
Chapter 98: Hinata's Struggle! The Response?!


Kakashi's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Kakashi stood in the center of the Courtyard, staring out blankly. The crowd was silent, but the tension in the air was palpable. The Five Kage sat in their box, patiently waiting. The nonfighting competitors watched with rapt attention; this fight was one everyone was interested in. The crowd murmured over the matches and bets placed on them. But none of this phased Kakashi. He hadn't learned to be so nonchalant for no reason. Standing in the center of the arena, making everyone wait on his word? Even Obito would've respected it.

"I believe it's time then Ne~!" Kakashi said, with the crowd immediately roaring in approval. He waited until it died down, and he got the Kage's nod before continuing. "Well, let's not waste any more time. Hinata Hyuga, are you ready?"

"Hai." Hinata answered calmly. Byakugan was already active as she glared at Neji and lowered into a loose combat stance.

"Excellent. Gaara of the Sand, are you ready?"

"I suppose I'm ready for this farce." Gaara answered.

"Disrespectful. Anyway, let Day 2 of the Chunin Exam Finals begin!" Kakashi roared. The crowd's echo was much louder.


Hinata's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

The heir of the Hyuga glanced around the field, noting her surroundings. Somehow and impressively, the host likely aided by shinobi, had utterly repaired the field, filled the tunnels, and removed the sand. Hinata was grateful for such; she felt she would need every advantage she could take. Gaara would likely be the greatest challenge she had faced. The arena was again split between forest and rocky climate separated by the river. So the terrain had not shifted much, another small benefit to Hinata. She knew her surroundings. Gaara was tellingly standing in the rocky section. Hinata knew he intended to refill his reserves by grinding the stone beneath. Just as he had in his faceoff against Kiba. She would have to be quick to land something decisive, before Gaara managed to gain absurd defensive and offensive capability.

Hinata was familiar with the feeling settling over her. It was fear. She had spent much of her life feeling such. Fearing her father, Neji, the elders, and her peers, it was an endless list. One that Hinata had worked hard to escape. She was no longer the meek, weak-minded coward she had been. Hinata had felt she had proven such when she had defeated Sai. Yet now, that progress felt small and not at all noteworthy. What did it matter if she had gained confidence? Confidence would not save her today…

The spiteful bravery and hopefulness that had fueled her left her as she faced Gaara. Gaara's eyes were unreadable, seemingly empty. Instead his green eyes gazed at her amused. As if the man was not about to be in combat. But as if he was about to humor a child with only a thin veneer of patience. The second Hinata locked eyes with the man, one thing was clear. Gaara would kill her should she bother him. No he intended to do so either way. His killing intent was barely held back, yet it still suffocated Hinata.

Hinata's painful and endless training with Neji and Sasuke meant nothing. Her surpassing her limits wasn't a factor. Somehow, Hinata knew without a doubt that Gaara would be the victor. She couldn't see herself defeating him. But Hinata could see Gaara killing her…

"Kakashi Hatake, wait before you start the match," Gaara spoke out, breaking the silence of everyone waiting for the match to start. "She has no intent in fighting me. She knows she cannot best me; I can see it in her eyes. She's a mere human and truly cannot be blamed. Besides, If she dared to fight me, she would die."

Kakashi's expression was unreadable, but he tilted his head to subtly ask. Kind of him to do so in a way that spared her the shame of him acknowledging such.

What would be the correct choice?

Was she truly meant to fight that… monster? Would there be any point?

Gaara was right; Hinata was better off surrendering. She had no doubt he would kill her.

Hinata's lack of a response was louder than she could've offered. Kakashi made to speak but was interrupted by Gaara.

"Ah, such a good little human, you know your place in this cruel world." Gaara said snidely with a knowing smile. Hinata stiffened at those words. "Oh, touch a nerve, woman? See, you are a bore, but… I bet the Uzumaki would be motivated if I hurt a weak little victim like yourself. Hell, even the Uchiha would gun for me… luckily, the little princess will scamper away from the; Big. Bad. Wolf."

Hinata was no fool; he had observed Hinata had a temper from her match with Sai. Gaara wished to motivate her teammate in a future fight by first baiting her, then crushing her mercilessly. Yet Hinata felt shame fill her; was she so hopeless as to allow him to belittle her? Hadn't she changed? Hinata had told herself she would become someone her clan and friends could be proud of? Would they ever be proud of a coward? Was this the change she had fought for? No it wasn't, Hinata Hyuga would not allow fear to rule her.

"Kakashi-san, I wish to continue with the match. I feel no need to surrender." Hinata said, her voice much more confident than she had felt. But a familiar anger filled her body. Hinata lost it once, with Neji defeating him in a spar shortly after his defeat to Naruto. Another with Sasuke allowing her to beat him in taijutsu. And lastly, with Sai, she won then, too. Hinata knew she was outmatched and likely to suffer for it. But Hinata wished to be a woman who would fight when needed. She recognized the anger she had careful maintained before could be used. Motivation for Hinata to surpass her past limits.

"You foolish human." Gaara laughed. "You don't even realize you signed away your life."

"Begin!" Kakashi sounded off, body flickering away.

"No, I just refuse to live it in fear!" Hinata yelled as she charged in at top speed. Gaara did not flinch as she drew near; Hinata suddenly stopped chucking kunai in front of her. Sand popped from Gaara's gourd and flowed forward, forming a floating clump that caught the kunai. Hinata had already dived to his left and leaped forward for a palm strike. But this, too, was caught, the blob splitting in two to block her blow. Before Hinata fully recovered, another strand of sand flowed from his gourd and formed into a spike before stabbing down. Hinata leaped back from such, ducked under a third strand that formed into a hand, and attempted to grab her. She charged forward again, this time adding chakra to her palm.

'Let's test how good this defense is!' Hinata decided as she slammed her palm into the formed wall. "Palm Bottom!". The attack made sand fall and fly from the clump but failed to do much more. Hinata desperately backtracked as the three other sand strands attempted to catch her. 'Maybe that will allow me to get closer. Time to see just how good his defense is!' She sprinted towards Gaara once again; Gaara audibly sighed as two sand strands surged forward to grab her. Hinata only smiled slightly as she started to do a handstand flip towards him. Building up speed with impressive skill. She launched herself into the air, vertically spinning as she did so. Suddenly, chakra covered her entire body. Looking like a cylinder of moving chakra slicing through the air.

"Hebunrīsō!" Hinata cried as the saw-like mass of her slammed through the strands with ease. Gaara merely smiled as such before a massive amount of sand burst from the ground around him. It was roughly the size of a building, and it compressed itself and flew toward the attack of Hinata. It seemed he had managed to already increase his stock. The attack made an awful screech as the spinning chakra sliced through the massive mass of sand. It slowed significantly as it sliced halfway through. Dispersing as it finally managed to slice through the attack. Hinata spun through the air as sand fell like rain around her.

"Poor human," Gaara said with false sympathy as the sand that suddenly fell with Hinata froze before it all converged on the airborne young women. "I'll catch you." As he said, the sand had reformed into its mass with Hinata's head sticking out. Gaara smiled horrifically as he raised his right hand and clenched it. The sand compressed with a shift, but instead of blood and gore raining, there was merely a poof of smoke. Gaara's eyes widened at this, and there was an audible gasp from the crowd.

Hinata allowed her chakra to flow as she prepared her counterattack. Gaara had lost her; Hinata had found her opening!


 Naruto's POV (Contestant Section of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

One thing that disappointed Naruto was the need for a chance to see what Gaara could do. Kiba had done his best but had been far from able, and the bastard had somehow gotten the bye-round in the second. Tactically speaking, it would've been nice for Gaara to fight someone strong enough to showcase some of his power.

Yet Naruto had hoped it would not be the case. He had hoped he would be the one to face Gaara, bar himself Sasuke or Fuu. Naruto did not wanna see anyone die pointlessly, not to the monster Gaara had become. Naruto's heart had dropped when Gaara snagged Hinata; he had nearly interfered. Luckily, he hadn't, he supposed that was why Neji had asked him to teach him the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Though he had never given him permission to teach someone else… Naruto would let it go this time. Naruto was sure Hinata was powerful. Neji nor Sasuke seemed the type to grant such to someone undeserving of it. But Gaara, despite his relative lack of showing, had a presence he couldn't describe. Naruto swore to step in should Gaara try to cross the line, he wouldn't let his "brother" harm someone else just to prove a point.

Naruto and Shikamaru were leaned over the railing as they watched the match. The proximity made the blonde comfortable due to it enabling his potential interference. And it was excellent for the Nara, who seemed determined to avoid his future opponent.

"If she was smart, she'd surrender." Shikamaru said grimly. Naruto whipped his head over, determined to smack the Nara before a surprising voice sounded out.

"You'd be foolish to underestimate her." Sasuke countered as he joined the two leaning on the railing. "Though Gaara certainly is a considerable opponent, Hinata is at her best when it's rough. She seems to find strength in the face of adversity. If anyone can find a chink in that monster's armor, it would be her."

"Don't get me wrong, she's way braver than me; I'd surrender about a minute in," Shikamaru said with a shrug. "But that freak down there is holding back, even while she's outputting some top-level taijutsu. Unless she changes her approach and can survive him getting serious. I'm all about faith, but logically speaking, she's screwed."

"Sometimes you gotta do things regardless of "logic." I respect her for trying her best even when the odds are against her. Besides you doubted I could beat Neji." Naruto sniped at his friend.

Despite how close they were, they often disagreed on matters like this. Shikamaru had always said he was a cynic and Naruto was an optimist. But Naruto felt he wasn't; he just knew sometimes you had to make work even if it seemed like you couldn't. Shikamaru would learn one day.

"Hn feels weird to say. But "Blondie," as you all call him, is right. One cannot surpass their own limits without testing themselves." Sasuke agreed.

"Say you workaholics, but I think you gotta pace yourself, we only get one life, after all." Shikamaru countered.

"Shut up, Pineapple!" Naruto said excitedly, pointing to the courtyard and ignoring the cries of not you too from Shikamaru. They watched as Hinata attempted her new strategy.

Despite Shikamaru's words, Naruto found himself somewhat siding with Sasuke. While he couldn't see a path of victory for Hinata, he wasn't the one down there. Hinata seemed determined and somehow fearless. Naruto was inspired by it; Gaara may be powerful and seem unsurpassable. But seeing Hinata facing it head on, only made Naruto want to do it even more.

Perhaps it wouldn't even be him to defeat Gaara.


Ino's POV (Inner Corridors of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Ino followed Choza as he led her to scarcely furnished or inhabited halls of the back section of the Iron Arena. She assumed these would be used for storage, but Choza told her they would meet in the storage room. Though the man offered little other info. Ino, on the one hand, did not want to miss Naruto's match. But she was confident in the blonde, and Sakura had forgotten to contact her with updates.

Ino must admit to being somewhat unnerved. Choza was a kind and considerate man, known for his jolly disposition and patient nature. Yet now, he seemed snappish and impatient. Despite Choza's large stature, he walked at a brisk pace that she struggled to keep up with. Ino had tried to pry for details, but the man had simply ignored her.

Eventually, they arrived at a dusty set of double doors. Choza stood in front of them, scanned the area around them, and once convinced of the lack of a second party, muttered, "Kai!"

The doors suddenly looked much less dusty. Instead they now appeared wiped down somewhat, and even having lost most of the dust. Clearly, having been used recently. Choza nodded her in, and Ino walked in awkwardly. The man weaved some signs reactivating the genjutsu to make the door seem undisturbed and closed them.

The room smelled of must and dust; it had been somewhat cleaned. This allowed the group to stand in the room with some level of comfort, the walls had various tags posted to the walls. Old tables rested in the room, seemingly forgotten along with the room itself. On one of these tables rested a younger man with dark hair and a scowl that seemed almost similar to one Sasuke would make. Gai, Sakura's sensei, was also seemingly upset in the room.

"Sorry about the oddness of this, Ino; we gotta be careful now," Choza said apologetically. "Things have… well been complicated now. Luckily, we prepared this room for privacy. Those are privacy seals we have around the room."

"You mean have gotten completely fucked up?" Shisui countered angrily.

"Language." Gai warned with a nod toward Ino.

"Now is not the time for this Gai." Shisui countered sharply. "I think we're at the point where some cussing is the least of our concerns."

"Now, now, guys," Choza said with a sigh. "We're all considerably worried about this. No need to argue amongst ourselves." Ino glanced at the room, the tension and silence suffocating her. What had aggravated these more experienced shinobi? Had things somehow gotten worse?

"Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Ino asked. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume it's not good news…?"

Gai looked to the side, seeming conflicted and unable to speak. Shisui, someone Ino had always heard Sasuke describe as a relaxed man, was tense and seemingly looking for a reason for confrontation. Though he pointed kept his glare from them. Clearly he was struggling to keep his cool.

Choza seemed to have reached the same conclusion as her, for he sighed and answered for the other two. "The Hokage has decided we cannot make a move or investigate this ourselves at the current moment. Worse yet, he has declared the knowledge of such a Village Secret."

"Wait, a village secret? Isn't that a secret that the village protects harshly?" Ino asked in disbelief.

"Violating such is considered a severe crime; it can result in significant fines, imprisonment, or even a death sentence." Shisui said bitterly. "Mikoto, current head of the Uchiha, and Tsume, head of the Inuzuka, did not take this news well. They intended to raise a fuss and were sent home and are now under supervision. While they were spared the full consequences it was more of a message anyway. Speak out and you'll be silenced. Never thought Hiruzen would do such…"

"Worse yet, the problem has grown." Gai added bitterly. "My beloved students Lee and Sakura went to the fair to inform their friends of recent disappearances. Yet no one claims to have seen them there, and they have not returned. We are assuming they are the newest victims. The Anbu have doubled their presence. And while their primary objective is to ensure no more occurrences, they also are actively silencing the spread of the information. Henceforth, our meeting here. Even the Samurai have seemed to forgotten this room. Though even with Youth are options are limited…"

"So we're supposed to know nothing about our friends disappearing?!" Ino yelled.

"None of us are happy about it…" Choza acknowledged.

"But for better or worse, our leader has deemed this our reaction. It is not all for naught though, I must remind you all… the samurai have assured us they're looking into such." Gai tried to lift the mood, but the silence that followed was damning.

"Perhaps," Shisui acknowledged. "Can they perform the search to the level we would, though? Half of them don't even use ninjutsu. They'll be doing it the old fashioned way. I get they have rules, but we're losing soldiers, and they have no experience in tracking shinobi. Surely, we should insist on involvement."

"Exactly!" Ino agreed indignantly. "We can't sit idly by while our own are in danger merely because the Iron are hesitant." How could the Hokage allow this? Ino had always been told Hiruzen was a fatherly and kind man who valued his people. Why do this?

"I hate to agree with Gai, but there isn't much to do now," Choza exclaimed hesitantly. "If I could tell Shikaku, perhaps we could think of a solution. But until we're home I have no way of doing such."

"Ya, anyway, this was nice, and I really enjoyed talking about how useless we are," Shisui said sarcastically. "I'm out here. My student has a match coming up." There was a poof of air as he faded out of the room.

"I should go as well; clan heads like myself are expected to be present for matches." Choza said awkwardly as he marched out of the room. "I will of course offer information learned and keep in touch. Please do the same."

Gai walked by as well, offering some words to Ino.

"Try to distract yourself for now. Youth will ensure our allies are safe."

Good day my friends! It is Wenesday my dudes, that means three chapters. (Somebody gotta spice up hump day). Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading, support if you care to, and Peace~!

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