
Be a friend

The person drew away from the chapel , taking his presence out , where it had spread out like a fog and clung to everything . Normal people would not sense anything but just a light breeze as he left a room and if anyone did notice anything , he wouldn't have cared .

He drew himself outside , into the abounded corridor and tried to manifest a form . Right then his presence was scattered and his consciousness like dust in the air . That was because he wasn't free , his consciousness could wander around for a few metres but that was only if he stayed close to the mirror . He hated it , the cursed prison . So long he'd been trapped and his soul bound in that -

No ! He shook his thoughts clear and focused his mind . Slowly his form began to appear , it was something close to his original body . He had made himself look slightly older than he had been . When he was finished , he lifted his hand and moved it from left to right . No human could see him , he wasn't flesh . The thought made him so furious . He made his hand into a fist and left the corridor in an instant .

It was only when he was in the southeast corridor that he realised where he was going . He instantly stopped . Never . He would not seek help from HER .

But she would know how to help him , he knew that . That didn't make it a pleasing idea though . If that witch were to use him ... he gritted his teeth and vanished from thin air . He had to find another way .


Outside the sky was a lovely dark blue , like a drop of black sapphire . There was no wind and only the crickets kept the night from falling into silence . And the hunting owl .

The boy stood by the fountain , his body still , his eyes not even blinking . He didn't move at all and even the statue felt envious . This was another night , of many nights , that the boy had stood there . He was still waiting for his lover . And nothing in this world or the next could deter him from -

" Hey you , Ghost . "

The boy turned his head when he heard that voice and when he saw who it belonged to , he took a step back . He was scared , as he always was with this person infront of him . But he still managed a smile .

" Hello , " the boy said friendly , " I am River . "

" You know who you are ? " The person asked him in confusion . Before he had thought the ghost had no coherent thoughts . What had changed ?

" Yes , I remember some things now . "The boy / River said with a smile , " I even dreamed last night . "

" You ... dreamed ? " The person asked in a choked voice .

" Yes , but not with my mind . Someone else called me into their dream and it became our dream . " River said with a smile and the person gave him a return smile , but it seemed very forced .

" I have not dreamed in a long time . Nor been with anyone in their minds ... atleast without them wishing me away . " He said with a sharp bite at the end .

" That is sad . You should try to make more friends dumby . " River said forgetting his fear for a moment but it was a mistake .

The person raised their hand with his palm out and then he slowly started to close it . As his eyes turned a aquatic blue and power radiated off him . River felt a sharp sting in his mind and collapsed to his knees and a moment later , a florescent blue substance dribbled from his nose . It had thre appearance of a sludge .

" Who is dumb now ? Who is pitiful now ?! " The person shouted as he closed his hand slowly and River coughed out more blue sludge substance .

" Please , I'm sorry . I just wanted to make you smile . I just wanted to be a friend . I only want to be a friend . " River pleaded as he felt himself start to fade . His essence was being crushed and forced out of him . This was the reason he was afraid of this person , because he wasn't like him . River was a ghost but the person was something else .

" A friend ? A ... friend . " The person instantly dropped his hand and the crushing pain that had consumed River faded away . A moment later , he straightened himself and smiled at the person .

" Stop smiling . Or I will crush the essence in your legs and make it so that you never heal . " The person said and River quickly dropped the smile . This person was so testy !

" Alright . What do you want ? " River asked him and the person gave a sigh .

" I need your help with the humans here . I want to ... talk to them . " The person said , " I tried to interact with them before but it led to madness . Remember ? "

River nodded his head , he remembered the boy who had died in the cellar . He'd been there , hiding as he saw the person reach out and touch the boys heart . Literally , his hand was plunged into the boys chest and grabbed his beating heart . The boy had fallen and then the person had reached into his mind . That's when he'd gone mad and as the person kept trying to touch him , he spiralled until he died .

River shuddered to think about how the boy had felt .

" What about the one you always follow ? The one who cleans my fountain ? " River asked and the person looked sad .

" He suffers me and wishes I left . My presence is too much for him alone and I thought bringing some allies to him would help . " The person said and River laughed .

" What is so funny ? " The person asked him .

" You want to get him friends . But you said allies as if this is war . That is funny . " River said with smile , " You must care about him . "

" Can you help me or not ? " The person asked him and River chuckled . This person was so brunt.

" Yes , I can . Atleast I think I can . I am not sure. " River said and the person gave him a sharp look . The smaller boy ( River ) raised his hands in surrender .

" I am just saying that I am a ghost but you are ... different . I know how to show myself and speak to humans . In their dreams and in the physical plane . I don't know about you though ." River said and the person looked away with a glare before a slow sadistic smile formed on his lips .

" Then I have a plan . I remember some humans that the boy with the mirror is quite fond of . " The person said and River nodded his head .

" How will you speak to them ? " River asked him .

" I will not . You will talk to them on my behalf . " He said and River smiled happily . He was always ready to make a friend but ...

" I can't . " He said and the person looked scary when heard those words .

" Can't ... Or won't ? " The person said raising his hand and River felt a surge of panic .

" I really can not . My place is here , waiting for my love to return . If I leave for too long ... he might think I left him ." River explained and the person gave a sigh of irritation .

" I will spread myself and keep an out for him , whilst you go talk to them . I believe you know who they are . " The person said as he loosened the grip on his form .

" Yes I know the boys friends . They were here one night . But what do you mean you will spread ... yourself . " River finished his sentence in a low whisper .

He was stunned but what he saw , the person had just dissolved and disappeared . Except he didn't disappear , because he could feel eyes on him , everywhere . The person had become everywhere .

" Are you ... an angel ? " River asked and the person was amused .

" Laughter . Laughter . I am not a god or anything of the like . I only have one wish ; My freedom . Now go and talk to the boys , tell them of me and their friend . Make them understand and believe or else I will have to do it myself and I would hate having to kill anymore people . Now go . " The person said , his voice sounded to come from faraway and right next to River's ear .

" Alright . But please do not leave this space . I will return and maybe when I return , my love will be back . " River said and before the person could say a snide remark , river disappeared .

" Care about him ? " The person asked himself , " My only desire is to be free . When I am released , I will kill the ones who kept me trapped . Starting with that old hag . "

I would like for my readers to check on comments to see my characters pic . They are not my designs but they give readers a better idea of what the characters look like .

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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