

----Next Morning----

Looking at closed eyes and peaceful breathing of my wives, I felt as if I have got all the love in the world. Untangling myself I started getting up but Pandora pulled me back and held me tightly.

"You wait here, from now on we all will be responsible for managing our home."

"You dont have to trouble yourself love"

"Ela, we want to do it. Have some rest with them while me and Nelle prepare breakfast for everyone" Morgan said getting up and giving my lips a peck followed by Nelle.

"Ela, come with us, we will help you in bath and getting ready." Lilly and Alice got up and started arranging everything to get me ready for the day.

"Wait a minute. Can anyone please tell me what you are doing? "

"You have to get used to these things. We have decided to serve you as your harem." Augusta hugged me from behind and gave a lick to my nape. causing me to shudder.

This way getting ready, being blissfully served by my wives, I had my breakfast and went to the ministry with Amelia and Augusta as today first wizengamot meeting of august is scheduled where the matter of Harry Potter's custody will be decided.

We went to the courtroom separately to not blow Augusta's cover just yet. I took my seat as undersecretary to the minister next to Minister Fudge, In the middle, right to Fudge, came to sit Chief Warlock Dumbledore , his seat a little higher and on his left sat Amelia bones. On her left came to sit Doge as the special advisior.

A/N- ( I seriously cant understand where and how the meetings and trials take place so think of these rooms like the one in movies where Harry was tried at the starting of order of Phoenix part.)

"Welcome Lords and Ladies to this monthly wizengamot meeting. Let us first discuss our regular arrangements" Dumbledore started purposely trying to avoid discussing Harry's matter.

After 30 minutes of discussion on regular and important matters. "I would like to present a suggestion Chief Warlock" I stood up causing everyone to become quite.

"Madam undersecretary, You can only present suggestion for new laws and amendments" - Dumbledore

"You are absolutely correct Chief Warlock, But there is also a procedure through which if any member of wizengamot starts a trial, He/she can do so after having permission granted by at least 2 of the following- Miniter of magic, Chief Warlock and Head of DMLE."

"Madam Amberheart, You can indeed do so if the person you want to try is not among those 3."

"I do know these laws by heart Chief warlock, in case the person to be tried is among the 3, a simple majority that is; 50% votes of the members present is also needed to start the trial."

Dumbledore agreed easily. ' this little bitch thinks she is smart, I had already sent snape to all the dark families yesterday. Voting against me? scoff, nothing that magic cant take care of'

"Present your case Madam Amberheart"

"The case I want to discuss today is about one Harry potter whom many also know as the boy-who-lived.

On 31st july when I was visiting Diagon Alley, I bumped into a little boy who was wearing what many Lords here would consider rags. Not going into the detail I would want to present my memories of the event-" just a Dumbledore was going to object, I continued

"- now Dumbledore will say that memories are not admissible in the court as any master of mind art such as Dumbledore and me,can easily show what we wanna show. so I am not presenting is as an evidence and you can't object to this. " looking reluctant Dumbledore nodded.

A pensieve was brought in the middle of the room and I put my memory of the event which I had indeed altered but as if anybody will be able to find out. As I saw that memories has been finished playing and several members thinking whether what they is real or false.

"As we have seen that today's trial is against the Chief Warlock Dumbledore, I and Minister give our permission to proceed with the case.

A voting will be held among the members present today. Those in favour of this case being presented raise your hands" Amelia declared.

only those of Gray faction raised their hands causing Dumbledore to shoot me a smug smile with twinkle in his eyes but then I returned him a smile as those of Dark faction also raised their hands one by one causing Dumbledore to change his expression from smug smile to confusion to a frowning look to finally a solemn glaring look. but just then my smile turned into a smirk as both Augusta and Amelia also raised their hands causing a small number of the light faction members to follow. Dumbledore's finally gave a shocked look and then hurriedly employing occlumency to return to a neutral expression.

"As a result of voting, the case is accepted by the wizengamot to look into. Madam Amberheart, please continue."

"yes, thank you very much Madam Bones, but before starting with the case-

'Mr. Dumbledore' it seems age has finally caught on you, otherwise how can you forget that since you are suspected of committing a crime you can't be the Chief Warlock, atleast for this case."

Without saying anything Dumbledore left his seat and started walking towards the seat available for other members of wizengamot.

"Please wait Mr. Dumbledore, you have to sit there on the main suspects seat" seeing him follow my words silently I continued.

"To prove my point I want to invite Mr. Hagrid, who is keeper of keys of Hogwarts."

"Let Hagrid be brought here" an official commanded the aurors.

"Mr. Hagrid, you dont have anything to fear, you are here as a witness only. just answer my questions honestly.

Did you see with your own eyes that after his parent's death, Harry Potter was left at the doorstep of his muggle aunt to spend whole night with just a basket and letter?"

"Yes. Professor Dumbledore said it will save him from death eaters."

"Was it Dumbledore who sent you to pick Harry from his uncle and aunts home with his Hogwarts letter? "

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore sent many owls but those muggles are some nasty people, treat Harry like a house elf, they left their house to hide from us. Professor is strong so he directly sent me to where Harry was"

"Okay Hagrid, You can go.

Now I would like to invite Madam malkin as a witness." After she sat down I asked.

"Madam malkin describe what you know of the events"

"okay..... "

After madam Malkin's words many started looking at Dumbledore with suspicion.

"So mr. Dumbledore, What do you have to say now"

"Madam Amberheart, everything I'm doing is for the betterment of Harry and the Wizarding world.

I was safe from unwanted attentions and was able to experience a normal happy childhood. I'm sure young James and Lilly would also have wanted this"

"So you decided that to keep harry safe, he must be sent to his magic hating abusive muggle aunt and uncle where he would hear that his name is freak his father was a drunkard and his mother was a cheap woman who died in a car accident.

so you decided that keeping an heir away from his legacy is the right thing to do.

You thought erecting a blood ward tied to a young pure-blood heir is okay.

Do you think what you did was right? "

"Yes, everything was done keeping Harry's safety in mind. I did what was necessary"

"Fellow Lords and Ladies, mr. Dumbledore's action raised many questions in my heart-

If he wanted to keep Mr. Potter safe, then who wrote those harry potter books and how did he knew about that famous lightning bolt mark when no one saw mr. Potter except Hagrid, and Dumbledore.

Will these actions be repeated? Today it is heir Potter, tomorrow it can be heir Longbottom, heir Greengrass, heir Nott or heir malfoy.

and My last question is, Is Albus Dumbledore greater than the law. Erecting illegal blood wards, kidnapping a recently orphaned pure-blood child, keeping him away from his legacy and letting his be abused both mentally and physically.

Today I request to his sacred body to do justice and relieve Dumbledore from all his positions as Mr. Dumbledore does not seem to carry a sound mind anymore due to his old age and Compensate Mr. Potter for all these years of abuse."

after 15 minutes of break and a voting to decide on things, Minister Fudge stood up.

"After careful considerations, and by majority of votes, this body has decided to remove Albus Dumbledore from Chief Warlock's position as well as from his position as Harry Potter's Magical guardian and Albus Dumbledore is ordered to pay Mr. Potter 100,000 gallons."

"The voting for the position of Chief Warlock will be held tomorrow. As for the selection of Mr. Potter's magical guardian, DMLE will be incharge of it."

Dumbledore stood up and stared at me for a while before going out with his followers. Even after what happened today Dumbledore's influence and network is still to strong to deeply hurt him. Today what really hurted him was Augusta's betrayal and loosing the position of Harry's magical guardian.

I returned home and enjoyed rest of my day with my wives.

Next chapter