
Chapter Nine

A couple days after the concert he got a text from the idol Sam. They had exchanged numbers and they exchanged numbers. They texted a couple conversations but nothing much. He looked at his phone and his eyes widened as he read the text.


Hey, wanna hang out? I'm bored and want to go shopping but all my members are busy. Pleasseee tell me you're free because otherwise I'm not going.


Omg haha. You're in luck! I'm free, I just got off. Where do you want to meet?


Actually, I'm right in front of the cafe you work at.


Oh, well I'll see you in a second then.

Obi looked up and sure enough there was Sam in his outfit of a hoodie and a mask. He came out of the cafe and smiled at Sam.



"You really surprised me, haha." Obi said and Sam laughed.

"Sorry, I'm pretty introverted. I just, kind of a spur of the moment, and I do not want to go alone."

"Well, lucky for you I love shopping! It might actually be an addiction…" Obi said as he sat in the passenger seat as Sam opened the door for him. "Thanks."

"That's perfect." Sam said as he got in the car and lowered his mask to his chin. "To the mall!"

"Oh no, you really want me to go broke don't you?" Obi groaned and Sam laughed as he ran his hand through his medium length red hair as they came to a stop light. Obi couldn't help but admire the Korean Idol. His side profile was really something. He looked like a real life prince that would sweep Obi off his feet at any moment. His nose was perfect and his lips were plump, a rosy red, and shiny with lip gloss on them. His jawline was prominent yet soft at the same time. Obi turned his head to look out so fast he nearly broke his neck when Sam looked at him. Sam gave a knowing smile as he laughed.

"It's alright, Obi." He said as he turned the wheel of the car to turn left, which shouldn't be so attractive for no reason. "My members gawk at my beauty too. Especially Bin."

"Wow, careful there. You sound really arrogant."

"Haha, sorry my bad. That wasn't my attention." He said as he turned the wheel again and immediately brought Obi's eyes to his hands once again. Slender and long with black painted nails. Get a grip, Obi, he thought to himself.

"But they aren't wrong. You look like a literal prince." Obi said as he cleared his throat.

"A prince? You know I was recruited because of my looks? I never sang, danced, or rapped before I joined as a trainee."

"Wait really?! But your dancing is amazing? Your body control was insane too! Your singing voice is so satisfying too." Obi said in surprise as Sam laughed.

"A lot of people are surprised by that." He said as he parked the car. "Let's go in!" Obi nodded and they headed into the mall. He greeted the smell of the mall.

"Man, I wish I could get a candle that reminds me of the mall smell." Obi sighed out and Sam laughed.

"Are you hungry? I'll pay."

"Oh, starving! Are you sure? I am skinny but I eat a lot." Obi warned and Sam grinned.

"I'm an idol remember?" Obi rolled his eyes.

"Ohhh that's right you make bank. Speaking of, why aren't you wearing your get up now?" Obi asked, noticing he took his hat off before leaving the car.

"Well, we're guys. Even if a rumor spreads we are just friends. Gay rumors are usually less bothersome." Sam said and Obi frowned a bit as they walked to the food court.

"What's that mean?"

"It just means it's pretty easy to shut down. I have nothing against LGBT of course. It's just kinda how Korea is." Sam shrugged.

"Oh, I see, you're not wrong." Obi said, agreeing. They looked around and ordered from 3 different places before sitting down to eat. Obi scarfed down food like he was starving when he noticed Sam not eating much. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Oh, um I can't eat much or I'll gain weight."

"What?! I won't eat all this myself." Granted, he totally could and would with his fast ass metabolism. "Come on. You ate like one fry. A burger or a couple chicken tenders won't hurt. Are you on a diet right now?"


"Then eat up boy." Obi said as he pointed a drumstick at him threateningly. Sam broke into giggles as he clapped his hands and Obi couldn't help but laugh with him.

"Okay, okay." He said as he held his hands up in surrender before taking a big bite in the burger.

"Besides you'll burn all the calories off trying to keep up with me in this mall." Sam dropped his burger as he covered his mouth. He began laughing again and Obi just stared at him.

"You're really funny. Man, I haven't laughed like that in a while."

"I'm so serious!" Obi laughed and Sam laughed harder. "No, but like seriously."

They finished up the food and started on their journey through the mall.

"Oh we definitely have to stop at this one!" Obi said, pulling Sam into a clothing thrift store. Obi immediately went for a rack of clothes. He looked at them and smiled as a lightbulb turned on above his head. "Oh! Do you know that one trend on TikTok where you walk down the racks and then say stop and they pick whatever their hand lands on? That would be so fun! Want to do it?" Obi asked excitedly and Sam smiled.

"Okay let's do it. Sounds fun."

"Okay, should I go first?"


"Okay imma go to the end, tell me when to stop." Sam nodded and Obi went to the end of the shirt rack and brushed his hands on the shirts as Sam watched.

"Stop!" He said and Obi pulled out a green flannel shirt and he scrunched his face in disgust.

"Ugh! I hate flannels. They don't flatter me whatsoever!" Sam laughed as he clapped. They completed the outfit and then Sam went. Obi was first to get in his outfit and he stared at himself in horror in the mirror of the dressing room. "I am NOT coming out in THIS!" Obi shouted through the door.

"Oh come on! If I gotta do it you gotta do it!" Sam said with a laugh. "Besides, this was YOUR idea!"

"Thanks captain obvious!" Obi groaned. He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes closed as he swung the door open and he heard crickets. He slowly peeked his eyes open and saw Sam desperately squeezing his lips together as he tried not to laugh at the mess that was Obi's outfit. A green flannel, some pink skinny jeans, and some high heels that were too small so his pink toe was peeking out of the fabric because he couldn't fit it in the open toe shoes. His face began to turn red as he finally burst into laughter. "Yeah laugh it up, prince." That only made him laugh harder. Obi quickly went back into the dressing room as Sam laughed his ass off.

"Ah! Come on! It wasn't that bad Obi?" He said still trying to hold his laughter back but failing miserably.

"Nah, I'm changing back into my clothes!" Obi said with a soft smile as he changed back into his fashionable outfit. He slammed open the door and stepped aside gesturing into the dressing room. "Your turn, Highness!" Obi said to the still laughing male. Sam shook his head as he walked in with his horrible outfit. Obi was excited to have his turn to laugh but unfortunately that wouldn't happen. It was the curse of Sam's beauty and Obi's worst nightmare… he looked good.

Sam wore an ugly wine velvet button up shirt, brown jeans that weren't tight, and some old man loafers. Obi swears to go he sees fucking sparkles and petals around Sam.

"Nah! This is some bull! Why do you look so good!?" Obi exclaimed as Sam stood with his hand tucked in the jean pockets. Obi could tell by his stance he KNEW he looked good. The velvet button up tucked loosely in the jeans letting some excess fabric fall over the jeans waistband and the first few buttons unbuttoned. "This is wrong on so many levels!" Obi sobbed dramatically as he fell from the chair onto his knees and raised his fist to the air as he shook them. "Where's my laugh!?" Obi sighed in defeat when all he got was silence.

"I was just lucky. Neutral colors go with any color." Sam laughed as he untucked his hands. "This would look good on you too, I guarantee it."

"Nah, I'd be drowning in that outfit. Do you see me? I'm so skinny. Basically bones. I've tried gaining some weight but no luck." Obi sighed.

"Hey, a lot of people would feel blessed to be like that."

"I wish I could GIVE IT to one of those people."

"Fair. Alright I'm going to change out of this now. I might buy this outfit actually. Without the grandpa loafers though." Obi snorted as Sam went into the dressing room.

"Of course you are." Obi said as he rolled his eyes. He heard Sam laugh from the dressing stall and he rolled his eyes again, at this rate they might get stuck. He was glad that Sam found his sassiness funny because a lot of straight males found it rude and insulting. Sam came out with the shirt and jeans. He goes to the register and Obi follows with a roll of his eyes and shaking his head. "I cannot believe you actually bought that." Obi laughed as he shook his head.

"Didn't you say it looked good on me?" Obi let out a sigh since he couldn't deny it. He did indeed tell him that.

"Ohhh! What about this store?" Sam said, pulling Obi into an expensive looking store.

"Oh, Sam.. I don't think I can aff— whoa!" Obi exclaimed as Sam took his hand and pulled him into the store. Obi tried not to let his eyes bulge out of his eyes as he saw the fancy expensive clothes. Things like Gucci and juicy couture. Obi gawked at the clothes when he saw a pretty green emerald shirt. He pulled his hand from Sam's and grabbed the silky cloth. "Wow this color is so pretty!"

"You should try it on!" Sam looked at the tag and felt his soul leave his body for a second.

"Oh no. I can't afford this." Obi said, shaking his head as he looked at the shirt longingly.

"Oh, but trying it won't hurt right?" Sam said with a grin and Obi sighed softly. Honestly it probably would hurt him because he knows he can afford it. Sam took the shirt off the rack and they walked around a bit more, Sam taking off shirts from the racks occasionally. He found some jeans and grabbed some as well. Sam guided them to the dressing and shoved all the clothes he got into Obi's arms. "I think these will look good on you. Try them on." Sam said and Obi jaw dropped as he was pushed into a stall.

"Wait but—"

"Nope!" Sam interrupted and Obi sighed. He reluctantly stripped his clothing on and pulled on the silky smooth emerald color shirt he was eyeing. He grappled a pair of jeans and was surprised that Sam had gotten his size right. But then again, Obi was extremely small. So a size zero would make sense. He pulled into the ripped black jeans and when he looked in the mirror the oxygen left his lungs. He looked really good in the clothing. Aam knew how to dress Obi. Obi took a shaky breath and stepped out from behind the current.

Sam looked at him with a smile. It dropped as soon as he saw him. He stared in awe at the beauty before him. Obi standing in the silky emerald green shirt and black ripped jeans. Sam felt his heart speed up at the sight of this sassy guy in the expensive outfit he picked.

"Hello?" Obi said, waving his hand.

"Hm? Huh? What?" Sam said, shaking his head out of it.

"I said," How's it look?" Obi said with a shake of his head and a smirk.

"It actually looks really good on you! Wow!" Obi laughed.

"It really does, I feel good in it." Obi said with a grin before going back in the stall. Sam turned to the staff lady standing by.

"We will be getting that outfit for sure." Sam said. He knew Obi couldn't afford it but he certainly can.

Obi came out in a new pair of jeans and a blue button up top. The skinny jeans are faded and the shirt flowy, almost like a blouse. Sam couldn't help but stare in awe. When Obi went back in he turned the lady.

"We will be taking everything he tries on, thanks." He said he felt strange. He never felt the way he was feeling now towards this male towards his members. He knew his members were attractive and he openly told them too. But this guy… there's just something different. He made his heart race. He made his mouth feel dry and like cotton when he saw how attractive he was in each outfit.

"Well that was fun." Obi laughed as he came back out in his normal clothes.

"Oh yeah! Totally!" Sam said as the woman went into the room and took all the clothes to the register. Once she put them in bags Sam went up and handed his card.

"Oh. You're buying something?" He asked curiously and Sam gave an awkward and loud laugh. He knew Obi would fight him about it.

"Oh yeah. I bought a few somethings." Obi gasped when Sam picked up the bags.

"You're gonna bye all that without even trying them on?!" He gasped at the amount of bags in Sam's arms.

"Yep. I don't need to try them on." Sam said quickly, striding out of the store. Obi raced to keep up. Once Sam felt they were at a safe distance from the store he slowed down as they walked the mall.

"Oh my god! Sam! An arcade! We have to go play some games." Obi exclaimed with a giggle as he grabbed Sam's arm and dragged him there. "Oooo! A dance game! I want to see you do this one!" Obi said excitedly as Sam set the bags down slowly. There were arrows on the floor. Obi runs to put his money into the token machine and comes back with a good handful. Barely able to hold it in his hands. He put some in the machine to start it up.

Sam got on the mini dance floor as he watched the game start up. He felt a bit awkward stepping on it as it went slow. But as it sped up it got harder to do. He failed rather quickly. Obi frowned.

"Were you even trying?!" Obi asked as Sam looked at him with wild eyes and sweat on his forehead.

"Was I even trying!?"

"Yeah, I saw you on stage! You were really good!"

"Well here's the difference. This dance game is spontaneous. No pattern, no choreo. I dance repeatedly to do the dances you saw at the concert. Over and over until I finally felt good with it." Obi nodded as he let out a little laugh.

"I was just messing with you. Don't be so serious!" Obi said and Sam rolled his eyes.

They played more games together until all the tokens were gone. Obi looked at his phone and let out a surprised sound.

"Whoa! We've been here a while! It's probably already dark out." He said as he showed Sam the time. "Well I'm tired. Should we head back?"

"Yeah sure. I'm pretty tired too. Plus I have to go do some things too." Sam agreed as they left the mall. On the way back to the cafe they laughed and talked about what they had done. It was really nice and nothing Obi and Sam were used to. Sam parked in front of the cafe and the two looked at each other with smiles.

"Wow! I had so much fun hanging with you today."

"Yeah, I really feel like we click!"


"Yeah.." They stared at each other and to both of their surprises Obi leaned forward and kissed Sam. Sam's eyes widened and Obi quickly pulled back .

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I- what if someone saw and got the wrong idea! I'm sorry!" Obi said and Sam grabbed his face.

"It's okay, the windows are tinted." He said before crashing his and Obi's lips together. The kiss quickly turned in a steamy make out as Sam unbuckled his seatbelt to lean more towards Obi. Obi placed a hand on Sam's neck as they kissed. When they pulled apart they both sat back in their seats panting with messy hair.

"Wow.. um." Obi said.


"So are we..?" Obi said, his brain all over.

"Um, I dunno. I've never felt this way about a guy…" Sam said. "Honestly I'm not even sure what I'm feeling."

"Right." Obi sighed. "Look I'm not trying to get in a situationship with a straight guy."

"It's not that! Honestly. I'm not trying to play with your feelings. I'm not one of those guys."

"Well you either like me or you don't, Sam." Obi said as he opened the door. "Thanks, I really had a lot of fun."

"Hey, all those bags are for you!" Sam said and Obi looked at him with wide eyes.


"Yeah, if you don't take them I'll throw them away. I don't know anyone else who'll fit them." Obi's mouth opened and closed before he finally sighed.

"Fine, only because I looked really good in those clothes." Obi smirked as he shut the door and reached in the trunk to get the bags. Sam rolled the passenger window down.

"Bye Obi!"

"Bye Sam!"

"I'll text you later!"

"Sounds good, Prince."

Next chapter