
v2 Chapter 1420: Gold cup

"In short, Armando refused Voldemort's application to teach the defense of the Dark Arts." Dumbledore said, "After the application was rejected, he went to the Bojin-Boke store, and all the faculty who appreciated him said it was a pity, that one The talented young wizard went to be a clerk. But Voldemort was not just an ordinary clerk. He was very polite, handsome and clever, and soon got a special job that only Bojin-Boke had. This is known to you. The store specializes in magic items that refuse to have specific or valuable properties. Voldemort was sent to persuade others to hand over the treasures to the store for sale. It is said that he is particularly good at this."

"I believe it!" said Harry.

"I believe, but this is where we should be careful, Professor." Ai Wen said, just because he knew too much about what Voldemort was good at and the terrible things, he never trusted the guy in the ring, if Dumbled. Lido plans to do something with Riddell, fifteen, and it is best to be careful.

Now Voldemort has gained a powerful magical power, but has lost the power of disguise and devotion.

Riddle, who is fifteen years old in the ring, does not. His strength is very weak, but he is very good at confusing others.

undefined"Yeah, yeah, I will pay attention!" Dumbledore said with a slight smile. "Now, you should listen to the memory of the family elf Hao Qi. Her master is a very old, very The rich witch, named Hepzba Smith."

Dumbledore said that he poured the memory from the crystal bottle he had just taken into the meditation basin.

"Come on, you go ahead, Ivan, pay attention to the gold cup we will see."

Gold Cup? Hufflepuff's Gold Cup? ! Voldemort another soul device? !

Is the specific location of the home elf home, and what is the relationship with the Jinbei?

With all sorts of doubts, Ai Wen entered the meditation basin.

He turned his head and fell in the dark void, and fell into a living room.

Ai Wen saw in front of him a very fat, fat old lady wearing a delicate **** wig, and a gorgeous pink robes spread around her, making her look like a melt. Ice cream cake.

She was facing a small mirror inlaid with jewels, using a large puff to coat the already red cheeks with rouge.

One is probably the world's thinnest and oldest house elf. She is wearing a pair of tight-fitting satin buckles on the old lady's fat feet. She is probably the domestic elf Hao Qi.

"Come on, Hao Qi!" Hepzba said arbitrarily. "He said that at four o'clock, it was only two minutes. He has never been late."

She put away the puff, and the domestic elf straightened up, and her head went to the cushion of Hepzba. The paper-like skin hung on the skeleton like the fine linen robes on her body.

"How am I?" Hepzba asked, turning his head and admiring the faces in her mirror from all angles.

"It's beautiful, ma'am." Hao Qi screamed.

It was awkward to raise the elf. She had to lie on her back when she returned to this question, because Hepzba Smith was far from beautiful, but she obviously would not tolerate other answers from her house elf.

Ivan guessed that perhaps this kind of torture is the main reason why Hao Qi looks so thin and so old.

You know, the house elf is not good at lying, especially when facing the owner, but at this moment, Hao Qi has to lie...

It is said that in ancient times, a witch who was confident in her appearance but actually ugly made a magic mirror.

She asked the mirror every day, "Magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" Although she is asking questions to the mirror, but the answer here can only be one, that is to answer that she is the world's most Beautiful woman.

Because the witch asked this question every morning and evening, finally, the magic mirror that could not stand the torture was finally broken...

This shows how much pressure the domestic elf Hao Qi will have.

At this moment, the doorbell Tintin was ringing, and the hostess and the elf jumped up.

"Quick, fast, he is coming, Hao Qi!" Hepzba called, and the elf ran out of the house.

The house was very crowded and I couldn't imagine anyone passing through the room without knocking down at least a dozen things. Display cabinets with painted boxes, bookshelves filled with gilded books, shelves with large stars and astrology instruments, and many lush plants that grow in copper vessels. This room looks like a magical antique shop and a greenhouse. Get up.

The elf came back in a moment, followed by a tall young man, Voldemort!

To be precise, it is the Voldemort after adulthood, nearly twenty years old.

He wore a black suit, his hair was a little longer than he was at school, and his cheeks were concave, but Avon had to admit that these were all for him. This dress made him look more handsome, and a few years ago in Sla Like Ghoen's private party, he seems to be shining and can't be ignored.

Voldemort carefully passed through the crowded room and it seemed to have been there many times.

Then he bent down low and his lips gently touched Hepzba's little fat hand.

"I brought you flowers, ma'am!" he whispered, and he had a bunch of roses in his hand.

"You naughty child, you shouldn't be like this!" Old Hepzba screamed, but she had prepared an empty vase on a small table next to it. "You spoiled me this old lady, Tom, Sit down, sit down... Where is Hao Qi, ah..."

The house elf rushed into the house with a small pastry and placed the plate on the elbow of the hostess.

"Let's eat it, Tom." Hepzba said, "I know that you like my pastry very much. How are you doing? His face is a bit white, it seems to be a little thin, and the store is using you too much." I told Bok a hundred times!"

Hepp Ziba giggled again, Voldemort smiled mechanically.

"Hey, what is my excuse to see this time?" She asked with a squint of eyelashes.

"Askew goblin-made armor, Mr. Burke came up with a higher price point, five hundred Galleons, he thought it fair enough."

"Oh, Oh, do not be so anxious thing, or I'll think you just did for my stuff to come!" Pouted Hepp Ziba said, "We can talk about some other aspects ..."

"But I was only sent just to them." Voldemort said softly, without losing the grace interrupted Hepp Ziba's words, "I'm just a little clerk, his wife, who can only listen to orders, to Mr. Burke I ask..."

"Oh, but Mr. Burke, bah!" Hupp said Ziba small Shouyi Bai, "do not talk to him, I will show you things, like Mr. Burke had never seen before! You keep a secret, Tom? Can you promise not to tell Mr. Burke I have this right? If he knew I gave you've seen, I will never let the quiet. I do not sell this, Burke will not be sold, not sold to anyone! but you, Tom, I know that you will appreciate its history, not just thinking about how much you can earn..."

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