
The Day

The day finally arrived. It was a day that Atticus had been eagerly anticipating ever since he had heard about it.

The day had come without any prior notice, no heads up. He had woken up early and went through his routine thinking it was just a normal Monday as usual, but oh boy was he wrong.

A single notification had suddenly changed Atticus's mood. It went from neutral to extremely excited in an instant.

Currently, just like any other Monday or weekdays, the time was 10:50 AM and Atticus, the rest of the Ravenstein youths, and every single member of the white omen division was currently gathered, each one of them facing the large and imposing terminal in the middle of the campgrounds, their excitement palpable.

The area was filled with chatters and lots of laughter sounded in the air. The division members were happily chatting amongst themselves.

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