausted sigh, "Ethan-"

"Just one dance, Demyan and you don't have to deal with me for the rest of the night, I can assure you."

"You're impossible," I shook my head.

"It's my party Demyan," he grinned, flashing me his perfect white teeth, "Just for old times sake. I'm sure it would make Uncle Ed happy to see us getting along for just a few minutes."

I pursed my lips as I looked away from him to look at Dad who gave me a small smile before he focused on his conversation with Uncle Yavok and his wife. It exhausted me to know how much effort I was willing to put to make him happy even if it meant I had to dance with Ethan for one song. 

"Fine," I sighed, "One dance."

He gently took my hand in his, raised it up to his lips and kissed the back of my palm. A violent shiver ran down my spine as a quiet gasp left my lips. "Thank you Demyan."

I found myself unable to even utter a word as he led me to the dance floor where people immediately parted ways for us. My eyes were focused on the ground the entire time until we were standing in front of each other. 

"Breathe Demy, I won't bite," he chuckled as his hand gently slipped down to hold my waist whilst he took my other hand in his. I had no choice but to place my hand on his strong broad shoulder that was covered by the perfectly tailored suit he was wearing. 

I had been seeing him the entire night but it was only now I got a proper chance to look at him. Ethan never wore suits easily but when he did it was always breathtaking. His strong body that he spent hours perfecting in the gym made everything look good and this was no exception. 

Since I had first had memory, Ethan had always had the same haircut. Short at the back and sides whilst the front was grown that perfect curtain bangs framed his face. Now, however, he had a small beard which made his chiselled jaw just look exceptional. His plump pink lips were formed in a permanent closed lip smile as he gently swayed us to the music. 

"At least you still know how to dance," I grinned as I looked up to him. 

"I'll never forget how to, especially with the amount of hours it took for you to teach me," he chuckled. "I've improved a lot since your eighteenth birthday."

My face flushed as I remembered the day as if it was yesterday, "Well I'm happy for you."

His hand slipped lower down my waist to the small of my back, he spread his fingers out and very gently pulled me closer so I was flush against his chest, "I almost forgot how perfectly your body fit against mine. Almost as if you were made just for me."

I turned to avoid his gaze as I looked down to the gold speckled floor, "Well I wasn't."

"I beg to differ," his deep chuckle caused a rumble in the air which immediately made me light headed as I remembered the sound that used to be my drug when we were still together. "I haven't been able to forget about you Demyan and I'm pretty sure you haven't forgotten about me either."

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