

Mark looked outside the window into space looking at the planet beneath them, it had been a few days since he had woken up and while he didn't feel fully recovered he could get up. He's grateful they treated him and saved his vocal cords as living life as a mute would've been a pain in the ass, he looked over to the bed that Kara was occupying she had been a lot sleepier lately which did confuse and concern him quite a bit.

His eyes drifted to the growing bump on her belly and he felt himself start to have another panic attack 'Calm down!' He thought to himself and he took a deep breath, this was to be expected as he had cum inside of her more times than he could count, of course, she'd end up pregnant. While he was freaking out about it he was kind of excited as well, Kara was an amazing girl and while it may be a bit sooner than he had planned he'd be glad to have a baby with her.

Mark heard footsteps behind him and he gulped. There was however a new problem Mark was facing and it was in the form of a 6ft 4 orange-skinned alien girl that hadn't left his side since he woke up "Greetings Honoured One are you having trouble sleeping? Is there anything that I can do to assist" she said in a sultry tone as she wrapped her hands around his stomach grabbing his abs.

Mark felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt her breathe on his neck, it was at moments like this he wished he wasn't a Viltrumite, don't get him wrong he loved his powers but right now the only thing going through his head was bending her over the bed and putting his cum in her. It was exactly the feeling he got when he first fought Kara and their subsequent meeting later on.

"Honoured One?"

Mark snapped out of his thoughts and turned around escaping from her grasp, it didn't help she was wearing next to nothing "L-Listen K-Kori please stop calling me that, just call me Mark" he said as he tried holding himself back. She had a pretty blush on her face that made her look even more erotic, he was glad that his injuries had slightly tempered his biological reaction to her otherwise he wasn't sure he'd be able to control himself.

Kori smiled at him before approaching him again and going to her knees which made his dick swell even more than it was before "But you are the Honoured One... please allow me to... honour you" she said as her hands rubbed against his thighs. Things were getting dangerously close to the point of no return. Mark quickly grabbed her by the throat "Enough!" He said firmly as he stared at her doing his best impression of Nolan in an attempt to intimidate her.

"Uhhh" Kori moaned as her blush got deeper and she leaned into Mark's grip, she was shaking and Mark could feel his hormones going into overdrive. He sniffed the air and looked down 'Did she have an orgasm?' He thought to himself 'I need to get out of here' he thought before letting go of her throat and walking past her "Where are you going Honoured one..." Kori said with mild disappointment.

"Just need some air" Mark replied as he put on a medical dressing gown and some slippers "But we are in space Honoured One" Kori said as she placed a finger to her chin.

Mark looked back at her for a second then just sighed before walking through the automatic door. He felt a lot better when he wasn't in a room covered in pheromones and while he could still somehow smell her it was a lot better "That was a close one" he said to himself as he walked through the corridors of the watchtower, coming to a section where a large stretch of window ran parallel with the hallway.

"What was a close one"

Mark jumped before he turned and saw that Wonder Woman was next to him. He wasn't really with it today but how could anyone blame him, the only time he had been in space was when Superman was beating his ass, so it was nice to actually be up here and appreciate the sight "Errm it's nothing just speaking to myself" he said with a small nervous chuckle.

Diana smiled at him and came to stand next to him "I am glad that you're awake, you've been asleep a lot these past few days and it has not given me much chance to speak with you" she said.

Truth be told Mark had wanted to speak with her as well, not her specifically but any of the JL "Erm... Wonder Woman?" He said a little unsure.

"Please call me Diana," she said interrupting him with a gentle smile.

Mark smiled back "Diana, I wanted to ask if there's any information on where my Dad went" he asked.

Diana's smile disappeared as a frown marred her face "We haven't been able to track him, we have no clue whether he is on or off planet" she explained and Mark nodded before looking back out the window to the planet below.

Diana puts her hand on Mark's shoulder "Mark... there is so much that we- that I am grateful to you for" she said in a low tone.

"I have not forgotten how you saved me and foiled Aresia's plot, but more than that... I know it must've been difficult to fight against your father, truth be told when I saw you embrace him on the roof I thought we were doomed" she continued.

"Even after being chased and nearly killed by us... you still fought against your father for us and that is a debt we shall never be able to repay" Diana said as she bowed her head slightly.

Mark didn't say anything for a while and Diana just watched as he looked out into space, she then saw him wipe his eyes before turning around to face her "My Dad was right, and I'm sure anyone trying to survive in Gotham would happily sacrifice freedom for security. There are so many pieces of shit that make this world a horrible place to live" he said in a cold tone.

Diana felt herself getting nervous at his words and the way he looked at her "But there are also a lot of good people, some that helped me even when they didn't have to. It would be downright selfish if I didn't fight for them the same way they did for me" he said before turning back around.

Diana found herself in shock, not expecting him to say these things but before she could reply he spoke again "I need to go back to Gotham, there are people I need to check on, will that be an issue?" He asked, Diana shook her head so Mark walked past her and continued down the corridor. Diana felt herself sigh as she looked out into space 'He would've been such a great hero' she thought to herself.


Mark had managed to find some clothing that he could borrow and was in one of the guest rooms getting ready when the doors opened and Kara walked in.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving again," she said with a raised eyebrow as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. Mark smiled at her as he pulled his trousers up, he walked up to her before drawing her close and pecking her on the lips "I wouldn't dream of it" he said.

Kara grinned at him "Damn right" she said before laying her head on his chest and holding him close. Mark wrapped his arms around her "I have to go to Gotham, I need to check on my Mum and a few others you can come with if you want" he told her and she nodded her head.

Mark was content to enjoy the hug a while longer but curiosity got the better of him "Hey Kara... Kori didn't follow you right?" He asked with slight concern in his voice. She removed her chest from his head and looked around before his gaze stopped to the left of them "She's in the mess hall right now why?" She asked.

Mark raised an eyebrow at her as he went and sat down on the bed "I'm sure you've noticed how she's been acting the past few days" he said

Kara rolled her eyes "Don't mind her it's nothing personal she just seems to have a strange fixation on your race as they used to be protectors for hers or something" she explained.

Mark nodded in understanding "Well try and keep her away from me, it's getting a lot harder to control my impulses when she's practically gushing" he told her with exasperation. 

Kara raised her eyebrows in surprise "Is it like with?"

Mark nodded "Yeah it's the same way I felt when I was with you, though I'm guessing she has a better handle on it than I do"

Kara sighed "I'll talk to her" she simply said which earned her a grateful smile from Mark. However, a devious grin appeared on Kara's face and she started slowly approaching Mark who was on the bed "I bet you considered it though..." She whispered as she pushed Mark down on the bed and straddled his hips.

Mark laughed nervously "I don't know what you're talking about..." he said as Kara placed her hands on either side of his head.

"You know leaving me for so long had me so frustrated I considered doing it too," she said as she leaned down and whispered in his ear before biting it. Mark's hands found their way to her hips and then he found himself flipping up the skirt of her costume and putting his hands on her tight little cheeks. Kara moaned into his neck as she sucked on it, she ground her groin onto Marks growing dick and Mark started to thrust upwards prodding his dick against her soaked underwear.

Kara stopped kissing his neck and looked him in the eyes, her cheeks were hot and her eyes were fluttering "I want you so badly, ever since you got me pregnant it's like I'm wet all the time... you better take responsibility" she whispered. Mark grabbed her by the back of her head and pulled her face to his pressing his lips to her own and slipping his tongue into her mouth, their tongues wrestled in each other's mouths and Mark ended up pushing Kara onto the bed as he climbed on top of her.

He nearly ripped his trousers off letting his dick flop onto Kara's stomach, he ripped off her underwear and lined up his dick with her pussy "Mmmm" Kara hummed in delight as Mark pressed his dick into her pussy, she loved the feeling of his cock splitting her open and filling her up completely, she wrapped her legs around Mark as he started to thrust inside her.

Mark groaned as he felt Kara's tight pussy contract around his shaft even after fucking her so much he still struggled to even move when he was inside of her. However, it didn't stop him from grabbing the edge of the bed and thrusting hard into her making her scream as the bed started shaking.

Kara gripped the bed sheets as Mark started thrusting into her at near-inhuman speeds, it had been so long since she'd had this so she immediately started to cum as soon as he started thrusting. Kara was positively gushing her juices spraying all over Mark's dick as he pounded her into the bed.

Though Kara wasn't the only one who had been without sex for a while, Mark had spent months watching Harley bend over, watching her change, watching her masturbate. So needless to say he was quite backed up, he felt himself go over the edge as Kara started to bite down on his shoulder. He shot rope after rope of his cum inside her, he felt his orgasm continue for a whole minute straight, Kara screamed as she felt herself cum once again feeling Mark's cum press against all of her sensitive areas.

They both embraced each other as they came down from their sexual high. Mark sighed as he wanted to fall asleep with her but he did need to leave "Come on Kara we need to get going" Mark said as he slipped out from next to her. However, instead of getting up, she curled up on his bed and just pulled the blanket over himself.

Mark chuckled "I guess I'm going alone then" he said to himself as he put on the rest of his clothes and left the room. He nearly jumped out of his skin when outside the room Batman stood like a statue. As Mark stared at him he couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't more angry, it was cause of the man before him that he had to leave his home, but as he stared at Batman and saw how shit he looked he found that he honestly didn't care much anymore.

"We need to talk..." he said in a gruff tone.

Mark sighed "You have until I reach the nearest airlock," he said as he walked past him, he didn't need to turn around to know that he was being followed, for a while neither of them said anything and instead just walked through the corridors of the watchtower until finally, Batman spoke "I was wrong... I let my paranoia get the better of me and the result of which has almost left us broken," he said.

Mark could tell that his words were real and heartfelt. There was one question that burned in Mark's mind, ever since he found out what happened to his Dad, he stopped walking and turned to face Batman "My Mom knew what happened to my Dad, you even had a deal so tell me why did you leave me and my Mom to fend for ourselves in Gotham" he said as he looked at Batman.

"You could've groomed me to be a Hero when my powers came in, yet you just left us to suffer!" He said with a large amount of resentment in his voice.

"You're right... I shouldn't have left you and your mother, I know how bad Gotham can be better than anyone. In truth I did not want you to become a hero, it ran the risk of you encountering your father, I just hoped you'd never get your powers and lead a regular life" Batman explained.

Mark felt his blood start to boil as he clenched his fists he wanted to smash the man's face into the wall. But he let it go turned around and continued walking through the corridor "We need your help Mark" he heard Batman say from behind him.

Mark stopped and turned around looking at Batman incredulously, he then started laughing "You think I'd help you fuckers with anything after what you guys did"

"With Superman, Flash, Aquaman and... Shazam out of commission villains are going to be coming out of hiding, we need everyone we can get" Batman continued.

Mark went to rebuff him once again but didn't get the chance "I know you don't want to be a hero Mark, so how much?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Whatever you got paid by the Traids in Gotham, I'll double it for every job you do for me" Batman stated, Mark couldn't help but be dumbfounded 'He must be desperate if he's resorting to this' Mark thought to himself. And while his first instinct was to tell him to go fuck himself he did have to consider what the hell he'd do for money now that he wasn't on the run, he didn't exactly want to go back to a life of crime but he still wanted to get his Mom out of Gotham.

"Fifty thousand a job, more depending on the threat," Mark said bluntly

"Done, I'll keep in touch, I'll make sure you're compensated for your fight with Nolan as well" Batman said before turning around and skulking off.


"UGH FINALLY, YA LEFT US STINKING FOR WEEKS" Harley shouted up at the balcony where guards were stationed, she and all the other captives had been led to a communal showering area where they could clean themselves. It was the first time in who knows how long Harley had gotten to shower and it was great even if the water wasn't as hot as she'd liked.

Seeing the sheer amount of people that were being held captive as well as the large amounts of different products it finally clued Harley in to where they were. She had never been herself but everyone important in the criminal world knew about the Underworld Auction, a place where you could buy damn near anything for the right price even people. Back when she still ran with Joker he'd often talked about robbing the place but he never went through with it, only an idiot would try and steal anything from here.

Not only is it protected by the Biyalian Military but it's also protected and run by Intergang and you don't want them on your tail. Needless to say, Harley was quite pissed off as it meant escaping was going to be a lot harder than she thought "Don't worry there Cassy we will get out of here no problem!" Harley said as she rubbed soap into her body.

"..." Cassandra just looked at her not saying a word as she also made use of the shower. Harley had decided that since Killer Frost was a bit of a bitch she'd be best friends with Cassandra instead, or at least that's what the captors called her.

"I'm not a bitch!" Killer Frost said as she showered opposite them.

"Oh did I say that out loud?" Harley said as she turned her head in mild confusion. Killer Frost muttered something she couldn't hear before going back to showering.

"Hey, Harley I bet you didn't expect to see me here" a woman said from behind her.

Harley turned around and saw an auburn-haired woman who was nearly 7ft tall, she had huge breasts and a large amount of muscle on her frame "Giganta? I thought I left you for dead" Harley said with a dumbfounded look.

Giganta clenched her fists and gritted her teeth "You did! And now I'm gonna do the same" she said as she made her way towards Harley reaching out to grab her. But before she could Cassandra grabbed her hand and bent it toward her before kicking her knee, she flipped over onto her back and Cassandra slammed her knee down on her chest before punching her in the throat and incapacitating her.

It all happened so quickly so when Harley finally had time to process it a large smile grew on her face and she started jumping for joy "My new friend is so cooool!" She shouted as she ran over and grabbed Cass in her arms holding her tightly.


(AN: So more stuff is happening, you're finally being introduced to some of the antagonists of this Arc. Those of you that know who Intergang are also know who they work for, though he won't be showing up yet it will probably be set up for a later Arc. Anyway it's been a while since I did a sex scene so I just thought I'd throw a quick one in, those who wanted to see Starfire will have to wait a bit longer. Harems are a lot more unnatural in modern times so I'm still trying to make it happen organically rather than how I've seen it be done in other DC stories)

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