
Ch. 18 - The Valley of Tea

[A new tier is up on Patreon and it's 15 advance chapters!]


"I'm gonna be honest. This tea is fantastic! Take it for the fact that this is my first time drinking tea!" Jin said as he gulped down the entire cup of tea without stopping.

"I'm not a fan of tea. Ugh." Mantis remarked after taking a small sip of tea and made a disgusted expression.

"It's not bad. Though I prefer Master Shifu's jasmine tea." Crane added in after taking a sip.

"Guys, don't you think we should proceed with our mission? It's almost nighttime and most people are walking back to their homes." Viper expressed her concerns as the sun is slowly moving down, being replaced by the moon.

"That's the point, Viper. I want us to proceed at night. It's much better that way. Not only would we be undisturbed during the mission but we can also launch a surprise attack on them, if ever we find proof that they're using the orphans to do their dirty work." Jin replied to Viper as he drank his last cup of tea before standing up since the Tea shop would be closing soon.

"Let's find the orphanage before the sun goes down completely. Then, when the moon is up, we'll sneak in." Jin gave his first order.

"Monkey and Crane, you both go south, Mantis and Viper on the west and Tigress, the east is yours."

"While I'll take the north. Go!" Jin said while pointing at the north side of the Valley of Tea before taking off.

The Furious Five didn't raise any questions and swiftly did what they were ordered.


For the next few hours, the sun has finally disappeared from the horizon and the moon is now the one in the sky.

Crane was the one who found the orphanage thanks to his aerial advantage over them.

"At first glance I could already tell that this orphanage is full of thugs." Crane said.

"How?" Monkey asked.

"Instead of seeing kids, I saw several coyotes and no they're not kids but adults. I mean, orphanage full of adult coyotes, not to mention at night? Looks suspicious enough to me." Crane answered with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Yeah, that's our target right there. Let's waste no time and sneak in. Remember, we must gather evidence first before we dispatch them one by one." Jin said, however Tigress raised a question.

"Why should we gather evidence? Can't we just beat them up right then and there like we, the Furious Five used to do."

"I know. However, I'm just being cautious here. Imagine if we beat them and it turns out it wasn't them? What would you do when they started accusing us?" Jin's reply made them think about their past actions. Jin was right, they wouldn't be able to do anything to defend theirselves if they got the wrong person. They're lucky that during their past missions they haven't encountered such a situation.

"Any more questions?"

Receiving a shake of their heads, Jin nodded and soon they blended in the shadows, ready to finish their mission tonight.


Under the moonlight, a shadow flashed past, followed by several more shadows.

*Swoosh!* x6

"Hey, do you hear that?"

At the entrance of the orphanage, two coyotes with a bored look on their faces were having their conversation.

"No, you must've not slept last night, right? Heh, let me guess, you're dreaming about the boss's lover, right? You have no chance, especially on how ugly you are. Hahaha!" The other coyote answered him while making fun of him at the same time.

"Why you!!"


"You!!" Just like that, the two coyotes started fighting each other.


"Clear." Looking at the two coyotes busy punching and biting each other, Tigress's eyes squinted and she signaled at her team mates.

"Alright, let's go." Jin passed the message and they started sneaking inside the orphanage under the nose of two coyotes that were supposed to guard the entrance.

Inside the orphanage, the hall looks empty Jin's senses picked up a few laughs and snickers on the other side of the hallway.

'It must be the kitchen.' Jin said to himself before ordering Tigress and the rest to split up and search for the evidence that they needed.

Thankfully, the orphanage was quite dark, which makes it easy for Jin and the rest to sneak around without getting found.

As they went on their own ways, Jin went to the second floor where he found several rooms next to each other.

Taking a peek inside, Jin saw the kids sleeping on their beds, however from the looks of their faces, they look both malnourished and there are even some empty beds that look like they used to have an owner.

'Either something bad happened to them or someone just adopted them. I'm hoping for the latter.' Jin said to himself before closing the door quietly.

'I wonder where the matron is.' Just as Jin was about to step forward, he suddenly stopped in his tracks as the door in one of the rooms opened.

Just when Jin was prepared to take down whoever comes out of the door, a small but cute rabbit walked outside while holding a slight familiar figurine on his hand.

'Am I tripping or is that figurine, me?' While thinking of this, the small rabbit who was rubbing his eyes suddenly noticed him and froze in shock.

Opening his mouth, Jin immediately stepped forward and covered the kid's mouth.

"Shhh!" Making a hush gesture, the little rabbit nodded his head slowly.

As Jin took his hand away from his mouth, the little rabbit started whispering to him.

"You're the Dragon Warrior! You are so cool!" The little rabbit excitedly whispered to him while shoving the figurine of him to Jin.

"Uhh, thanks." This was actually the first time Jin met an actual fan beside Po, and he couldn't help but scratch his head in embarrassment.

"Are you here to save us?" The little rabbit looked around and whispered.

"Save? Oh, right. Can you tell me what's going on here? Where's your matron and who are those people downstairs?" Jin asked, which was soon answered by the little rabbit.

"The matron? Uhm, you mean Ms. Ching? She's already gone. A few days ago she wasn't waking up anymore. So, a man came in and took her out of the orphanage while declaring himself as the new owner of the orphanage. We don't know him and he looks scary, he just suddenly started ordering us to steal from the other people's pockets and shops. We couldn't do anything! If we didn't as he said, he would punish us by not giving us for a whole day! We tried to ask for help but they were also scared of the man! And- and...." The little rabbit started explaining to him about the situation and as he was about to finish, he started sniffing and cried.

"Shh, it's okay now. I'm here." Although Jin was comforting the little rabbit, Jin's eyes were releasing a very cold aura that would freeze anyone in sight.

'Child trafficking, huh? I didn't expect such a thing to even exist in this world that is full of fantasy and child-like elements.' Jin said to himself. He was shocked actually, he thought that since this world is a movie made for kids, he thought that there would be no things such as rape, killing or anything that is considered as a crime.

'Sigh, I really can't judge this world based on the movie, I kept forgetting that this is a real world meaning, such evil things would exist.' Jin sighed at himself.

He doesn't know what happened next as the little rabbit dozed off on his embrace, maybe he's actually good at comforting kids? Or maybe because he is an angel?

Standing up while the little rabbit is still in his embrace, Jin's senses pick up a footstep behind him.

Turning around very quickly, Jin thought that he would meet an enemy, however it turns out that it is just Tigress and the rest of the gang.

"Who's that?" Monkey whispered while pointing at the little rabbit in Jin's embrace.

"I....I didn't asked for his name however, he told me about everything here. It's a legit child trafficking, this little rabbit and probably the rest of the kids is enough evidence, it's time to unleash chaos." Just when the Furious Five was about to rush downstairs to beat all the coyotes, Jin immediately stopped them.

"But..." As they stopped in their tracks, Jin continued.

"Crane, Monkey and Mantis, the three of you wouldn't be able to join the fight. I have a mission for you three." Jin said to them, however before they could complain, Jin continued.

"I want the three of you to evacuate the kids in the orphanage, we need to be cautious as they might take the kids as a hostage if they deem their situation as grim or they might be accidentally involved in the fight. Who knows how far they would go if they're cornered." Jin explained his reasons and that's enough for Monkey, Crane and Mantis to throw their complaints out of the window and start evacuating the kids.

Looking at Tigress and Viper, he nodded at them and they nodded back at him.

"Let's finish them as quickly as possible. I want them down before the sun rises." Dropping the order, Jin started rushing downstairs followed by them.


*Thud!* x 20

"Hey, did you guys hear tha-? Fughh!" Inside the kitchen, several coyotes were sitting on the dining table while playing cards, when suddenly one of them heard the sounds upstairs and was about to ask his comrades about it when a kick suddenly landed on his face.


"What the!" Shocked by what happened to their comrade, the rest of the coyotes immediately stood up in shock and some picked up their blades on the side.

"How are you doing, boys? How about we make this night more fun?" Pointing their blade at the source of the sound, they saw a man sitting on the chair while the moonlight outside was illuminating his figure.

There, they saw a handsome black haired man, whose hair was slightly defying the law of physics.

He is wearing nothing on the top while wearing sandals on his feet, the only notable thing on his attire is his cool looking pants, which has a flame design.

"Let's dance."


You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.
