
America First" (OOC: Some strong material ahead)

The enemies of American institutions are waving the red flag of European Socialism.

So has declared all the tickets of the Socialist Party of America choosing Eugene V. Debs.

A vote for Henry Ford safeguards the Stars and Stripes and Constitutional Government.

Keep America American!

The American's Creed.

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my county to love it; to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies."

The Creed of the I.W.W

"I do solemnly swear, that I hold in contempt all institutions of Capitalism, including ecclesiastical and secular; and its laws, its flag, its courts, its codes, its churches and religion; That I will obey all summons and commands of the elected officials of this order, under penalty of death, and spare neither my time, effort, or money to obey, even to the last drop of my blood."


The polarization of the United States was a very deep issue, rooted in ideological-political, economic, ethno-cultural and social differences.

The Green Corn Rebellion and other events throughout these United States were only the beginning or a symptom. Symptom of militancy, differences and racism rooted in America.

What is the American dream really?

During the Ford administration, the fighting between Americans only escalated.

On one side was the right with the National Republican Party, increasingly besieged with the 'America First' movement, the KKK or the Silver Legion of America.

A perfect breeding ground for the Ultra-Nationalism and the Far Right of the time.

On the other side was the left with the Socialist Party of America, a platform that included radicals as well as reformists-progressives (moderates).

But it was deeply scary, many outside the Socialist Party of America feared a possible socialist revolution in the United States.

In reality the socialists themselves had little hope of a full-scale revolution, but there were still quite militant and direct-action members, especially the trade unions.

Meanwhile many liberals, Democrats and big capitalists saw of course the weakening of the Democratic party against their competition and the rise in popularity of socialism in America.

Where many would have chosen more progressive alternatives to compete with right-wing populism and avoid socialism ... the majority of the Democrats and liberal-capitalists chose 'barbarism' before socialism, as some say in Germany.

Allying with the National Republicans was often preferable, allowing capitalists and capitalist politicians to block the socialists.

And others really had extreme ideas.

Where France had developed Boulangerism and the British developed the Social Aristocracy, the Americans were also developing their own ideas.

Just as dangerous.

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