
Dad my, please

"Sarah, join Easton for training. Before taking you with him, he wants to see your abilities," Benard remarked, dismissing me. I sprinted out the front door and down the stairs. I hurried into the gym through the courtyard of the gavel. I saw a brown-haired, blue-eyed man punching a punching bag. I jumped when the punching bag flew across the room after breaking free of its cord.

He sighed, "You must be Sarah; I'm Easton," and continued.

I smiled and replied, "So you wanted to see me. He quickly grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground. As my back landed on the hard wood floor, I groaned. I appreciate the caution.

He snapped, clutching my throat, "In the field, you won't receive a heads-up. I inhaled deeply and kicked him off of me before swinging my arm and knocking his hands away. With such coaxing, I immediately got to my feet. I moved cautiously so as not to appear to be moving more quickly than everyone else.

What is unable to keep up? He glared at me, and I grinned. He rushed over to me while showing me his side. I easily knocked him to the ground with a swipe of my leg. He fell to the ground, his shocked eyes wide. When you charge at somebody, you reveal your true self.

Why has nobody informed me? I chuckled as he asked.

I offered my hand and remarked, "It's not super obvious; I just got my parents to teach me to watch movements." He grinned at me as I lifted him up.

He remarked, "We should be able to take the Gemini with no problem," which made me flinch a little.

I answered, pushing my hair up, "Yeah."

Why shouldn't we murder them? He questioned, "Are they dangerous?" I groaned.

I answered, peering into his eyes, "I don't think they are dangerous, or we would already know where they are. He gave me an enigmatic expression as he stared at me before approaching his gym bag. He produced a rifle and handed it to me.

Instructing them to "aim at the target," he pointed to a piece of paper on the other gym wall. I stretched my arms straight and kept my eyes on the target. Three shots were fired at the target, all of which landed in the center. I handed the gun back with a shrug. Oh sh*t, I might not have a job anymore.

"Ah, okay. I muttered, "My father would never permit that.

Do you always follow your father's instructions? I nodded as Easton asked.

"I do, yes. I muttered under my breath as Easton's gaze latched upon mine, "I only joined the guard division to protect him.

He threatened your parents, so why? With confusion on his face, Easton questioned

"He murdered my mother and ordered me to join the guard,' I added. I made the decision to defend the only family I have left if he was going to force me to join. I answered with tears welling up in my eyes.

"He killed her for no apparent reason." I stared at Easton, and he asked.

I screamed as his gaze grew softer: "He thought she knew where the Gemini Lycans were." "She knew nothing," I said. Even though I knew I had lied to Easton, I had to make everyone think I was ignorant.

"Are you certain? Easton's question prompted me to leave since I knew that Benard wouldn't just randomly assault a member.

"For now, we're finished!" I gave him a stern reprimand before returning to the main house. When I overheard a whispered chat, I paused. I saw my father and Isabelle standing outside. I moved toward the building's edge until I was audible.

"I had to christen Benard. He began to wonder where I had acquired my information. My father grinned at Isabelle as she continued, "The books you gave us were really useful in finding out how to find the boy.

He said, "Anything for my girl," and my heart sank. He had deceived my entire family, and she was his daughter. While I was watching them chat, tears started to fall down my face. He betrayed Mom and made it more likely that I would die. He is obviously uninterested in my brother.

"How could you lie to me while looking me in the eyes?" When I exhaled, they both spun around to face me.

My dad gasped, "Sarah," but I glared at him to stop him and turned to face Isabelle.

You too! Why didn't you tell me we were related? As anguish filled my eyes, I gasped.

I wanted to tell you, Sarah, but Benard made me make a vow if he saved you. I warned him not to hurt you, but he needs a justification, Isabelle said, her eyes pleading with me to pay attention. My father, who had betrayed my confidence in the worst way possible, received a stare from me. I gave him my life in trust, only for him to show how uncaring he is for his offspring. Isabelle was the only one he cared about. I was very hurt to realize that the affection I had not before believed to be there was now obviously absent.

"Don't you realize that you are endangering me? Uncertain of how much he told Isabelle, I snapped, "They are sending me after the Gemini Lycans."

"I'm sorry, but Isabelle needed assistance. My father said, "The Gemini are a threat to her status, which only enraged me. I gave him a quick slap before going inside. Benard instantly grabbed my arm as I passed by and continued walking.

"You're upset about what happened?" I was able to see right through his pretended worry when he asked. He was merely trying to get additional information from me that I would never provide. I only valued him as leverage in a pointless conflict with the Gemini Lycans.

I yanked away from him and said, "Don't act like you care; you killed my mom," before walking up the stairs and into the study. I sat down at the desk and took my brother's photo out. He reminded me a lot of myself. Same blonde hair and brown eyes. The only thing left that mattered was him. No matter what, I was going to track him down and save my brother, even if it meant losing my life.

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