
2 - The Divinity Statue

There was a moment of brief silence from the boy known as Joshua. His long dark auburn hair waved in sync with the air.

If seen from the distance, it would look as though the boy was admiring the sun and sky...if not for the fact that the sun was blocked by the clouds which formed a spiral to the top of the tower he was looking at.

The blood he had on his shirt and and face was not washed for he did not want to waste anytime for this moment.

He had killed someone...but was it in the of self defence or merely out of rage for what was happening around him.

Why was it that these monsters attacked us humans in the first place...? Why did it happen in the first place? He didn't know and he knew that the only way to get his answer was up there...on top of that tower.

Filled with monsters and beast that will definitely be more frightening, destructive, and powerful.

But he made a promise and...even if he had to sell his soul to the devil for his revenge, then so be it.


A white haired teen stood on top of the tower looking down at the destruction which occurred with the rise of the devil tower. His hair which was brought back was still and clear for his crystal lake eyes to see clearly.

The fingerless gloves he wore caressed the hilt of the sword he wielded; Yamato. A gift given from his father. He turned his head slightly giving acknowledgement to the man who walked towards him from behind. "Arkham,"

Said man bowed his head slightly to the teen whose bright blue coat fluttered with the wind. "Well, doesn't it excite you? The Temen-ni-gru has revived..." the man continued to walk towards him. "The great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the Human World and the Demon World. The greatest mind of their time, those who revered Evil, constructed this glorious edifice."

The teen closed his eyes as the man continued to babble on, the thought of cutting the man down was tempting however, he had he's uses for the time being. "Now after millennium of confinement, it can at least fulfil the purpose for which it was intended..."

"That's enough, I have no interest of the matter," the man sighed as he stood besides the young adult. "Did he have it?"

"Of course, he's taking good care of it..." Arkham watched as the whitehead brought something around his neck. A pure red jewel which was invaded with gold. "After all, it is the only memento left from the mother you both lost."

"But he has no idea of its true power..." Foolish brother, when will you arrive?


The grim memories of the monster slaughtering them quickly showed him something even if he wanted to forget it. They were fast and merciless, a single hesitation to kill a living being even if it is a monster would be his downfall.

The light of his arm which was now gone was covered with several amounts of cloths and a belt to tighten the hold.

Joshua was afraid, what could a 5 year do by himself against monsters that can kill you with a swipe of their arms. No...he did know something about them, they were stupid.

When attacked, they retaliate no matter if it was an ally. It's probably how they work, they kill whatever they see in their sights.

Then there was the matter of if the worse case scenario that he was surrounded, he would have to fight to survive. He can't a solid plan which would cause him to be undetected while climbing the tower.

"I guess this is the most useful weapon when it happens." The long solid kitchen knife he had was the perfect size and useful to cut things down.

He had to be thankful to have learnt martial arts known as Kendo. From what was known to him about it, it's based from Japan. He wonder how his father...

The gloom look erupted once again at the thought. He slapped his cheek before shaking his head. "Now is not the time to be moping, I need to be prepared for everything in that tower to come." Looking at the tower again showed him the situation which would start the moment he leaves the corner of his house.

He had to remember though kendo was different to what he currently held. He needed to adapt.

However, a thought came to his mind, "Does he even have the strength to fight one of them in the first place. With one arm gone, half of the strength is decreased along with it."

He needed a weapon...the memory of the whitehead who shot a monster on the head with no resistance meant that they could be killed instantly with such a thing.

With a determined but shaky nod, he soon stepped forth and entered the only path which was quite clear. It lead to the 66 Slum Avenue which was in construction but it seems the building was broken down recently.

The building looked quite big and spacious but he couldn't tell enough with the building crumbled and down. This area was always a walk zone from his parents. It was dangerous and he can now tell why. A firearms retail and shops which sold stuff that he believed not to look be allowed to enter from the fact that it says 18+ only.

Like everywhere he went, it was currently deserted and forgotten but it also gave him the chance to collect a weapon. Joshua's seen enough movies to at least know what a suitable weapon is always is.

Though he expected it to be deserted, he flinched we he heard a slight squeal. A monster was inside the shop?!

No. The spare guns was through the hall which the monster occupied. It seemed have no set of plan to do anything but stand there saving that long scythe with their ghost face-like appearance.

What could he do? The only option is to attack but, he didn't know if doing that cause the others to be aware. He had to be smart, they were dumb and simple but strong nevertheless. Meaning if he could find a way to distract it, then he could retrieve a weapon. He only wished it will work otherwise, he'll be meeting his parents early. 'No! Don't say that, I need to survive so I can know what happened!'

He grabbed a bottle which was on top of a counter, before chucking it at a distance which could be heard from the other side by the monster. As expected, the thing looked at the direction of the sound and gave chase.

A chance! Quickly crouching to the room and rolling on the floor to the room when he noticed the monster turn it's head to look back. Gun! Lots of them but even he knew that he didn't have the upper body strength or ability to handle a gun properly.

Grabbing a pistol caused him to be surprised at the weight of it. He always though of it to be a light thing with police constantly carrying these things but he guessed wrong.

Joshua turned the gun around and observed it to know the mechanics. A safety thing to make sure you don't shoot yourself. How did they change ammo in the movies? He found the answer when the magazine slipped from inside to the floor. Crap!

The sudden noise alerted the monster and he hid behind a desk which he had enough space to see from the corner of the table.

The monster rushed forwards while gripping it scythe widely. It truly was stupid for turning away and not noticing the magazine on the floor. Right before the monster could leave the room. Joshua took a chance, the knowledge to know if it was possible to not.

He brought out the knife from his side pocket which he cut from the bottom a little to make enough space for mobility and not to stab himself too. He charged forward and mustered all his strength to his arm at the back of the monster who was unguarded and was met with little resistance and it halted its movements.

It started to open its mouth but Joshua climbed its back before cutting the throat. Surely that would stick the voice. It was a correct move as the monster gargles before turning into sand dust which had surprised him. The blood which sprayed his arm and body was not his worry for it was something he had to worry until this was over.

But it gave Joshua more knowledge and motivation. They can be killed when they dropped their guard and they disappear without a trace.

Sighting and breathing out a shaky breath, he looked back at the course of guns and looked at each one. What could be suitable? It wasn't meant for someone his age but it was currently a necessity for this situation.

He had to think of his situation at hand as well. Reloading would be a hassle to do. He needs something simple and quick, a pistol would be could. A single can can be used but it was too big for his hand. The grip was slippery and not useful if there comes a moment to run. It may run off his hand by accident.


Bingo! A suitable gun that looked small for his hand. It looked perfect. Glock 42? It didn't matter. The gun was able to fit in his pockets and there was several spare of bullets packs to use for it. Something for the tip was needed in order to make sure he wasn't noticed when pulling the trigger.

Now that the gun was settled, he looked around again now that he no longer had to focus on a gun, a holster? It was useful to at least put the knife in at least.

A body suit armour which was almost the size of him. He looked at the others and noticed different portions of cushion in several of them.

It would be useful and reasonable to have one. He could cut the lower part to shorten the length to make it at least fit.

A thin one was chosen and cut taking time to cut it by holding it still his knees while cutting with his knife.


After exiting the shop and stocking up with a bag, he found later on. It was now time to march on over to the tower. It was the plan before he noticed a stone-like, six armed moving statue that was glowing blue. The blue arms was aimed at something before a beam was shot out of it.


It was destructive and something that would kill him in one shot if he didn't take precaution. Luckily this too was now a chance to see the gun in use.

Hiding around a corner and aiming still by mounting a wall, the gun was pointed currently to the eye and the most vulnerable sport for every being as it was close to the brain as well.

Here goes nothing.


The monster was startled when the attack landed on one of it's arm, Damn it. Recoil was different to understand when it's your first time.

It's arm spread and rotated, while the blue glow radiated further before releasing its shot to where the he was nearby. Luckily, it was besides a wall and not directly aimed at me. It was frightening, so close to death at every corner but he had to learn.

Joshua started to adjust and aimed for the head once again but slightly down which was now to the centre. The recoil is something he wouldn't get used to along with a gun but he continued to do so.

Every bullet counted and was required for the danger to come. Just like now.


'Nice!' The bullet impaled the statue, the blood leaking out the body before disappearing in a speck of sand. Did the body not stay when dead or was it a common thing, he didn't care at the moment. He currently had the ability to kill them without being noticed.

And so his marches continued on after entering the clearing of the road again.


There wasn't many monster than Joshua expected but he noticed certain parts being damaged. Bullet, cuts and lots of sands. They were killed by someone and they were doing a well good job at it, there didn't seem to be anything which hasn't be ransacked whoever did it so Joshua soon decided to continue ahead.

The approach to the handle was slowly reached before he felt it.


He rolled to the side as best he could, the blade which was sliced down to where he previously stood left a permanent mark and he thanked his instincts for the quick thinking and escape.

Hesitation will lead to death, he reminded himself. Like a game in which one hit kills you, they too can be killed using simple logical damage.

Joshua turned to look back at the door before watching monsters with scythe. He counted 5 and he held his breath before releasing slowly.

Stay calm, Joshua. They aren't hard skinned. Easing his own mind, he brought out his gun from the holster and shot the chest of one of them. It had flinched but didn't go down, the act of it caused them to be aware of the noise and they sound walked towards him.

He shivered at the death awaiting him but the memories of his parents overcame that and all that was left was rage.

"Don't you dare get in my way!" He placed his gun back and charged the still stunned monster with his knife and jumped for the face. Bringing it back before impaling it on the skull which led to an instead death.

The fury of his charge must of done something as the monsters did not charge but wait, as if they couldn't attacked together. Idiotic but good for him. He ran to the closest one and slid down between the legs. The speed of their attacks were slow with their weapon being quite taller than their own bodies. Stabbing the back of the monster left it to screech and Joshua stayed vigilant for anymore of them to charge behind him unexpectedly.

He was sweaty and tired, yet he didn't stop. They won't wait for him to regain his stamina, he had to...

*Tap, tap, tap*

Joshua noticed one walking towards him with steady steps, were they waiting for him to waste some energy? He didn't know or care for the matter, he wanted them dead by his own hands.

The knife he held was still sharp but bloody, 2 was now left and the stood on separate sides. They couldn't attack from long range but require to close the distance.

If everything about them was understood, then the others could have simply survived the catastrophe. Now wasn't the time to contemplate, that can be done when he's done with them first.

He closed his eyes and held his breath, listening to the sounds of the monster walk towards him. Joshua steadied the knife to the left side to his waist and waited. The monster did not rush or run, it walked.

Did they think of him to be weak than them? His emotion started to flare up but he forced himself to stop, a memory from the old man was noted from when he was bullied once, 'Anger can become a weapon, only if they can control it.'

And how is it that they control their anger into a weapon? He never received an answer to it and the man just smiled.


The sound was now close and halted meaning the scythe was brought about its head to slice down at him.

Wait for it...wait until all the strength has been brought out before striking. Hearing the tip of the blade scratch the ground, the slight wave of air being felt forced him to open his eyes wide instantly and with eyes filled with vengeance, veins becoming visible to skin. He sliced up from the demon's right thigh to the left side of its chest.

The scream was unbearable but he did not flinch. The sand soon appeared indicating its death. It was now only him and the last monster, they looked at each other and yet the monster took a stepped back slightly.

It wasn't noticeable but Joshua saw, it was...afraid? The rage continued to flare in his mind as he remembered all that was slaughtered by them. "You're afraid for death, but you felt happy when we did so! Why should I stop now?!" The courage Joshua now wielded was confusing as it looked as though he was the monster to it but he did not think of the matter at all. The blade he held tightly was aimed at it and the monster screeched in somewhat of fear or assistance but none was heard.

The monster walked to the middle, where Joshua stood still and waiting. It was somewhat lacklustre of him to not kill it immediately but he knew what he was doing.

Learning, Adapting.

Every attack it attempted was dodged by a margin but it gave Joshua knowledge of the matter of its pattern of attacks. A swipe down, a wide arc and repeat. It didn't have any other rhythm but it was simple yet terrifying to get a grip with.

The boy was smart and idiotic with the slightest mistake leading to absolute death, but he persevered with the main emotion that strides him forward, rage. It was because of this and of his street smarts abilities that the current event before was treated if he was at war and learning new ways to best the other. He killed them with no halt and unlocked an ancient way of wars. But it was not that simple as he would have believed it to be, since he was but a mere human and they were not, their strength was far time stronger than to what Joshua had challenged from one of the strongest adult in the alley.

Though he dodged every attacked and tried deflecting, he found the truth that they were stronger than him and the only way to counter their attack is to redirect it elsewhere. The downward slash was angled to the other side by tilting the position of it's scythe with his own to land onto the side besides him.

The monster seemed startled of the matter that just a moment ago, it believed to have been overpowering him when the boy stopped dodging.

"You thought wrong," The boy stabbed the head of the monster who made no sound of awareness and perish into sand leaving the blood to stay spilled on his blade. "...Fool."

Red particles of crystals appeared after its disappearance which seemed to have held some sort of reasonings. He felt no threat towards it and took the choice of grabbing one. The face it had was quite creepy but humorous at the same time, it looked like a man trying to scream but was unable to.

Nevertheless, it seemed useful so he collected as much as he could and placed it in a bag. He didn't notice before but there was others he didn't notice have dropped it as well when they was killed.

He needed to be more aware it seems.

The stench of blood was great around him and he looked for a cloth or rag which was used to clear his face and body. The knife he held gave the colour of red itself with the handle losing it's black colour to it.

Then the shock soon came to him, he killed them. He did it! He won! The smile wrinkled as did the sob that came as he understood what he did. He has the chance to avenge them all, especially his parents.

Wiping the knife will only smear it and washing it with water was no longer an option with the taps not working. The bottles that contained alcohol he believed was an option but he thought of another use for it. A knowledge he learnt from the old man.

'Though alcohol is used to drink and damage the lungs with pleasure, the liquid can become a weapon of torment to any who touches it when blessed with flames.'

There was only 5 bottles which was obtainable to put on his armour pockets they were small enough to fit and was wrapped with dry table cloths around the lead. He was happy that there was a lighter at all in this bar. He can only hope that he doesn't accidentally burn himself.

...Nothing was needed here then, every time he wasted. The more monster seem to appear around the tower. Like a summoning place for them to appear to this world. Joshua wouldn't let it stand.





Tell me...would you still call this person a child who learns to kill without hesitation? Will your thoughts change when you see what he had become? Will you think of him as the devil who slays demon himself that others are afraid to do?





What was this?

Joshua looked wary at the statue in front of him, It resembles a lioness-headed woman holding an hourglass. It did not look hostile but even the littlest of things can be a threat at this time.

The golden statue radiated it's glow with inscription suddenly appearing being it.

"Those who desire to acquire the ancient ways of war shall offer the blood of monsters in exchange."

Ancient ways of war? The slot where it looked like you place a coin seems to have required something in order for it's use. Joshua looked at the face wearily but noticed no sense of hostility towards anything out of the ordinary.

"If it's monster blood it requires then..." bringing out his knife which was still bloody and dripping. He placed the tip of the blade on the slot. The act did not seemed to have done anything and he brought the knife back before he felt his mind transverse.

His mind felt dizzy and he wanted to puke. He was already hungry and tired. He couldn't like even if he wanted to.

Suddenly the appearance of the statue rose once again but this time. He stood in some sort of dimension. Purple and misty but it didn't seem as though danger would arise from the situation.

"To you who has offered the blood of monsters, I shall provide my knowledge of war with a price in exchange."

The statue startled him for moment before revising the words the statue spoke to his head.

An exchange, could she be taking about exchanging my soul for power?

As if the statue knew of the boy's thoughts. It spoke once more to provide knowledge to him. "Offer thy blood crystal of monsters for exchange."

Joshua widened his eyes at the words and brought out the red crystal he had obtained and watched as they started to glow. "Then...give me knowledge in becoming stronger." He looked at the statue which did not move and still stationary and yet the feeling of its presence staring him down was felt. It was neither a type of glance that was shown ready to strike but of seemingly just watching in curiosity.

"...The exchange has been made." The crystals that Joshua held soon disappeared and was absorbed into the statue. After thinking of what was going to happen. An orb of light soon erupted and struck his head softly as if a feather came into contact with him.

There was nothing out of the ordinary if not the fact that the sudden jolt of his brain caused his scream in pain and he grabbed his head to ease it.

"...The act of providing power to was not meant for the uses of Human.

Take precaution to heed my word for thou may lose thyself in desiring something more than just revenge...we shall meet again."

Joshua looked up with surprised of the knowledge it gave. The statue spoke as if it knew what he was going to do or desires but before he could even speak, he was blown away from the dimension.





A new power was obtained which was not meant for humans and yet he acquired as such by outsmarting the Divinity Statue. It issued a warning to the boy, Human who uses those statue damage themselves inside. For the matter of what, even the boy didn't know what it spoke of but thought nothing but coming on his path.





Joshua opened his eyes with a jolt of shock as he looked at his surroundings. The statue was still in the same area to when he offered the blood but it did not speak or reply. No action was made, but it gave him some idea of what the statue did. Knowledge of battle and war, the skills he had obtained from the memory he received was something inhuman.

But he had the concepts and ability for it now. Was this the ability of the statue? By providing those crystals of monster blood, he can once again speak to the statue as long he obtains a liquid source of the blood as well.

But the words it spoke to him had him think the idea carefully. It was the quickest way to gain knowledge and skills of battle and survival but the risks to his body would be nearly fatal in some cases as well.

But was the punishment give from the usage of those ability or because he was a Human using it? He didn't know but, he wanted more, he desired more knowledge.

Whatever that pain did, he felt stronger. The knife he held was somewhat so familiar to him unlike before and so close to the body, as if they were one of the same. The feeling felt great and exiting.

This was the option, another choice in order to survive the tower that is to come. Collecting more crystals from those monsters will achieve that.

Believing and planning out the idea, he forgot the risks which the statue heeded as he walked his way to the entrance to the tower.


"Hm?" Joshua looked back to notice the pathway which was blocked soon exploded along with a motorbike jumping from the air. The sudden eruption made him trip and stumble. The bike which seemed to be still in the air soon came close to landing...on him.


Rolling to the side while watching the rider land without any difficulties. The person who he saw as a women who looked like a teenager with guns armed around her.

The teen girl had a dark, chin-length hair on both sides of her face and she has a fringe that reaches her eyebrows. She has many scars across her body, the most prominent being the one across her nose.

He noticed her wearing a necklace with a red gem on it.

She turned her head toward him with surprise, he was too after seeing her eyes; each of her eyes a different color: her left eye is red while her right eye is bluish-green.

A schoolgirl outfit with a short white blouse that bares her midriff and sleeves that reach just past her elbows.

The skirt appears to be made of protective plating and she has a utility belt to hold gun magazines, with dark black/purple shorts underneath. Connected to the belt is a rocket launcher.

She carried a pistol on the front of her skirt and a submachine gun with a bayonet on the back, with a lever action bow gun of sorts strapped to her left thigh, and finally, a pistol strapped to her right boot.

She was stacked with weapons that she looked like was a walking Arsenal of some sort.

"...You." She spoke with hostility and brought a gun out in front of him but he was quicker. The boy himself was shocked of his own speed in how quickly he brought the weapon out and halted her movements to aim her own gun at the boy.

"Don't move." The girl looked surprised at the boy but showed no indication of being afraid and continued to bring her gun out. Was she ignoring him, aiming his gun to the side of her own, he pulled the trigger and fired a warning which had missed its target but stopped her nevertheless. The process worked either way. "I said don't move."

The girl looked closely and noticed the boy missing arm which caused her to make a face he couldn't explain. She looked like she was contemplating something as she shook her head and was worried for some reason. "Raise you hand up." The girl was more submissive now for some reason but he didn't drop his guard.

"...What happened to your arm?" The fact that she asked that question annoyed him but he didn't take the hint of getting showing her some emotion. "You're Human aren't you, How old are you, and where are your parents?"

"Don't annoy me lady, I can't waste time with you. I can only hope that this will all stop when I destroy that tower there and I get my answers for why this happened in the first place."

The girl looked surprised at the statement but she did not laugh or belittle him. What could she do for him? Not much really, a human boy who suffered the most definitely these past hours or so. The boy looked bloody and tired, most definitely hungry but she knew already that the boy wasn't the one bleeding.

The knife he holstered on his left side was tinted red showing the boy had killed something and if she already guessed, it was demons, the sands on his shoes which was stuck indicated as such.

He was Human most certainly but somehow, a small boy like him performing such action was somehow unbelievable and inhuman. But he wasn't a demon in disguise that too was obvious.

"I don't know who are you lady but if you're one of those monsters too, I'll shoot you down," Joshua lowered his gun, "But it doesn't seem you're a monster in a human body."

The 'Lady' raised a brow while lowering her arms down, "Monsters?"

"...Are you stupid, there are monsters everywhere! Can't you see?!" Saying so, Joshua pointed towards the top area of the tower which was surrounded with monster flying everywhere.

The lady sighed before speaking, "You seem to have been mistaken something, they aren't monsters...they're Demons from the Underworld."

Joshua stumbled back at the statement. "Demons?! How is that possible?!"

"There's no point being surprised brat, I can already tell you lost your arm from one of them, a strong one at that." The boy looked surprised at the statement which also gave her confirmation, "I suspected you to be one of them too but then, it wouldn't make sense for them to actually be banged up even if they were disguised as a human."

"Y-you thought I was one of them?" His eyes widened from the nod she gave at his questions, "b-but I..."

"Look around you kid, no one who's sane would stay in this damn place with demons scurrying around. That's why I took no chance but to try and kill you."

Joshua looked at her and thought clearly to what she said, "If they were truly demons, then that would mean, they were brought...to this world?"

"Summoned. Yes, and the only way to stop this from spreading around the world is to stop or destroy that tower." Saying so, she sat on her bike and started the engine. "I can't stop you from entering that tower but I can give you something as an apology, take it," Handing a blade the size of his leg and a modern pistol pistol which was slightly big but acceptable for the size of his hand and a hook, "That bayonet right there is sharp enough to slice those demons apart no doubt."

The blade had a sheath which was strapped and easy to place in and pull out from quickly, the reflection of himself was shown, no longer a kid from an hour ago, eyes so bright was dull and full of vengeance towards those monsters...no demons to remove from his way.

"...Why are you so sure that you can't stop me?" He raised a brow to her gifting him a better blade and gun for his uses. "I thought you'd be more responsible and ask me to leave the city as soon as I can."

"Trust me, I would if I could but, the city is surrounded with those demons and the only option is get to the top of the tower and halt the process so even more can't appear. Even on the off chance that you do decide to challenge fate and leave the area, you'll just get surrounded with demons flooding the city before you can even try to escape, it's better to go inside and prevent a horde coming together." She crouched to his level and looked at him solemnly, "And another reason is because I too know how it feels to lose a parent, to someone or something unexpectedly." Saying so, she sat on her bike and looked at him one more time, "If we ever meet each other again, It'll be up there or when this all ends. Until then...survive."

And she rode off not waiting for his response and he watched her do so with a look of gratitude.

"Well then," Joshua looked back to see the scythe weaponed demons which were slightly burnt appear from the crack the lady made. He thought of this chance to see the knowledge of the old man coming through. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol and placed it United his heft armpit before lighting the the cloths after a few attempts.

They were close and that was what he wanted as he threw the bottle to see the results. It was amazing, the bodies of each of the demons burned and cried in pain before dropping to the group, turning into a speck of sand.

The red crystal orbs he saw was grabbed and placed in a pocket.

"I should get to the tower before more arrive." Now that he through the about it. The blade he had receive which was strapped to his left waist along with the knife placed in a gun holster was somehow not baring some weight to his sprinting. Was it because of the statue or was it the fact that the with the loss of an arm, the weight was diminished but the balance was unstable.

Perhaps giving the blade and gun to place on his left side balanced him properly. Thinking so, Joshua smiled slightly.





Though he believed it to be the balance of his weapons and himself learning new things every second, the boy did not notice the slight change he will soon come to obtain later on.





Nearing the entrance, Joshua noticed the demons to be less than before than he expected.

He made a mistake to running faster than what was required which caused him to tire out as well.

'Breathing in as much as you and releasing the air while running will not hinder your energy. Take control of your breathing to never waste it.'

Using the memories of what the old man had said, he breathed in as much air as he could, ignoring the feeling of his heart pumping rapidly before releasing slowly, after doing this for several seconds, this heart subsided to a normal pace and he thanked the old man for the knowledge.

"Knowledge is something powerful if used properly, huh."

Next chapter