
Chapter 29. Trouble from east and west

"Captain Lalanga, how long until reinforcements arrive?"

"Shhh, keep silent. Headquarters said that there are no marines in the vicinity..." Lalanga whispered back.

Seing the worry on his right hand man's face, he reassured him. "Don't worry, they sent one of the warlords!" Lalanga said with a hint of schadenfreude.

"Captain, what should we do with them?" Cavendish said as he pointed his sword towards the marine ships that had distanced themselves from the Black Pearl.

"Let's.. ignore them, they're too weak." Ace said as he signaled Nami to continue their sailing.

Cavendish walked toward the side where the marine ships were and raised his hand and waved.

"Remember to write in the news that I was exiled for being too handsome and too much of a genius that everyone was jealous of me! And also, tell the news that when I was exiled, I had over 75 loyal subordinates that followed me because of my magnanimous and kind heart. Also, don't forget to add that I sacrificed myself so that my subordinates could get home safe... Stress the part where they couldn't stop crying when we parted ways, OH! Make sure you get my good side, which is any side you want because all my sides are good, here look, I can prove it!" Cavendish started turning and showing different angles of his face.


Nami started looking around. At first she saw a man with spiky hair and a scar over his eyes. Slightly weird.

Then she saw a yellow haired man with perfect roundnesd to his afro. Slightly weirder.

Then she saw a big fatty with a fine mustache...

Then she saw a big, buff, tall tanned man with small angel wings.

Then she saw a pink haired girl sitting on the ground and stuffing her face with pizza.

The she saw a man that was hiding behind a corner, his arms had double the amount of joints that normal people had.

Then she saw her captain seemingly trying to not fall asleep.

Then she looked looked at the newcomer that was posing to the marines. And at that point, she started realise that she had joined the real circus pirate crew, Buggy was just a cheap copy!

But then she saw a blonde haired lady. Which made Nami sigh in relief, at least there was one normal person onboard. But her relief vanished when she saw Gaga suddenly take out her nunchucks and start her doing some weird martials arts.

Nami gave up.

She went to the rodder and made sure they were on track.

"Captain those guys are following us, should we take care of it?" Ronaldino Ronaldo asked as he picked up his gun.

"Hmm fine, Apoo you take care of it."

Apoo just walked back and found the five marine ships following in the far distance, so he took a big breath and blev out sound waves that almost instantly reached the five ships, blasting them.

They didn't explode completely but they bombarded enough that they couldn't sail anymore.

"Papapapa, this is the best way to fight! From a strategic distance!" Apoo laughed.

It didn't take more than 29 minutes before another ship could be seen sailing towards them from the side.

"Captain! Bad news!" Yellow shouted as he was the first to notice a ship coming from the far east of them.

"Calm down. Everyone get ready to for a battle." Ace said as he had already felt the ship with his haki. But the worrysome part is that everyone on that ship has strong haki, and one in particular stands out. Although it wasn't on the level of Shanks and gramps, it wasn't to far behind.

Ace suddenly he looked towards the west of them. Although he couldn't see anything, he could feel a second ship approaching from there as well and there was someone strong on that ship.

"Oh, it's a ship dragged by two sea kings!" Ronaldino said as he held binoculars and looked towards the east.

"Let me see as well!" Spikewards took the binoculars as tried gaining info as well.

Ace also took the binoculars and looked at the approaching ship.

As he suspected, a warlord. But this is different from Crocodile. He can feel it with his haki. This is the kuja pirates, led by Amazon Empress, and she is way stronger than Crocodile in regards to haki. In fact, everyone on her ship seems to have proficiency in haki.

"There are three people on that ship that are really strong. I will take care of the strongest but the other two will be taken care of by... Law and Bonney." Ace commanded.

Although Ace gave this command, he was pretty relaxed. If he remembers correctly, Boa Hancock was a friend of Luffy, so she should be a good person. Maybe there won't be any conflict.

"Captain! What about me!" Urouge felt wronged.

"There's another ship approaching, there's another strong person on that ship, he's yours." Ace said and Urouge seemed happy about that.

"Don't get happy, the approaching ship has lots of strong fighters, quite frankly, without me here, you guys are way outclassed." Ace said as he looked forward.

Although Law, bonney, Urouge, Cavendish and Apoo all and great potential, they hadn't really grown to the point that they could take on a warlord, a real warlord like the Empress.

In fact, by her haki, Ace was sure that she was the second strongest woman sailing the sea.

Seing the red sails coming closer, Gaga felt a hint of admiration. The Amazon Empress Boa Hancock was the woman she looked up to. Yet today they might meet as anemies.

"It really are two sea kings at the forefront of the ship!" Yennow said as he could make out the ship with his bare eyes.

"They are Yudas, beasts similar to sea kings but they live in the calm belt." Gaga explained with adoration. They looked at her.

"Now's not the time to fangirl!" Nami said while looking awkward.

In the headquarters of marineford, Sengoku was sitting in his office while dealing with papers from a meeting he had.

Suddenly, the hurried steps of a subordinate could be heard as a marine officer hurried came to his office and knocked.

"Come in." Sengoku said.

"Fleet commander, bad news!" A panicked officer came in, worried sick.

"When is it not, hurry up and tell me already."

"Captain Lalanga chased an exiled prince with a bounty of 500,000,000 berries! He had a fleet of 5 ships with him!"

"Who is captain Lalanga?"

"A... weakling from the east sea... nonetheless, then the Demon Ace pirates appeared. The prince joined him. Captain Lalanga couldn't fight Demon Ace Pirates, so he called for backup! We couldn't send marines as we had no one in the vicinity, so we sent Boa Hancock, the Empress!" He cried out.

Sengoku frowned, but couldn't see the problem in that.

Seing his frown, the officer continued.

"But a World Noble is out traveling around those parts, and he's headed right towards them!" The officer said in fear.

Sengoku stood up and slammed his palm on his desk, breaking it.

This was indeed trouble.

Not only is a World Noble on his way to meet a pirate but he's also on his way to meet a warlord. This can only spell trouble as warlords were pirates in the end, and no matter how many chains you put on a tiger you can never truly tame it.

Trouble indeed.

"Who is the closest admiral, no, even vice admirals, to that location?" Sengoku asked.

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