

When the task of training was cast on her, she was happy and at the same time, she felt so much pressure.

Knowing that her mistress left the estate to go around the nearby cities and towns to buy shops in preparation for the post office she was still quite curious about, she knew that she had to work hard. Otherwise, she would disappoint the woman who trusted her with that responsibility.

But reality proved to be very different from dreams.

Following her mistress's instructions, Gertrude could draw the little mana she could find around her, and using that, she thought of every trick she could use to communicate more with animals.

Communicating proved to be easier than she thought, but commanding the animals proved otherwise.

Animals were also stubborn, just like human beings. Some she could force or put them under her influence, but because she was a novice without mana, that influence easily waned and she would be back to zero.

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