
Semifinal 1

''Why isn't our ace the one start the game?"

"The coach know better so we need to play accordingly"


The chatter stop when they heard footsteps behind them. Tanba and Mio look at the person and approached them.

"Whether I deserve it or no you know what's the best for the team. Don't you trust the coach? "

"Clearly Mio have better ability than you"

The person beside him flinched when he talk back towards Tanba. He want to say more but got dragged away by his friend.

"I'm sorry senpai! He seems not sober, I'll take him away"

His friend forced him to bow before taking him away. Still his voice reprimanding him can be heard.

"Are you insane?! "

"But.. "

"Say no more, you're rude just now. How can you talk about ability with Tanba-senpai? "


Mio look sideways and see Tanba's clenched fist. He patted Tanba shoulder and look into his eyes.

"Senpai no need to take their opinion into your heart. The coach just gave you the opportunity to prove them wrong. Show them, show them what you're made off"

"But you're better than me"


"Of course I'm better. I'm younger, intelligent and handsome than you"


Miyuki and Kuramochi who happen to passed by was speechless by Mio's sudden narcissistic. Even Tanba was jaw dropped.

"And one more thing, I have more hair than you! "

"KYAHAHGAGGA, Tanba-senpai you got sugar coat by Mio"

"Heheehe, I never know you have this kind off attitude Mr handsome boy?"

*blink blink*

It was Mio turn to be left speechless. His white complexion turned red after being caught red handed by Miyuki and Kuramochi. His attempt to cheer up Tanba failed miserably and on top of that he got himself in trouble.

"No, t-that I can explain"

"Explain? "


Seeing Kuramochi playful face Mio got a bad feeling about this.

"Miyuki I think I'm more handsome and intelligent than you? but sadly I'm older than you by 7 months"

Kuramochi dramatic face make Mio lost his smile. Miyuki kick Kuramochi when his statement half defaming him.

"What the-"

"Whose more handsome?! "

"Of course our Mio-chan! "

Spotting a dangerous glint from Miyuki, Kuramochi change his prey. Tanba lowered his face but his shaking shoulder betrayed him.

''Tanba-senpai?! "

Tanba wave his hand and make sure his distance with Mio was far enough for him to run. Seeing this Mio felt betrayed and shame was written all over his face.

"Kyahhaaha wow! Your expression was colourful Mio-chan "

"Heheehe, this should help me to restrain you more Mio"

Mio plopped down and cover his face.

'I don't want to live anymore! what a good senpai they are'

Mio shout internally. He never felt ashamed like this in his entire life. Watching Mio questioning his existence, the senpais even got mischievous especially Kuramochi and Miyuki.

"I heard there's someone crushing on our Mio from our class, right Miyuki?"

"Isn't some of them even want your help Kuramochi? "

"Of course! That's because he is HANDSOME and INTELLIGENT! "

Despair is written in Mio life for the first time in his life. He get up and chase the duo, leaving Tanba stranded alone. Mio original intention to console Tanba was thrown out of his head. The noise from the three of them bickering can be heard even with this distance.

"Why you little! "

"We're your senpai you can't do this Mio! "

*smack smack*

With Mio speed he easily catch up with Miyuki, he grabbed him by the collar and dragged Miyuki to catch the next annoying senpai of his.

Tanba smile, observing his kouhai,this isn't bad after all.

"Hmm, Tanba? "

"Tetsu-san "

Yuki with Ryousuke and Jun stand next to him. He explained about the situation and even the three of them can't help but to smile.

"Surprisingly he have that kind of side "

"But Tanba, which brat talk back to you? "

Tanba peer at Ryousuke who's giving a murderous aura and brush him off. Tanba state that he will prove that the person is wrong and they don't have to doubt his ability.


Early on 28th July,

Seido as usual gather and start practice but there's something different about the player this time. Kuramochi and Miyuki each held a tag with different words written on it. Kuramochi's tag, I'm more good looking than Miyuki kazuya mean while Miyuki's tag, my speed was better than Kuramochi Yoichi. When the loudest arrive, Kuramochi and Miyuki's hell began.

"Senpai?! Did your consciousness got eaten by dog?!! "

"Kuramochi-senpai with your delinquent like face how can you rival Miyuki-senpai?!"

"And you too Miyuki-senpai, how can you be so confident about that! even Masuko-senpai is better at running than you! "

Sawamura adding salt to the injury left Miyuki and Kuramochi at loss for words. They better keep quiet when there's a demon glaring at them. Mio only allow them to take off the tag after they got insult enough (more like a joke). They practice for the last day before semifinal. Even the lively atmosphere earlier vanished in an instant as if they never laugh and joked around in the first place.

Next chapter