
A Duel at Sea

After contemplating upon this matter, the deity decided that he would try and force the criminal out of hiding. Surely, if Kai placed enough pressure upon this fool– He may abandon his cloak and choose self-preservation instead.

A slight smirk spread across his lips, as the God of Sea began to work his magic. The glow of his eyes brightened significantly when he summoned a wave of energy through his domain.

If the waves were not wild enough before, the ship now felt as if it was grazing itself across jagged stones. 

The Sea God challenged the vessel, forcing the oceans to beat down upon the ship. It shook the occupants so savagely that a few werebears even sustained injuries from slamming into hard surfaces at break-neck speed.

After an hour of pure battering, the ship itself was having a hard time holding itself together. If the Sea God continued, he would unravel the thing.

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