
How to become a sorceror 101

"Anyway." I purposely acted as if I didn't hear Nobara since she seemingly didn't understand the Jojo reference.

"I think we are done here, aren't we?" I asked them, insinuating that it was time for us to leave, "Wait..." Then I remembered something and turned around and walked to what remained after the death of the special-grade cursed spirit.

It was small, strange, creepy, and disgusting—one of Sukuna's fingers.

"Really durable huh?" I mouthed as I picked it up, but was it really as indestructible as the plot make it to be?

Could it really survive a full-powered hollow purple from Gojo? In truth, Shirou doubted it.

"Yuji!" I called out before throwing it at him. "Catch." And instead of intercepting it with his hand, that boy did it with his mouth before directly swallowing it.

Perplexed, I looked at him before asking, "Are you a dog or something?"

"Huh? Of course not." He just patted the back of his head in discomfort and a bit of embarrassment.

"Hm..." I didn't say anything and started walking away, I still got my daily training to finish.


Third Pov:


"Wait, Shirou." Strangely enough, as they left the place, Megumi was the one to address him.


"How?" Megumi asked.

"How what? I can't read your mind you know?" Well at least not without an astronomical amount of effort even then, there would be grave consequences... not for him though but the other one.

"How are you so strong? How did you become that strong? We are the same age aren't we?"

Having faced death and the fear it instills deep within oneself, Megumi found himself terribly lacking. He never wanted to be as powerless as he was today. Thus he wanted to know, how he could become stronger. How to become as strong as Gojo, Yuki, and even Shiru.

His question was comprehensible, even more for Yuji and Nobara, making them also

"Indeed, we are the same age." Shirou nodded at that, he wondered if he should really help them. After all, he really didn't need to but being someone that never let go of an occasion to show off his awesomeness he choose to do it anyway.

And thinking about it a little more, he wouldn't lose anything, instead, he may even gain some strong allies in the future, since he doesn't know anything past the second season, he may as well prepare and channel his inner investor.

"The reason I am strong? There are many factors to it." Shirou eyed them from the corner of his eyes.

"Cursed technique, energy reserve, intellect, environment, and finally effort." He cited.

"My cursed technique contributes a large part to it as it's honestly even from my own point of view damn overpowered, I also have the cursed energy reserve necessary to properly use that technique. I was in an environment that allowed me to train from a young age, and of course, I put in the effort. I also had the intellect necessary to greatly develop my technique."

"But that is not really what you wanna hear, right? Since your case is not so dissimilar to my own." Shirou chuckled before becoming a bit more serious.

"What you, not only you but most of the jujutsu world lack and set me apart from most is... creativity." Shirou spoke with great depreciation.

"Creativity?" Nobara asked while Yuji seemingly perked up.

"You are all way too deep into the conventional that you do not even try to look beyond even though you have the means to."

"Putting my cursed technique aside, I only have... access to a bit more cursed energy than you Megumi. But even with only that I am confident in beating you while you use your own cursed technique. Why is that?" Shirou asked.

"Battle experience?" Megumi thought about it for a second before saying. He was not offended by Shirou thinking he could beat him without the use of his cursed technique.

"No." Shirou shook his head before pointing at the said head with a finger. "It's all about how you use your head and manipulate your cursed energy."

"Rah, look at you playing the smart-ass, just say it already." Though Shirou was trying to help them, Nobara started feeling annoyed by his roundabout way of going.

Once again She was ignored though, making her fume even more, but she reluctantly choose to shut up since she also wanted to know.

"The one with the most experience in handling cursed energy among y'all should be you, Megumi. But except for using it to fuel your cursed technique and enhance your physical parameters, what else can you do with it?" Shirou asked.

Megumi understood where he was heading at but still couldn't think of a satisfying answer to give, so he decided to remain truthful.

"Not much." He confessed.

Then Shirou turned to Yuji this time. "Yuji, I know you are new to all of this but I won't leave you out."

"You read manga, right? Stuff like Dragon Ball, Naruto, Hunter X Hunter, Bleach."

"Yeah, I read all of them." Yuji nodded a little excited even, as since earlier he had been thinking about some interesting things...

"Then you already understand the concept of supernatural energy within the body, cursed energy is not much different, and just like the energy the different characters use in those mangas, it also has its rules and characteristics." As he said, Shirou stopped walking since they were only a few meters away from the edge of the barrier which gave way to the outside world.

His action prompted the others to do the same, as they looked at the hand he extended before him, with his palm facing the sky.

"By understanding those rules and characteristics, you can achieve a surprising amount of things. Something like that." His cursed energy started flowing in well controlled if not almost as perfectly as humanly possible.

Then a large portion was guided to his extended arm and started forming something.

"Output, flow, and shape, everything has to be well calculated and controlled."

With his voice and the movement of cursed energy, eyes opened in shock. How did he do that? Was it even possible?

Even if not a real fan most youngsters this day grew up watching anime or reading manga. Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara were no exception to it, even Megumi and Nobara knew some about it.

Thus what Shirou currently had within the palm of his hand was undoubtedly unmistakable.

This is... "A Rasengan?" Yuji let out in shock, he didn't know cursed energy was that awesome.

"Wanna testify of the veracity?" Shirou asked with a sly smile.

"No, thank you." Yujji copped out without a second thought, yeah he saw what that could do in the anime and he was not a particular fan of having his inside ravaged by someone's balls.

"Then..." he looked at the others making them take a step back. "Okay, okay, I am just kidding." He said before using the rotating sphere to hit the ground while saying. "Rasen- no, Nimbus Jiraiya Twin Whorl Sphere!"

The ground was ravaged, and destroyed, leaving behind nothing but symmetric marks of converting circle.

Looking at the result of his action, he let out a content sigh before looking at his fellow student once more and said. "If I can do that much with cursed energy alone, what do you think I can do with my cursed technique?"

The simple fact of imagining it... left them in a cold sweat.

"Well, that mark the end of today's lesson... in conclusion: Be more creative."

With that, he disappeared along with the curtain he had previously cast.

Leaving behind three still surprised yet impressed students and a very much confused vice director.


Taking a bite of that delicious fried chicken in his hand, Shirou thought back at his earlier actions, and found himself proud of his performance, he didn't think himself cringe at all.

"That was undoubtedly a 8/10. Could do better but still Legendary!." He spoke to himself as he walked in the streets with a bucket of fried chicken in his hands.

Though suddenly his eyes turned sharp as he found himself in an isolated place he carefully selected and spoke.

"Now then, will you come out or should I make you?" His voice rang with a distinct tone of amusement.

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