
Chapter 229

I giggled when I saw a large cardboard box in the middle of the room. I could sense Gasper hiding inside it. I slowly walked towards the box and placed the bracelet down next to it. "Here you go. If you wear this, your Demonic Power will be suppressed and your Sacred Gear won't activate. You can take it on and off as much as you want!"

"T–thank you…" A muffled voice came from the box. It was full of appreciation.

With that sorted, I turned towards the large TV in the corner of the room. Gasper had set up the game he was playing on split screen and it was still paused. It looked like some Call of Duty knock off that I didn't recognize.

On the floor near my feet was a second controller. I sat myself down on the carpet and picked it up. "Alright, Gasper, let's see what you're made of!"

…20 minutes later…

[You're getting wrecked, Host. That's sad considering you're literally a Gamer.]

'I know!' I replied in my head while furiously button mashing! Gasper was insanely good at this game! We were playing 1 on 1 and he was leading 20 kills to my paltry 3. Also, I'm pretty sure I only got those kills because he felt bad for me…

It had been a while since I played any actual video games, but I figured I would have an advantage with my supernatural reflexes. What I forgot was that Gasper also had supernatural reflexes so it was an even playing field! I even tried cheating by looking at his screen, but it didn't help. He was still annihilating me even if I knew where he was!

I died one last time before "You Lost" popped up on my half of the screen. I sighed before turning towards the cardboard box and smiling. "You're really good at gaming, Gasper! Have you thought about being a pro gamer on the side?"

"...It's too scary. I don't like people looking at me." Came his muffled reply.

I nodded at that. Even I got a bit nervous when I remembered just how famous I was on Earth Marvel.

"Do you want to play online on the same team?" Gasper asked.

I grinned. "Sure! Let's go stomp on some plebs!"

And stomp on the plebs we did! With Gasper on my team we were pretty much unbeatable! It was pretty funny hearing the people we played against curse us out and call Gasper a dirty cheater at the end of every single game!

It wasn't til another half hour later that the door to Gasper's room opened abruptly! 

Rias and Sona were finally finished talking to their siblings. That call lasted longer than I thought it would have.

"Layla! There you are! I couldn't find you!? Y–you're playing games with Gasper!?" She asked in almost disbelief when she looked at the TV and controller in my hand. 

"Hi, Rias…" Gasper said hesitantly from his box. 

"Hi, Gasper! I'm glad you're making friends!" Rias smiled at him then at me.

Sona walked in the room a moment later and she also looked surprised. "Gasper actually let you in here? You must be really great with kids." 

"Yeah, I told you two I had an adopted daughter. One of my other girlfriends also has two daughters." I told them. I was talking about Yasaka of course. Her second daughter, Kunou Alter, came as a surprise to her, but she accepted her wholeheartedly. 

"...Other girlfriend?" Rias raised an eyebrow at me. 

Whoops… We didn't have this talk just yet did we?

Sona gave me a cute glare. She walked over and took a seat on the floor right next to me. "If we're going to be in a relationship, I think we should know more about you, Layla." She said with a look that told me 'I better start talking…'

Rias also sat down next to Sona and gave me the same pout. "I never really minded being in a harem…but I would also like some honesty. How many 'girlfriends' do you currently have?" 


[Uh oh! Good luck with this one, Host!]

-Vali Lucifer-

Vali had spent all morning searching the dull Japanese town for his rival. He was growing frustrated and almost gave up hope until Albion picked up a trace of the Red Dragon's magical energy. To Vali's surprise, the trace wasn't coming from the town, but the lone church on the town's outskirts. 

It was the middle of the day and Vali wasn't good at illusion magic, so he couldn't fly there. He had to resort to running there on foot as fast as a 'human' could. Human streets were full of camera's after all. 

Because of that, Vali didn't end up reaching the church for about 10 minutes. He hoped his 'rival' was still there when he arrived. 

When Vali arrived at the church grounds, he was surprised to find a bunch of corpses surrounding the dilapidated church. "Stray exorcists?" He muttered to himself as he inspected the bodies. "Did my rival kill them all?"

Vali approached the church itself where he heard voices and movement inside.

"Why are you doing this!? We've never even met before, you Psycho!" A woman's voice called out in panic.

"We have met before… in a long distant dream. A dream that I will reclaim at all costs! Now die, Raynare!" A spiteful voice replied in fluent Japanese.


Vali flinched slightly when he heard the snapping of bones. He was pretty sure that the woman called 'Raynare' just got killed. Her name sounded vaguely familiar to him, but he couldn't quite remember from where.

Vali pushed the doors and they opened inwards. He walked inside to find a lone figure standing in the empty church. He was surrounded by black feathers and the corpses of four recently slain Fallen Angels. 

Vali grimaced. The Fallen Angels had been kind to him, and he was always thankful that Azazel took him in and basically adopted him as a son. Vali would make sure to report these four Fallen Angel's deaths to his father later. 

Before that though…

"You were quite annoying to track down. Are you my Rival? Are you the Red Dragon Emperor?" Vali asked. His rival had just murdered four Fallen in cold blood and would probably be hunted down for it. Vali knew that his only chance to have a fight with him was now before that happened! 

His rival was a young man with brown hair and eyes. He looked to be around 17 years old and was wearing a school uniform of some kind.

His rival looked at Vali condescendingly as he spoke. "…Vali Lucifer. I sensed you running around the town trying to find me all morning. It was almost comical really. The only reason you even found me here was because I let out that small strand of my aura on purpose for you to follow." 

Vali grinned. His rival was not a disappointment after all! "So you have awakened your Sacred Gear then!? And you have been suppressing your power?" Vali asked in excitement for the fight to come. "I'm glad! It looks like I actually have a competent rival! I would have your name before we face each other."

His rival sighed. "Do we have to fight?"

"Of course we do, you just murdered for Fallen Angels! This will be our only chance to fight before you end up getting hunted down for this!" Vali told him.

His rival frowned. "Is that so?" A red gauntlet appeared on his arm. "It's too early for my vengeance. My plans aren't ready. I guess I'll just have to eliminate the witness… As for my name, you can die knowing that Hyoudou Issei was the one to kill you!"


"A fight to the death it is!" Vali grinned as his White Dragon Wings appeared on his back!

