
Chapter Two

Not even mere minutes after he left her laptop dinged with a notification of an email. She clicked into her email tab and smiled when she saw who it was from.

Christopher saying thank you for giving him her email with a couple of audio clips attached as well. She grinned as she shook her head when Binna came sneaking over to her.

"Hey, hey, hey! Who the heck was that hottie?!" Binna asked. "I didn't know you had a friend so hot! Is he studying Music Production too?" Choon-Hee laughed at her coworker.

"I know right? He's actually a complete stranger, and from what it sounds like I don't think so." Choon-Hee informed her.

"Wait so that random hottie just asked to sit with you and helped you with your homework?"

"Yeah, apparently he's a leader of a band too. A self made band. So he knows quite a bit about music production because he produces it for his band."

"Wow! He was totally into you."

"Oh come on! Don't be ridiculous, Binna. He saw me tapping my finger in time with the music, which is a habit a lot of producers have, and came over to see if he could help."

"If you say so, girl."

"Oh, look. A customer." Choon-Hee waved off Binna, who rolled her eyes as she got up. "Bye bye!"

Choon-Hee turned back to her laptop and moved back to her studio tab and finished up the soundtrack. It ended at 2 minutes and 45 seconds. She smiled as she listened to it one more time before deciding the name. She decided to go with something simple. 'The View' since she composed mostly of it while she stared out of the window of the cafe watching the scenery change. She was considering calling it 'A Cup Of Coffee' but they had to explain how they came up with the title and she did NOT feel like explaining to her WHOLE class it was because she had an amazing conversation with a hottie about music over coffee. She typed in the title before downloading the song. Once it finished downloading she moved it into her music file before shutting her laptop.

She put it back in its bag as she stood up and adjusted the strap on her shoulder. She clicked her headphones into her phone and put her K-POP list on shuffle before putting them in her ears.

"Bye, Binna! See you around!" Choon-Hee said with a wave before leaving the cafe. She paused for a second in the sidewalk to enjoy the nice warmth of the sun before heading down the sidewalk towards her shared flat.

Her keys jangled with the sunflower charms she insisted on forcing on the ring of keys. She unlocked the door and entered to find one of her roommates, Kaehi, sitting by the balcony windows as she worked on a new illustration on her drawing desk with a slanted surface. Quiet music playing from her phone.

"Hey, Kaehi." Kaehi gave a hum in response. "Working on a new project for school?" She asked as she hung her keys up in the hook.

"Yep." She said in English, popping the P.

"Where's Eun-Young and Mi-Sun?" Choon-Hee asked as she plopped on the couch.

"Classes, I'm pretty sure." Kaehi replied. If Choon-Hee was honest, she wasn't sure how these four managed to live together in the flat. They were all very different and didn't like each other that much at first. One studying fashion, one illustration, one education, and finally music production. Kaehi was more introverted and liked it quiet while Eun-Young liked to throw parties and listen to loud music. Then there was Choon-Hee being an Ambivert. Now somehow they were all extremely close.

"Can I look at what you got going?" Choon-Hee asked as she stood up and tried to look over her shoulder. Kaehi immediately covered it with her upper body.

"No! It's not even a proper drawing yet!" Kaehi whined. Choon-Hee rolled her eyes at her roomate. She didn't know if she was lying or she was just saying that because she doesn't like her art being looked at until it is complete. Their flat was exactly clean either. There were the many projects of the creative ones scattered around on each and every surface. The coffee table is covered with ribbons, cloth scraps, patterns, sketches, colored pencils, and Croquis for different clothing items.

A mannequin with a half finished project on it was shoved in the corner of the living room and scared Choon-Hee one too many times coming out in the middle of the night for a drink of something. It wasn't the only one in the house either. There was a mannequin head in the bathroom and Eun-Young had a few more mannequins shoved in her room. There was an assortment of lace, more ribbons, and notes for things scattered on the tv stand. Choon-Hee sighed as she stood up and began to organize the coffee table.

She put the Croquis of outfits into a pile while putting the random sketches into its own pile. Choon-Hee knew she didn't have much room to complain because of how her desk in her room looked but even then, at least she kept her mess IN her room. She finished piling the sketches and Croquis in their own piles when Mi-Sun came in with her arms full of grocery bags. Choon-Hee rushed over to help her as Mi-Sun panted.

Choon-Hee placed the groceries on the kitchen counter as Mi-Sun shut the door behind her and threw her own keys on the small round table tucked by the door and next to the starting of the counter for the kitchen. Choon-Hee sighed as she unloaded the bags.

"Mi-Sun! Put your keys on the hook, please! The hook is right above that table!" Choon-Hee said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll do it later." Mi-Sun said, waving her hand dismissively before plopping in the couch. Choon-Hee rolled her eyes as she picked the keys up and hung them for her because she knew if she wasn't doing it now, she wouldn't do it later. Choon-Hee put the groceries away as she looked at Mi-Sun.

"Why did you go and buy more food again? We haven't even finished the food we have yet! Granted most of what you just got was snacks…"

"Because I can! Because why not?" Mi-Sun said. "Now can you stop bitching!?" She asked, saying the cuss word in English.

"Blahblahblah!" Choon-Hee teased and squealed when her tall roommate came charging at her and tried to corner her against the wall in the kitchen. She quickly ducked as Mi-Sun tried to grab her and Choon-Hee bolted past her.

"Come here you asshole!" Mi-Sun yelled out.

"Just a reminder you hit me, I'm going to hit back 10x harder!" Choon-Hee called from down the hall.

"Anyways.." Mi-Sun mumbled. "I actually need to look for some notes I left here…" She said as she sifted through the papers on the counter. "Ah here there are." She said pulling it out from the other papers when the door slammed opened and Eun-Young ran to the coffee table.

"I can't believe I left it!" She destroyed the piles that Choon-Hee just made as she watched in horror. "Ah ha! Here it is! Bye!" She shouted as she slammed the door shut behind her. Choon-Hee collapsed to her knees dramatically beside the coffee table and let out a violent sob.

"How-how could she!? My masterpiece…." Choon-Hee joked before getting up and sitting on the couch. "Anyways. Excited for our shift together tonight, Mi-Sun?"

"Thrilled." Mi-Sun said sarcastically.

"Hey! How can you be so mean to me? I thought I was your best friend!" Mi-Sun shook her head with a laugh.

"Kaehi! Working on a new project?" Mi-Sun asked, stalking over to her. Kaehi spins around holding up a sharpened pencil at Mi-Sun.

"Back it up! It's not finished!" She growled and Mi-Sun and Choon-Hee laughed as she backed away.

"Anyways, I got you guys some dinner since Choon-Hee and I won't be here to make it. Make some instant noodles or have leftovers." Mi-Sun informed Kaehi. "I'd tell Eun-Young too, but I'm pretty sure she is busy all day with classes and then some after school activities."

"Thanks." Kaehi mumbled as she continues skriching her pencil on the paper.

"Of course, anything for my Kaehi!" Mi-Sun said as she clasped her hands and fluttered her eyes. Kaehi looked up from her drawing and looked at Mi-Sun.

"Ew." She said before going back to her work.

"Ew indeed." Choon-Hee agrees before receiving a solid smack to the back of her head. Her head whipped back to look at Mi-Sun with a deadly glare. "Excuse me! Why do I get smacked but not Kaehi?!"

"Because you are my best friend. How about that?!"

"Ugh!" Choon-Hee grumbled.

"Can you shut up!? I can't even hear my music and it's right next to me!"

"Yes, Kaehi." They both said.

"Sorry, Kaehi." Choon-Hee apologized. "I guess I'll get ready for work." Choon-Hee said, now rather bored. "I'm taking a shower! Anyone need to use the restroom?"


"No, I think I'm good."

"Alright, I'm locking the bathroom door!" Choon-Hee announced as she went and got some jeans, a light green t-shirt with a big hole where the shoulders are, and a set of undergarments. She skipped to the bathroom and sighed at how messy it was. She really needed to get an extra shelf for the bathroom because of the clutter on the sink of Face cleansers, make-up brushes, eyeshadow palettes, blush palettes, highlighter palettes, perfume, tampons, pads, and brushes.

They all had their own drawer in the bathroom but there wasn't enough room for all their things in the drawers because… well because they're girls. Choon-Hee started the shower before sitting on the toilet to go to the bathroom real quick before hopping in. She turned and put the toilet seat lid down before setting her clothes on the lid and pulled her towel from the hook on the back of the door to place it on top of her outfit for work.

She played some music on her phone before stripping down and hopping in the shower. The amount of bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash that were stacked on top of each other precariously along the edge of the bathtub was dangerous. She wet her brown hair before scrubbing in the apple cider smelling head and shoulder shampoo in her hair. She let the shampoo soak a bit as she shaved her legs, arms, and armpit before rinsing out the shampoo. She rubbed in the green apple smelling conditioner and let that soak in while she cleaned her body. She rinsed her body and hair off before getting out.

She stepped out onto the rug outside the tub on the tiled floor. She wrapped her towel around herself quickly as she shivered from the cold air hitting her skin. She turned on the blow dryer and dried her hair as her body air dried. She heard the doorknob jiggle and she smirked.

"Choon-Hee! I need to pee!" Mi-Sun whined as she jiggled the door knob again.

"Too bad. It's occupied. I asked before I took my shower."

"I know! But I didn't know you were going to take this long!"

"Boo hoo." Choon-Hee teased before quickly sliding her new underwear and jeans on along with her bra. She picked up her shirt and hung it on her shoulder before unlocking the door. Mi-Sun came bursting in and sat on the toilet as Choon-Hee continued to dry her hair with the air dryer. Mi-Sun let out a loud sigh as she peed. Choon-Hee side eyed her as she wiped and got up to wash her hands after flushing the toilet. Choon-Hee sighed in annoyance when she was pushed out of the way of the mirror she was using.

Once her hair was dry, Choon-Hee brushed through it gently. She slid into her shirt before pulling her hair up into a loose bun on her head. She did some light makeup of foundation, brown eyeliner, and some mascara. She left the bathroom and went into her room to start on a new beat she had in her mind before heading to work in a couple of hours.

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