
Chapter 102: Forsaken Morals!


Samui's POV (Entrance of Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Samui marched dutifully forward with nothing but her mission in mind. Last night was a total failure. Samui had tried to compromise between her morals and duty and had simply shown her hand. Attempted desperately to complete her mission without betraying her new friend. But Naruto, drunk and dazed, had fallen asleep during her rant. While it had been crushing at the time, Samui recognized it as being for the best. Such a desperate tactic would never work, besides, as much as she enjoyed Naruto, she could not risk Atsui…

Samui was a focused and intelligent woman. She had witnessed the Blonde's love for a friendly bout, his passionate way of sharing during combat, it would be a great opportunity… But could Samui do it? Attempting to woo the Blonde felt… dirty. Naruto certainly had her attention, but she wasn't sure she wanted something… serious. Yet A had suggested such, and if Samui was somewhat interested, why not?

Because she respected herself more than that. Samui was no mere tool, she was a cool and collected kunoichi. But Atsui and Naruto…

"Samui." A voice called out, breaking her from her stupor. She turned to see her confidant/spy for A walking toward her. Samui could tell she was here for business, not for sharing any pleasantries, her eyes holding the same cold gaze they had whenever she was under the orders of A.

"Our lord has sent me to remind you of your mission and offer guidance," Mabui stated woodenly. It was clear that Mabui was personally against this, but also just as clear she would not stop such.

"Guidance?" Samui asked. She knew better than to react too strongly or even suggest resistance. A didn't often go by his lord moniker, but when he did so, it was because he expected utter obedience and loyalty.

"Indeed, you are a young, skilled, and attractive lady, but our Lord fears you may hesitate to follow his orders or fail to do so adequately. As such, I have been sent to offer some tips and remind you of the stakes." Mabui stated. Despite her robotic tone Mabui's eyes shined with pain. Samui always hated it when she got like this. It was like she became a machine dutifully fulfilling its task. Yet all the while seemed to show her pain openly. A vicious cycle if there was ever one.

"Which are?"

"Firstly, our Lord recommends using your beauty, specifically your… well assets, to get his attention and subtly fuel his lust. This should affect his decision-making process, a young man often only thinks with one head. Use combat as an excuse to get up close and personal. A shinobi always tries to fight with heightened senses and catching one off guard is the most powerful weapon most of the time. One lapse of attention and *click*- you're dead. That unpredictability and lack of focus will help you achieve your goal. Our Lord wants you to focus on seducing the Uzumaki, as he sees it as the best path forward." Mabui recited.

Samui felt a growing sickness in her stomach. "Surely you don't mean to use me as some sort of call girl? That would be un-"

Samui was stopped on the account of Mabui putting a finger to her lips. But it was Mabui's eyes that drove the young woman to silence. They were cold and desperate, as if she knew Samui was in danger and that she would save her from such a threat at any cost.

"Our Lord has been more observant than many know, he knows you have befriended him. He knows you seem more interested than mere friendship as well. As such, it only makes sense for you to move this way. Trust me when I say whatever he is to you, he is not worth it." Mabui countered. "Please Sam-"

Samui, losing her temper, smacked her hand away. Mabui's eyes widened at such, Samui rarely lost her temper. "You know that doesn't matter, I wanted to see where things went, not be ordered to give myself to him! I barely know him! I thought you, of all people, wouldn't do this!"

Mabui's desperation seemed to give way to anger as she got in Samui's face. "Stop being childish! Do you think I didn't try to convince him against this? I did! But our Lord will not be persuaded. Besides we aren't asking you to wed the man, merely enchant him. Something I might add you seem to want. I know how it feels, but we, as kunoichi, are expected to use all of our… assets to serve. It is the burden of being a woman of the Cloud. I'm sorry, Samui…"

"No, I'm sorry! I refuse! This is not cool!" Samui stated boldly.

"No, you don't."

"Excuse me?"

"You don't, you know the cost of doing such," Mabui explained gravely.

"No…" Samui said as she realized why Mabui had been told to come speak to her before the fight. A was an impatient man, it seemed he wanted results and had prepared some cruel encouragement for her.

"Yes, our Lord has made it clear he expects your compliance. Should you fail to attempt such, or we feel you failed due to your incompetence, our Lord has promised the death of Atsui…" Mabui said, looking away from Samui. Samui flinched as she dropped to her knees. She feared it may come to this, but A had promised it now. Samui knew better than to hope A would be bluffing if she failed... Atsui might die...

"Fine, I'll… seduce Naruto…" Samui stated as she forced her calm to return to her. To mask the pain and shame that filled her body. Mabui nodded and hugged Samui as she often did when A did something like this. Cradling her as if she was a child. Mabui had been forced into this, this was a desperate attempt to express remorse. To make this blow hurt just a little less. Despite the small gesture, she was touched by it all the same.

But it mattered little to Samui now. She had spent her life protecting the only family she had left. Today would be no different…


 Naruto's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Naruto was running out of muscles to stretch… it bothered him that his opponent hadn't arrived yet. He had been looking forward to his bout with Samui. Not that he particularly was interested in harming her. Just had wondered how a fight between the two would go. Though Naruto did consider it a plus, he could avenge Ino while having a blast during their battle. Though as much as the blonde would love to enjoy the fight to the fullest, he wouldn't underestimate her.

While neither Tenten nor Kurotsuchi had been too much of a challenge for Naruto, they had clarified one thing. Naruto was holding back too much, mainly to hide his more robust techniques from the likes of Gaara or Sasuke. But now he doubted such would matter, as strong as both were, such a slight advantage would mean relatively little. He wouldn't expose it all, the surprise was part of the plan. But Naruto would be looking for the finish from the start. Though it would be harsh towards a friend...

Kakashi also looked confused as he subtly gestured to the Kage Box. Notably, the Raikage stood and gave a thumbs up to him. Kakashi and Naruto seemed confused by such a thing until the steady rhythm of boots marched toward them. Both glanced down and saw Samui was present. Looking as unbothered as always as she squared up to Naruto.

Naruto couldn't help the smile that filled his face. Samui had a similar style to his own and seemed to be someone Naruto would love to be closer to. It may be odd, but one of the best methods Naruto had discovered to do so was combat. For some reason, when Naruto fought someone, he felt closer to them. It was as if somehow, in the storm of violence, he had found some peace. Neji, Tenten, and even Kurotsuchi had shown such. Naruto wondered if he and Samui could communicate clearly…

"Everything all good?" Kakashi asked while he glanced at both. Both nodded determined, eyes never leaving each other as they faced down. "Huh, I'm a third wheel again. I should've said no to reffing. Anyway, begin." With his piece said his aloof sensei poofed away. Job done with the usual level of oddness.

"Naruto," Samui stated with a confident smirk. "How about a bit of wager?"

"Betting, eh?" Naruto asked, confused. "I mean, I guess, but my mom warned me that gambling is like evil or something. Oh, a lethal vice, I think that's what she called it!" Was she trying to win some money off him or something?

"Nothing evil about this," Samui said with an airy chuckle. Naruto wasn't sure why, but he found the laugh pleasant. It made him focus on her slightly, made him wish to make her laugh more. Did she laugh like that before? "A simple one, whoever wins gets to give the loser an order they can't refuse."

Naruto wasn't a social butterfly, but he could feel something off about that. "That's kinda cryptic, I don't know if I could agree to something like that unless I know what I'm doing…"

"Nothing too strenuous. I'll be gentle..." Samui assured Naruto, giving him a warm smile. Naruto felt a blush nearly appear on his face. Somehow that had felt innocent yet heady. How could it be both? "From what you told me, you don't back down or go back on your word."

Naruto frowned, he stuck to his word and, to be frank, was strong enough to win the bet irregardless. Naruto doubted he would be defeated here. Besides, she was a friend. What would the harm be? "Damn, throwing my own words at me." Naruto laughed earnestly. "Fair enough, the victor gets one order or whatever."

"Do you know what you want?" Samui asked with a wink. Naruto caught the suggestive tone. "I can think of some things…"

"Wait, what?!" Naruto asked. What was she talking about? But as he opened his eyes to demand what she meant, he saw Samui was already closing the distance between them…


 Sai's POV (Outside of Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Sai and Tenten calmly walked toward the Kage Box, determined to speak to the Hokage.

"Why exactly are we doing this without Shikamaru again?" Tenten asked, slightly miffed to be sent on an errand like this. It reminded her of her time in the Root, doubtless.

Sai held no such intense ill will towards the task. He knew most would think it related to the supposed trauma received from the Root. But it mattered little to Sai, Sai was free and had gotten the friends his brother had asked him to find all those years ago. He even had gotten to keep Tenten as one.

"Earth to Sai, are you zoning out again? I was supposed to be free of emotionless silence, but somehow, I got stuck with two more socialess creatures."

"I am human." Did Tenten think he was such an odd animal? Wait… Sarcasm. "Nevermind Panda."

"I'm impressed you detected it this time Sai… WAIT! Stop calling me Panda, you bastard!" Tenten yelled at Sai.

"You told me not to personally insult people." Sai reminded his friend. With a wag of his finger.


"I am a bastard, but it is rude for you to point that out," Sai said with a proud nod. Learning the complexities of social interaction was challenging, but he had come a long way. He rarely had misunderstandings!

"So close and yet so far," Tenten sighed. "The answer to my question?"

"When you sent me to retrieve him, he explained he was too injured to come with us," Sai answered obediently, he knew when Tenten was being serious to do so as well. "He asked his teammate if I would help him by carrying his burden today. It only felt right to do so. I am working on being the best teammate I can be."

"That's odd, I thought he surrendered before Sasuke could land anything significant." Tenten pondered. "Wouldn't he have been healed anyway?"

"Oh no, he assured me such a thing happened but was ineffective." Sai explained.

"Did you, by chance... check?" Tenten asked with a frown.

"You told me I should trust my friends, so I figured he wouldn't lie," Sai answered sweetly. "I suppose that trust in friends is rather nice. Though it does feel rather risky."

"I am going to kill Pineapple for taking advantage of you," Tenten promised vengefully. "It's like he took candy from a baby."

"He did no such thing!" Sai assured her. He had created another misunderstanding! Life had been much simpler in the Root. But he would work hard to adapt to it.

"Oh brother, I'm surrounded by idiots." Tenten lamented head in hands.

"Hey, kids, I assume you have a decent reason for making as much racket as you are? I don't like the bastards myself, but you little shits are expected to act proper around the Kage. Something I'm forced to force you all to do." A stern womanly voice called out.

Standing in front of the door to the Kage Box was one of the Sannin. Tsunade Senju. The only female S-rank shinobi, the world's most renowned medic, and the unfortunately known gambler. She was facing the two down and seemed less than amused to see them.

Tenten gasped in shock and seemed to hide behind Sai. Was she nervous around the legend? He supposed such was only suitable. Even in Root, Tenten had always looked up to Tsunade, Shikamaru had described her as a super fan. Sai took a step forward and offered a quick brow. If Tenten was starstruck, as they say, as a supportive teammate, the burden to take over was his.

"Hello, mam, we are requesting an audience with the Hokage," Sai informed politely. "We recognize such is unorthodox, but we must insist, we have information we are certain he'd be interested in."

Tsunade sighed, obviously somewhat annoyed with their presence. "Well, the old man can't simply stop observing the exams. I suppose you could step in and offer such now if it was truly vital. Otherwise, it will have to wait."

"We cannot do such Senju-sama." Tenten chimed in, having apparently overcome her star fright. "The information is of a delicate nature, we can't just offer it in the presence of foreign entities." Sai nodded, as young and inexperienced as they were. All Root members were trained to deal with situations like this. Training Sai once again found helpful, and Tenten often fell back onto when stressed.

"Hmmm, well, you can't speak to him right now, if you tell me, I'll inform him as soon as I have the chance to do so." Tsunade offered to them. Annoyed as she was, it would be foolish to at least not hear them out.

Sai looked back at Tenten to ensure she agreed with this and, seeing her nod, offered their info. "Yesterday, we were celebrating with Dickless and Pineapple."

"Sai, god dammit, use their real names, not your nicknames for them." Tenten critiqued.

"I thought humor was good for diffusing tension?" Sai asked, confused.

"Also good for ruining credibility." Tenten said with a sigh.

"My apologies then," Sai offered with another bow. "Naruto Uzumaki and Shikamaru Nara. Such was going well. Almost all of us were somewhat affected by alcohol. During this, Samui of the Cloud arrived and asked to speak to Naruto on her lonesome. Shikamaru and I found this suspicious, Tenten was already unconscious."


"Believing it to be risky to allow a foreign shinobi to speak to our ally alone while he was intoxicated and somewhat interested to see if they were hooking up." Sai explained in his usual straightforward way, he saw Tenten drop her face in her hands. But was unsure why and instead barreled on.

"You really intended to bother the Hokage with gossip?" Tsunade asked incredulously.

"Yes, though this gossip happened to be Samui of the Cloud being assigned and attempting to win over Naruto Uzumaki to the Cloud." Sai finished simply. Silence filled the room at the statement. He always enjoyed responding to attitude when it was apparent. Easy to pick out and respond to. Even amusing to fuel a tiny bit. Gaslighting they called it apparently.

Tsunade offered a weary sigh before nodding her head. "Alrighty, I'll tell the old man whenever I can. Good job on reporting this to me. I'll handle it from here." The two Genin looked to themselves before bowing respectfully and marching off.

Tsunade waited for them to be entirely gone as she kicked around their information in her head. So Samui had been ordered to win Naruto over. Despite their concern and what Tsunade was sure A thought was compelling reasons, Tsunade was confident Naruto would never change sides. Jiraiya had a habit of teaching men as talented as they were foolishly loyal.

Furthermore, if she had told Hiruzen, he would have been forced to respond somehow. That would be dull, the brat had boldly declared her wisdom defunct. But now her warning would come full circle. It would be interesting to see how the arrogant brat dealt with the truth of the world.

Tsunade would withhold this information for now. Time to see if Naruto Uzumaki was merely talking heedlessly. Could he truly navigate the problematic situation Kunoichi faced? Could anyone stop such a situation? Tsunade would find out if a fool like those she kept meeting truly could change anything.

The last two sadly hadn't.

Naruto and Samui begins what should a simple fight. But unknown to our favorite blonde things have been complicated for Samui. Poor thickheaded Naruto might be in over his head. At least the drama is fun for us aye? Btw, wasn't paying attention but this story is gaining some traction! Thanks for the support it means a ton! On the road to One Thousand collections! So show some love if you haven't already! Thanks for reading and Peace~!

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