
The streets of Madrid

The security team tightened their formation, creating a protective bubble around Hiro. Even if someone tried to get close to Hiro, they were quick to interrupt their advance. 

Hiro remained in the bubble of protection and advanced unhindered. 

However as Hiro moved forward, fans surged closer, eager to catch a glimpse of their new hero. Hiro could audibly hear the growing chant, "Vamos! Takahashi."

The growing chant echoed across the crowd, a testament to the immense expectations placed on the young Japanese. 

Even though Hiro advanced slowly, he soon reached the black car parked outside the airport. 

Upon reaching the car, Hiro paused briefly before entering the car awaiting him. Turning back to the crowd, Hiro raised his hand and gave a respectful bow —a gesture of gratitude and humility that resonated deeply with the supporters. The cheers grew deafening.


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