
Russian's T-24 AND BA-60

"What? You don't like the gift?" Anna asked.

"No, this gift is great. Thank you——"

Just as Xiaoyun was about to put the gun away into his pocket, someone knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing three Russians, all holding a piece of paper of their own.

"Oh, hey, what brought you guys here?" Xiaoyun asked curiously, with Kate and Anna caught off guard by their arrival.

"We heard you were here, so we wanted to bring you to see our new product," one of the Russians said in Chinese.

"I see... Well, see you guys later tonight."

"See you."

As Xiaoyun followed the three Russians out of the room, the two girls looked back at each other for a second before Kate jumped over to Anna's seat.

"You never said you were going to give him a gift," Kate complained, feeling a little jealous at how Xiaoyun treated Anna's gift.

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