

Frost-Flames slowly released her grip from the lifeless, frozen body of the unmasked man. Her face remained emotionless as she gazed at the icy statue before her, a glint of satisfaction flashing in her crystalline blue eyes.

The crowd erupted into an emotional mixture of cheers, clapping, and even tears of relief. They stared with awe and gratitude at the elegant figure standing before them—their hero, their savior.

"Hail Hero Frost-Flames!"

"Hail Hero Frost-Flames!"

The chants reverberated through the air, swelling like a wave of gratitude and respect for the Tier V Prime who had swiftly intervened to save them.

Among those who cheered with fervor was Doush. His face lit up with an infectious grin, and a single tear of overwhelming joy slipped from the corner of his eye, which he wiped away hastily with the back of his hand.

"This makes me want to gobble down Algos and march into a Hero Academy right now."

He chuckled at his own fanciful daydreams, envisioning a future as a powerful hero, saving lives and basking in the limelight alongside the illustrious Frost-Flames.

"Just imagine what that will be like, going around New Earth, saving people, getting awards and recognition from people in power, having beauties around who look up to you and then getting to fight alongside the ice queen herself…Frost-flames. I can already faintly hear the chants of my name, 'Hail Super-talented Doush, Hail Super-talented Doush.' That's some bright future there my man"

Stare could only shake his head at the fanciful imagination of his friend.

"Seems like you forget only a total number of 5% in the entire population has a chance of awakening powers when they consume The Algos and out of that 5% of people only 2% manage to successfully graduate from a Hero Academy and then out of that 2% only a whopping number of 0.5% manage to actually turn out to be heros…"

"Plus you need to be sixteen to consume The Algos, the public testing is in two days and your sixteenth birthday in three months."

Doush face-palmed himself and then stared at his friend in annoyance.

"It's called realistic fantasm bro, it's been a year since we left high school yet you're still this stiff. So how bout you, your lucky ass managed to turn sixteen before the testing, are you taking the public test or you're just going to some college…?"

"You would really have a higher chance of becoming a Prime if you go for the testing, I mean you can already fight very well plus your quite smart and unfairly handsome, you're like some robot bred to be f*cking perfect, in fact I actually suspect you might have some of that system shit MCs usually have in light novels and mangas…like how can you already fight so well, we literally grew up together and I've never seen go for combat training any day."

Upon hearing the question, Stare's expression shifted, a faint frown forming on his face.

In truth, he had pondered this question countless times. He recognized that participating in the public test and joining the Hero's Academy marked the initial stride on the Oracle's path, leading to the fulfillment of The Cycle Of Evolution.

But how did he arrive at this knowledge? When his memories were unveiled, he found himself equipped with a clearer understanding of the Oracle's path. Despite minor adjustments over time, the process remained consistent, all aimed at achieving the same ultimate outcome.

Unlike others, Stare held no doubt that he would gain powers from consuming the Algos and secure admission to the Hero Academy.

However, the true challenge lay in the fact that the Oracle's path operated like a chain reaction. Each step triggered the next, setting a course that eventually led Stare to confront his counterpart Y-204 in the ultimate struggle of the Cycle of Evolution.

Stare found himself at a crossroads. He questioned whether he should embrace the Oracle's path and fulfill the Cycle of Evolution. Above all, he was determined not to lose his loved ones, not to jeopardize Earth's present life for an uncertain future, not to forget again—breaking his promise a second time was not an option.

Perhaps if he hadn't uncovered that memory fragment from his previous life on Earth, he might have pursued the Oracle's path without hesitation. But now, everything has changed. The Oracle's pursuit of the Cycle of Evolution seemed flawed. Humanity had proved it didn't require such a process for evolution, as demonstrated in the past.

Doush's playful nudge interrupted Stare's thoughts.

"Two mental lapses in one day? Not a good sign, buddy. Got a secret crush on your mind?" Doush jested.

"Hey, no need to push yourself. If you're not up for the test, that's okay. But as my dad would always say, 'You won't know if you can drive if you don't try,'" Doush offered, his words supportive and reassuring.

"And as for me, I think humanity can wait one more year to witness the amazing triumph of The Super Talented Doush. Besides, Frost-Flames seem to have an eternal youthful glow. Her face never changes, always so young and beautiful. It's like her age is frozen too," Doush commented with occasional glances towards Frost-Flames, who was busy tending to those in need and gathering accounts of the event.

Soon, emergency officials arrived, quickly restoring order and securing the area for investigation. Those requiring medical attention were swiftly taken to the hospital. After receiving medical clearance, Stare and Doush arranged for a ride to Stare's house, which was promptly provided.

Stare was concerned about his friend, knowing he was long accustomed to scenes like today's, while Doush was not. As they traveled, Stare couldn't help but ask again, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Doush responded with proud laughter, "Trust me, the gory graphics in the X-terminator game are way more intense and realistic than this, and I still managed to conquer it… twice!"

Finally, the hovering SUV arrived at the apartment they described. Rented apartments were favored due to Earth's dwindling landmass caused by the Great GreenHouse Effect. Stare's apartment was on the top floor of a two-story building.

Together, they rode the elevator to the last floor and approached Stare's apartment door. Nervously clutching a parcel package, Stare hesitated.

"You know, we could always blame the Zod guys for our lateness. It's sort of true, considering what just happened," Doush suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

Shaking his head, Stare disagreed, "Nah, I don't want my mom to worry unnecessarily. Remember how she reacted when you told her about the almost-robbery incident?"

Doush chuckled in agreement, "Yeah, that was pretty funny. You practically sent those guys straight to the medical center."

A light smile formed on Stare's face. He took a deep breath and gathered his resolve before finally pushing the apartment door open.

you won't know you can drive until you try.

DreamScribblercreators' thoughts
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