
Chapter 19 "Night Of Celebration"

"Nice fight out there, boy!" An Elder Orc spoke with a bright smile.

The said Orc had a Viking attire equipped from head to toe, with the striking look of a horned helmet missing one of its horns, his muscular body filled with scars only covered with a pelt of a white bear hanging from his neck, while his wrist and legs were covered in black chains.

He took the helmet off his head and put it on top of Porcinus' head while giving him a pat on the back.

"Grandpa?" Surprised with his mouth opened wide, Porcinus asked before hugging his beloved Grandfather.

His Grandfather returned the hug tighter. With his massive arm, he hugged Porcinus's whole body with a wide grin on his face. "Look at how much you've grown! Last time we met you were only a lad. Look at you now! Leading thousands of Orcs under your command."

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