
Stir Caused by MAZU

It was rumored that at the center of creation, there was a large sun and a moon. these two were the largest celestial bodies to have ever been formed by the gods.

The sun was known as the yang solar sun or simply the yang sun while the moon was called the yin moon.

These two celestial bodies were each the embodiment of their respective concept. the yang sun was the manifestation of the yang concept while the yin moon was the manifestation of the yin concept.

Before creation, nothingness roamed freely, unhindered by neither laws nor being. all that was and all that had been was nothingness.

When the endless and great nothingness finally found release, yin and yang emerged from the nothing. these two were one with nothingness and yet completely separate. yin and yang suppressed and reinforced each other in what could be called an eternal paradox.

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