
Chapter 230: The Strongest Duo?! Pt 7


Lee's POV (Nearby Chakra Anchor - Western River Plains)


Typically, Wild Youth Rampage was not nearly as powerful, but with the second gate open and Lee holding back nothing, each could break a bone and cause all sorts of injury. But Lee wasn't done. With the second gate open, he had access to attacks even she couldn't simply ignore!

"Youthful Wild Spear!" Lee called as he used the air and chakra around him to launch himself forward. He became something of an arrow racing through the air and quickly catching up to the careening Leifazu, driving her mercilessly into the ground so intensely that the woman was buried into the ground nearly instantly, crumbling beneath them. Lee grunted in pain as the ride ended. So powerful was the attack that even his leg had been buried in the ground, and with a flare of pain, Lee pulled it free.

Falling back with a sigh, Lee allowed himself to rest. Such nearly cost his life as Leifazu surged forward through the rubble and kicked Lee squarely in the face. So sudden and powerful the blow, Lee blacked out for a moment before the brutal impact jarred him back into reality. He blinked, realizing he had bowed a tree from his crash, and his bones ached. The tree was slowly falling as the dazed Lee rode it. Leifazu appeared in front of him before he could react, hatchets sheathed and fists drawn back.

"I thought this would be fun, but you really are something!" Leifazu purred happily. "However, that hurt a little! Here's ya karma!" She then punched Lee in the chest mercilessly.

Lee blacked out again, waking up in great pain, still rolling from the blow. She must've punched him straight through the tree; Lee was covered in bruises and cuts and struggled to breathe. Finally stopping, Lee allowed himself a moment to assess the damage. The blow had nearly stopped his heart and might've cracked his sternum. His arms, legs, back, and even chest were covered in cuts and bruises. His ankle hurt the most, though; if he was lucky, Lee must've tweaked it during his flight, sprained, if not fortunate, broken. All the same, the battered Lee rose in his basic fighting stance. A smiling Leifazu patiently waited in front of him. Lee forced the chakra into his aching limb to hide the damage.

"Sorry about that. You're fun but much too green to match me. That attack was no joke, though; I temporarily lost my temper after getting laid out like that. You cannot complain; you'd be dead if I had used my lovely hatchets." Leifazu ranted, utterly amused and seemingly more than willing to allow Lee a moment to recover, not that it mattered much. "Hopefully, my love taps weren't too much; I need at least four more exchanges like that before I am sated…" Lee merely smiled at her as he felt the ground shake. So enthused was Leifazu that she didn't notice…

"I'm glad to say this battle is merely beginning…" Lee responded grimly. "I have a summoning that will keep this interesting."

"You can't summon dumb—" Leifazu was caught off guard when suddenly a massive foot kicked her away like a rag doll. The woman smashed through several trees before landing in a river with an enormous splash. In her place stood a frowning giant, Choji.

"You okay, Lee!" Choji's voice boomed, concerned, eyeing where Leifazu had landed warily. "I got here as quickly as I could!"

"And more than quick enough, friend!" Lee assured. "However, I must admit to being somewhat injured!"

"No biggie! We're done here anyway!"

As the river burst again, Leifazu cackled, and her voice emerged from it. The water parted and raged as the woman seemed to get even more excited from within its depths. "Now I'm open-minded, but two fellas at once is a bit much! Especially with a bigger guy like that, might just break little ol' me!"

Lee was scarcely surprised. "I doubted such. Choji, be on guard. This woman is something else… a pervert…" Lee warned as the two prepared for another bout of combat with the woman.

"What?" Choji asked, utterly lost.


Mono's POV (Just Outside Barrier - Chakra Anchor)


Mono and Muuni's journey underground had been thus far smooth and uneventful. Fortunately, the fantastic lands of Irminsul's soil were rich with clay; therefore, traveling like this was quickly done. The clay-rich underground may as well have been all under his control. Muuni seemed incredibly anxious, twitching and following along with him with nervous energy. But Mono was calm. In his long life, he had found meeting peril with patience and diligence, which allowed for the best result more often than not. However, it didn't make him ignorant about why his kin wasn't so composed. Reassurance was needed.

"Be calm, Muuni. Our allies are more than capable of overcoming those forces. Keep in mind our summoner was chosen by the elders. Those he associates with should be his equals; thus, we are in good company. With that in mind, the best place for us will be at the barrier. If we can create an entrance, if not disable it entirely, it will ensure their victory was not for naught." Mono assured calmly, channeling the clay before them to push through and part the earth and stone.

"I trust your judgment, Elder. I am concerned about what to do once we get past the barrier. Surely, there will be enemies guarding the creator inside. Can the two of us truly overcome them?" Muuni asked. "I will fight till my last breath for you, but is it for nothing?"

"The barrier is well within my ability to bypass. And while I expect the user to be guarded, I suspect it will be by a known enemy within our ability to deal with; in fact, it will work to our benefit." Mono partially explained, allowing Muuni to continue his thoughts and ask questions. His splitting off on their own was risky, after all. Mono wouldn't have resorted to such heedlessly. If the guards of the users were as expected, they would be more than fine…

"A known and beneficial enemy?" Muuni asked, confused.

"Indeed. If you notice that Shinobi and Wasp attacked our party, do you notice anything missing?"

"Their leader?"

"Close but not quite." Mono continued. "Their leader was missing, as was a force we knew they should have. They captured several of our own with wasps. Assuming they did so to multiple clans, they should have a large group of various creatures at their beck and call. Yet we didn't see any…"

"They must have been used as a guarding force with the barrier user!" Muuni caught on. "But how does that help us?"

"It has to do with a theory of mine. Whatever party has intercepted us doesn't seem to be connected with the "Master." Initial intelligence gathered by us before asking for our summoner's aid suggested they worked with the Runic Wolves and, to a lesser degree, the Neeko Cats. Yet neither is present here now; this suggests the Master isn't the culprit, merely another fiend we will face. Regardless of whether this is Ikam or the Master, it is clear that forced help is likely to be our initial foe. I can free them; just defend me as I get in the center of them…" Mono asked. "Once freed, they surely joined our ranks, either to gain thanks or to avoid owing a debt to the Okama."

"As you wish, Elder." Muuni grimly pledged. She knew what he was asking. While Mono did not lie about being able to free the slaves and thus enforce their numbers and powers, it would be up to her to protect him in the meantime, likely at the cost of her own life. Muuni was no slouch in combat, but the Okama were not the most robust warriors. Yet she felt the hesitance within him, knew he didn't ask so lightly, and hated that he needed to do it. Such understanding was the connection of the Okama. Such was their true strength…

They traveled silently until Mono could sense they were close to the scarlet monstrosity closing off the beautiful Chakra Anchor. It was time for him to do his duty as an elder and stop this mayhem. Irminsul was chaotic enough without troublesome humans pitching in. With a flick of his human form's wrist, the Okama made the clay pave an upward path to the surface. The two Okama walked into the dimming sunlight, facing directly toward the scarlet barrier.

Mono felt distressed at its visage; on any typical day, this would face the canyon Chakra Anchor offered. The tireless and fearsome but ultimately purely defensive Chakra Golems would patrol among more mindless and significant plant and animal life. The powerful revolving orb would have the water running into the canyon orbiting around it. Causing the glowing light caused by the Chakra Anchor to hue blue. The blue light would peak toward them, hinting at the presence of the Chakra Anchor hidden in the canyon. The golems and wildlife usually present needed to be more suspiciously present. Somehow, the entire canyon had collapsed, creating a dam with pooling water gathering around it. The flattened and now flooded ground allowed the Chakra Anchor to be seen plainly. Now, water and stone alike orbit around it. Among the debris was a redheaded woman orbiting around it as well. Her palm kept consistent contact with the Chakra Anchor even as she did.

"Why would someone do this?" Muuni asked, shocked. Like most Okama, she was ultimately sheltered and could not imagine causing such havoc to nature.

"This is a commonality among humanity. They have a drive and intelligence unmatched by most creatures. Yet, in exchange, this advantage comes with the cost of arrogance. They are heedless of the cost to others and their environment, even at times themselves. As long as they get what they want, it means nothing and is a worthy sacrifice. Even our kind can do much, so we preach humility within the Okama. To gain the advantage of humans without their flaws." Mono explained. "Let us draw forth."

The two approached the barrier solemnly, Mono humming as he summoned a kit of ink and a quill. "This barrier is powered by a certain emotion or feeling of the user. My chakra recognizes minimal traces of a human soul throughout. I'm not sure any pure force could overwhelm it. However, the Ikam Group are not the only masters of Fuijutsu…"

A little note, a time ago on this platform a reader wrongly accused me of plagirism. Something that bothered me, but ultimately I responded and just moved on. Luckily it seems the reader had made an earnest mistake and admitted such. Awesome to see, hope you guys enjoy and thanks for reading!

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