

On the veela planet inside Ela's realm, there were 100 or so women, extremely beautiful women, all completely naked, laughing and talking with each other.

Ela arrived here with others to this scene causing her wives to be stunned seeing all these naked women. Ela walked towards them as her clone dispersed in light parties.

"Ela, you are here! " Madeleine came running and hugged Ela, causing their boobs to collide and press each other. Ela returned the hug with her own while cupping and squeezing Madeline's ass cheeks causing her to moan in pleasure.

"Grand-mère we are also here" Lin said teasingly.

"Hehe. come let me give you something too." Madeleine responded while kissing lin on lips which she eagerly returned.

Others also arrived and greeted Ela and her wives. Ela introduced them all.

"Umm dont mind me asking, but why are you all naked? " Lilly asked after hesitating a little.

"Oh dear no. we dont mind. You see, there are only us on this planet. No one is seeing us except Ela and you guys, So we decided to stop wearing cloths as we are much more comfortable this way. It makes us feel intimate with each other and we like this feeling very much." Madeline answered smiling.

Lilly stayed silent for some seconds as if thinking about something and then suddenly stood up causing everyone to look at her in curiosity.

"I mean. why not?" Said lilly and she too stripped over.

One by one everyone including Ela removed their clothes. "I do feel it.. intimate... You were right... " Morgan commented while everyone laughed happily.

They all started talking and eating and by night It was decided that they will spend their rest of the vacation on this planet with the veelas and that what they did.

They spent the next month in veela planet letting go of all the worries. Some like Amelia and Augusta who had to work at the ministry, they sent their clones to finish their works.

Ela indeed taught them cloning magic, but they literally had to devide their own power to accomplish that. For example, they want to make a clone with 10% of their power then they will only have 90% power remaining in them till the clone not merges with them again.

Moreover at minimum, they had to always have 51% power with their main body. but it was still a boon for everyone. As now they all made 3-4 clones, who are completely loyal to them, to do their bidding.

Meanwhile for the whole month they all had lots and lots of fun and obviously sex. Wherever they go, they can see someone fucking, hear someone moaning and smell the scent of sex in the air.

Everyone specially showed Ela how much they appreciate her presence. They all worshipped her offering themselves to her. And Ela was all too happy with this arrangement. She had sex at least all day all months with little break proving why she is a goddess.

Soon the time to return came. They left for their home planet after a promise to all the veelas that they will visit regularly.

"Ela, you are the first goddess we believe in. We have complete faith in you. This last month had been the best moments of our lives and we dont want to be left here without being able to worship you." said Madeleine sadly.

Listening to her, Ela left one clone of her with them inside her room which is now treated like a holy palace or temple in veela planet.

Soon came 1st of September, and they all boarded Hogwarts Express together.

"Ela, are we really going to let that fraud teach dada? " Hermione couldn't help but ask. She was extremely furious at Dumbledore for hiring a fraud and criminal like him.

"Dont worry Hermione, I have only allowed him to step foot inside Hogwarts to serve my purposes. And for that I literally only need him to just be introduced as a teacher by Dumbledore." Ela said calmly...

They reached hogsmeade station and alighted while Hagrid as usual guided first years.

"Ela, can I help Ginny this year? " Luna asked looking at lost looking red head. They all could sense riddles diary inside her backpack.

"Tomorrow morning, bring her to meet me in my office"


They boarded carriages and reached Hogwarts. Students went to seat at their respective tables while Ela and teachers went to the stage and sat together.

Dumbledore looked at them as if wanting to pry some information. He was slightly guarded, Ela could feel it.

Without giving him any attention, Ela greeted minerva and sprout. Just as she took his seat slughorn greeted her excitedly.

"Madam Amberheart, its a pleasure. I have heard a lot about you."

"all good things, I hope.. " Ela answered smiling.

"Haha.. I'm Horace Slughorn. "

"Of course I know you professor Slughorn. You also have heard a lot about you from your previous students. A renowned potion master, you are what a Slytherin should be like. I really admire you for that trait." Ela said sincerely.

Many people had problem with Slughorn and his ideals. Those who were not invited in his slug club always had some negative things to say about him. Yes, he is a collector of talents but what is wrong with it. He finds those who could influence the world and then make connections with them. This is how world works.

Yes he told riddle about Horcrux but it's not like he taught him about it. And riddle already had some knowledge about it.

Slughorn was surprised hearing Ela's sincere praise.

"Thank you for your compliments." he gave a small bow while smiling.

"You deserve it professor. I hope you would continue to teach and guide our students to the best of your capability. If you need any help, You can come to me. I will surely consider it. " Ela said smiling and Slughorn took his seat happily. But Dumbledore was not at all happy about it. He wanted to use his friendship with Slughorn to keep controlling Slytherins but just some words from Ela already thwarted his plans.

"Madam Amberheart, it good to meet you. I'm Lockhart you must have heard about me." Said the idiot.

Ela looked at him blankly, "Who are you anyway book an appointment if you need to talk to me." and then she ignored him and started to talk to Minerva.

Next chapter