
With Us Mortals

With good effort, he steadied his breath. "My uncle's name is indeed Axel, the God of War."

Hearing the name roll from Taiga's lips, confirming her initial assumptions, brought a look of delight upon the rabbit shifter's face.

Even though she had foreknowledge that the God of War raised up Taiga to become the leader of a united Werewolf Nations– Nonetheless, hearing a spoken name from her former home triggered an emotion within her that the rabbit shifter didn't know existed.

She longed for the God Realms, where her Lady Goddess was.

Every bit as much as she yearned for the period, where Atlas and she trained together and had carefree days.

That part of her life felt like ages ago. Some days, Tuzi wondered if her former relationship with the Moon Goddess was an illusion. A wonderful dream that was conjured during her deep sleep. But hearing a familiar name spoken out loud by Taiga truly poked at her heart.

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