
Chapter 369: Letting go and Foshan Takeover

"My ability? I don't have any ability... My wife can turn invisible, though."

Ranzhi turned invisible right before their eyes and then turned back visible again. But the baby in hand didn't turn invisible, indicating that it only applied to the person using it.

"If it's not your ability, then how can you lead those zombies?" Xiaoyun pointed out.

"They just follow me. I don't know why——"

"Honey, don't you remember? One time, you protected both of us by fighting off a mutant, then all of the nearby zombies ate the mutant's body and started following you?"

"Oh right, I guess that's my ability then. I can get zombies to follow me." Lin Yu replied as he awkwardly scratched his head.

"Okay... If I were to ask you to leave the city with as many zombies as possible, how many can you bring with you?"

Kate immediately realized what Xiaoyun was trying to do, but she didn't say anything about it because she knew it was a hard decision for him.

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