
An Advisor And A Writer

Entry 138:

Linus Ozias POV:

I have never been one to believe in trends or recognizable patterns, but this universe is starting to show one when the dust settles. I saw a woman dressed in ornate blue and gold robes with white lines outlining the upper parts.

Her most recognizable trait is her very light pink hair and fox-like ears, and as the woman opens her eyes and sees the two of us in front of her, she immediately smiles and says in a very excited tone, "Your reliable Fox Maiden, Caster has now arrived!"

Ritsuka looks almost ready to explode in excitement as the fox woman comes up to me, touches my chest, and begins to sniff me.

"Oh, you must have met another one of my kind. I did not even know there were more. Who do you know? tell me, tell me, tell me." I immediately clapped  my hands and said, "Well, yes, I have met another of your kind, a nine-tailed fox Yokai specifically, but can I ask for your name."

The woman then stops and says, "I am the advisor to Emperor Toba. I was known as the most beautiful woman of the era. I am Tamamo No Mae. It's nice to meet you, friend of a Yokai. I expect to meet this Yokai you speak of."

I almost chuckle internally as if she were to be shown the Yokai population of DxD, she would be shocked as in this world, most Yokai were hunted down to extinction, but in DxD, they have essentially become one with the population even if a hidden element.

I smile and give her a slight bow as I state, "I am Linus Ozias, the last magus of House Ozias, a master of Chaldea, and it is an honor to meet one of the advisors to the Emperor of China during the Heian period. And she is currently not here, but maybe later."

Tamamo then nods as she smiles and says, "That is acceptable now. How should I refer to you? Master, Linus, Oz, or maybe husband if you are into that?"

Ritsuka has had another nosebleed at her sultry display, as I state. "You may refer to me as you see fit, Lady Tamamo, as there will be time later to get to know each other."

Ritsuka then says, "Hey Tamamo Chan, do not have this guy cook for you, as your taste buds will be ruined forever." I look back at her and say, "Please do not give our new friend here the wrong impression of my cooking skills, as I fervently remember you making some very provoking noises as you tasted my food."

Ritsuka then does the mature thing and blows her tongue at me as she walks toward the summoning system.

Tamamo then says, "I know! You shall be known as Lin as it feels right to me. And you will have to cook for me later, Lin, as I am a curious little fox."

I nod as I ask, "Well, since we have just met and you are my first official servant, I would be willing to do so, but later, as my friend has to take her turn at the summoning."

Tamamo nods as we walk to the side of the room. I place a shield in front of us as Tamamo says, "This is a very intricate barrier you have, Lin, and you were able to create it instantly. This fox is impressed, and are you worried about complications with the summoning circle?"

I nod as she continues, "Already protecting your servant Lin, how bold of you." I simply say, "Regardless of the how and why, we are now bound together, and every person who becomes a part of this group now and in the future will be an essential part of this organization. And since we are currently in a room that connects to a parallel dimension, I am not taking chances."

Tamamo then turns her head to the circle, smiling as Ritsuka says her chant similar to mine, which causes another burst of energy, and from the smoke, a scent can be smelt across the room as within the circle is a plate of what looks like. Oh no.

Mapo tofu, one of the banes of FGO gacha Ritsuka, then looks at it with an unreadable expression and begins to laugh as she says, "Again! We reroll again!" As she states the chant again, Tamamo says, almost disturbed, "Your partner is definitely very interesting; Lin, is she always like this?"

I nod as I remain stoic as I respond, "This is her true nature exposed to the world, but sadly, due to the situation, Humanity is literally being protected by me and her and anyone else we summon. Along with the remaining staff in this facility."

Tamamo then says solemnly, "This is going to be very difficult, isn't it, Lin?" I shake my head. "Regardless of her eccentricity, she is definitely dedicated, to say the least, and this is the beginning of the journey she will improve, hopefully."

Although my statement is proving wrong again and again, as I kid you not, she does the chant over three times, and she gets three more mapo tofus. 

We reach the summon limit of ten after three more plates of Mapo Tofu as well as, surprisingly, a set of three blades known as black keys. But on the final summon, Ritsuka looks ready to almost both break something and engage in extracurricular activities.

A miracle occurs as the circle lights up, and another presence is revealed in the dust. We see another servant, a woman wearing a black dress with blue lines running down the cloth she holds an umbrella that looks similar to her dress as she smiles and says. 

"Servant, Caster. My name is Murasaki Shikibu. I am a woman fond of the written word, with an ardent love of poetry, and captivated by the sentiments of people... I ask that you take good care of me…"

As Ritsuka looks shocked at her summoning, she says, "Hah! Take that, Oz. I have one as well." 

I just find it odd that both servants are from the Heian period of Japanese history, as the woman in front of us was the writer of "The Tale of Genji," "Poetic Memoirs," and "The Diary of Lady Murasaki." Dozens of her poems were chosen as part of the Goshui Wakashu anthology, a collection of waka poems commissioned by the Emperor.

Murasaki then sees Tamamo and walks towards the woman, bowing as she says, "It is an honor to greet the advisor to royalty." Tamamo then smiles and says, "There's no need to bow, although I have read some of your books, and I have to say there were some of my favorites to read."

The young woman then slightly blushes at the praise as she looks at me and asks, "While I understand that the eccentric woman is my master, may I know of your name?"

I nod and say, "I am Linus Ozias, an inventor, Chaldea master, and avid collector of knowledge. It is my privilege to meet you, Lady Shikibu." We bow to one another as she asks, "You say you are a collector of knowledge. Would I be allowed to survey the library?"

I then hear Romani over the intercom say, "You're very much welcome to the library as we currently have no one available to keep it organized, so you are fully welcome to take up the position if you see fit." 

This information causes the woman to smile and say, "I thank you as well. I am not the strongest of servants; I will try to do my part."

I shake my head and say, "Everyone has their strengths, Lady Shikibu, and as a team, we all exist to cover our weaknesses. Each one of us is prepared to cover each other's backs, and we are only stronger for every member that joins us."

Tamamo then agrees, "I like a master with confidence and an understanding of team structure, but for now, Lin would you show us around?" I nod as Ritsuka then asks questions to the writer, "So Shikibu San, have you ever written more adult-themed material?"

The question causes the woman to stutter as she says, "Not very often as I was not as I was not very adept at writing such scenes, and it was not seen as very popular."

Before, Ritsuka could make the woman more flustered, even if the gap moe between her mature aura and lack of experience made me intrude. "Ritsuka, please do not make the woman more flustered, and do try not to ask her to write any material she does not wish to."

"Killjoy," I hear her say as Murasaki sighs and says, "I can already tell I will be able to write an outstanding story by the end of this, and I hope I can contribute to this epic."

After a couple of minutes, we reach the library, and the woman is odd by the size of it as I add, "Let it be known I have not been able to add my own collection to this library's contents as there will be more to come as time passes on."

The writer looks like she's in heaven as she surveys each part of the library, picking up different books, and you would not think that this woman is a master of curses. Tamamo chuckles as she says, "I feel like this is going to be fun." 

I nod as while FGO has a relatively upbeat story for Fate, there will still be losses, but not while I am here.

I will make it my goal to see each servant's goals realized as long as they do not harm Humanity, as everyone deserves to see a dream fulfilled even if they are unable to do it in their own lifetime.

As if sensing what I am saying in my mind the fox woman turns to me and says, "So I guess we are in this together, aren't we, Lin?" 

I then place my hand on her head and rub her ears as she literally purrs, and after a couple of seconds, I stop, and she asks, "What was that? It felt like pure and utter contentment and bliss, like I had become one with the world?"

I simply turn away from the library and begin to walk back to my lab to continue creating new clothing and armor, as while servants are innately more durable than regular humans, the other members of the staff, along with the gacha fiend, are rather squishy.

"Wait! You still have not answered my question, and I will find out eventually, Lin." I wave to her as she turns into her spiritual mode and fades into golden particles.

For now, this is only the beginning, and so far, we have summoned both the representation of  Amaterasu in this world at least and a famous Japanese writer/librarian. Luckily, we did not summon Gilgamesh, as I would not have been able to handle his ego if we had summoned his Archer variant.

However, I wonder if I'm going to have to keep myself from going into the dream cycle and having her be able to see my memories, and maybe I will be able to manipulate them.

I would rather not give any of my fellow friends an existential crisis.

(The dream cycle is caused by the connection between master and servant where the master can view their servant's past while the servant may be able to peer into the memories of their master to learn about each other and hopefully work more effectively with one another.)

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